--- Welcome to the Atmlab package of Matlab functions --- Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Patrick Eriksson Oliver Lemke Christian Maetzler Stefan Buehler Bengt Rydberg and many others This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. For further information ----------------------- AUTHORS: The people who has contributed to Atmlab. CONFIGURE: How to set-up Atmlab for your personal use. INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions for Atmlab developers. When Atmlab is added to the Matlab search path (as described in CONFIGURE) you get a small introduction by: >> atmlab_demo Guidelines for atmlab functions ------------------------------- There are no totally strict principles for atmlab functions, but the ambition is to follow the guidelines below. Exceptions exist, for example, imported function sets are not revised to match the guidelines (importing updates would then be quite demanding). The functions shall not require access to special toolboxes. The functions shall have a clear header. Mandatory and optional variables shall be cleared identified in the header, with allowed choices for the input also clearly described. If nothing else is stated, setting an optional input argument to [] signifies to use the default value. A distinction is made between numerical and logical 0 and 1. To obtain a logical variables, use logical expressions or the functions false, true or logical. The terms "flag" or "boolean" (used in atmlab function headers) signify a single logical value. The function *isboolean* identifies if a varaible matches this definition. Matlab is classifying also non-numeric data as scalars and vectors. In addition, all data are considered to have a dimension of at least two and there is no clear definition of a vector in Matlab. In Atmlab, the terms scalar, vector, matrix and tensor are used only for numeric data. A scalar treated to have dimension zero. One dimensional data shall be given (and returned) as column vectors (exceptions can be accepted where the size does not matter). The function *dimens* can be used to determine the effective dimension of data according to atmlab's definition of scalars and vectors. Two dimensional data are denoted as a matrix. A tensor is a data container of any dimension. For example, vectors are one dimensional tensors. This means that the Matlab functions *isscalar* and *isvector* should not be used inside Atmlab. Other Matlab is-functions are used and followed. For example, cell array of strings (see *cellstr* for a definition) are used frequently and correct type is here checked by *iscellstr*. To avoid confusion with e.g. *isvector*, Atmlab uses here the notation of tensors throughout in function names (that can be reflected in some error messages and function headers). Accordingly, Atmlab includes functions such as *istensor0* and *istensor1*. The general rule is that numeric data shall either be scalars or all have the same size. This to allow that expressions can use .* and ./ without any modification of the input. Accordingly, the data are scalar fields (and not grids). A scalar corresponds to a constant field. For example, to calculate the total number density for all combinations of some vectors with pressures and temperatures vmr2nd(1,repmat(p,1,length(t)),repmat(t',length(p),1)) The above gives a matrix while vmr2nd(1,p,t) gives a vector. For cases where this general rule can be applied, the sizes are not commented in the function header and the sizes are not checked specifically by the function. If the data sizes do not match, there will be a general error of the type "Matrix dimensions must agree.". However, there are many cases where all the input does not go into a single equation and the function header shall then comment on size requirements of the data and there should be clear error messages. The comment %&% marks lines that can be removed for 'operational applications'. That is, calculations where the code has been carefully tested and data checks are skipped to obtain a higher calculation speed. The code is stripped from lines including %&% and pure comment lines by the script ???? (to be implemented). It is recommended to join the atmlab-dev mailing-list, see https://www.sat.ltu.se/mailman/listinfo/atmlab-dev