% MJD2SEASON Conversion of MJD to season % % Returns a number indicating the season. The year is divided into 4 % seasons, where the months per season can be changed by *month1*. % % FORMAT s = mjd2season(mjd,month1) % % OUT s Season number. % IN mjd Modified julian date. Can be a vector. % OPT month1 Start month of "season year". Default is 12 which % gives the seasons DJF, MAM, JJA and SON. % 2006-03-31 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function s = mjd2season(mjd,month1) % if nargin < 2 month1 = 12; end %&% rqre_datatype( mjd, @isnumeric ); %&% rqre_alltypes( month1, {@istensor0,@iswhole} ); %&% rqre_in_range( month1, 1, 12 ); %&% m = floor(mjd2month(mjd)) - month1 + 1; ind = find( m<1 ); m(ind) = m(ind)+12; s = ceil( m/3 );