% ARTS_RADIOOCC_1D_SLTA Simulation of 1D radio occultation % % This function is very similar to *arts_radioocc_1d*, but here more of % the calculations are done inside ARTS. The ARTS calculations involve to % determine exact paths between fixed transmitter and receiver positions, % and this function is slower than *arts_radioocc_1d*. % % See *arts_radioocc_1d* for overall nomenclature, the basic geometry % assumed, comments around *A* and the purpose of the structure *T*. Note % that the occultation here is specified by SLTA, while in *arts_radioocc_1d* % impact height is used. % % The basic results are gathered into the structure R having fields % z_impact : The impact altitude, ie. the non-refracted tangent % altitude. Returned as monotonously decreasing values. % z_tan : Tangent altitude. % lat_tan : Latitude of tangent point. % lat_distance: The latitude distance between the satellites. % bangle : Bending angle. % slta : Straight line tangent altitude. % l_geometric : The (straight line) geometrical distance between the % satellites. % l_optpath : The optical path length. % l_proppath : The propagation path length. % t : Time relative to the occultation with max z_impact. % tr_total : Total transmission over the link. This transmission % is the product of the ones below. % tr_space : Transmission due to free space loss alone. % tr_atmos : Transmission due to atmospheric attenuation alone. % tr_space : Transmission due to defocusing alone. % faraday : Faraday rotation [deg]. Only included if O.do_faraday % is true. % The data in *R* are for an equidistant *R.lat_distance*. % % The occultation is specified by the structure O having mandatory fields % rec_altitude : Altitude of receiver orbit. % tra_altitude : Altitude of transmitter orbit. % frequency : Frequency of signal. % lmax : As ARTS WSV *lmax*. This setting affects here mainly % accuracy of tangent point. % lraytrace : As ARTS WSV *lraytrace*. Determines the overall % accuracy. A value in the order of 100 m should be OK. % z_surface : Surface altitude. % slta_max : Max SLTA of occultation. % slta_min : Min SLTA of occultation. % slta_n : Number of SLTA to include. % z_impact4t0 : The impact height used as time reference (t=0 here). % f_sampling : Sampling frequency for data in T. % And optional fields % rec_movement : String describing movement. Options are 'none', % 'approaching' or 'disappearing'. The last is default. % tra_movement : String describing movement. Options are 'none', % 'approaching' or 'disappearing'. The last is default. % do_faraday : Flag to also calculate Faraday rotation. % Default is false. % defoc_method : Method to calculated defocusing. See iyRadioLInk. % Default is 2. % defoc_shift : Angular shift for defocusing. See iyRadioLInk. % Default is 3e-3. % r_planet : Radius of reference ellipsoid. If set this replaces % the default value, that varies with planet. % n_agenda : Agenda for refractive index. If set this replaces % the default value, that varies with planet. % % FORMAT R = arts_radioocc_1D_slta(Q,O,A) % % OUT R Result structure, see above. % IN Q Initial settings of Q. If empty: Q = qarts; % O Occultation structure, see above. If empty, some default % values set that work as demonstration. % A Atmospheric structure, see above. If empty, some planet specific % settings are applied. For example, for Earth Fascode tropical is % used. Free electrons are not included automatically for any planet. % 2013-09-29 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [R,T] = arts_radioocc_1D_slta(Q,O,A) % if isempty(Q) Q = qarts; end % if isempty(O) O.rec_altitude = 820e3; O.tra_altitude = 20200e3; O.frequency = 1575.42e6; O.lmax = 2e3; O.lraytrace = 100; O.z_surface = 0; O.slta_max = 30e3; O.slta_min = -100e3; O.slta_n = 101; O.z_impact4t0 = 20e3; O.f_sampling = 4; end % if isempty(A) A.planet = 'earth'; A.atmfunc = @qarts_add_fascode; A.fascode_atm = 'tropical'; end % Check movements % rec_movement = safegetfield( O, 'rec_movement', 'disappearing' ); tra_movement = safegetfield( O, 'tra_movement', 'disappearing' ); % if strcmp( rec_movement, 'none' ) & strcmp( tra_movement, 'none' ) error( 'Both O.rec_movement and O.tra_movement can not be ''none'',' ); end %- Create a temporary workfolder % workfolder = create_tmpfolder; cu = onCleanup( @()delete_tmpfolder( workfolder ) ); % cfile = fullfile( workfolder, 'cfile.arts' ); %- Set basic and observation related fields of Q % Q = q_basic_local( Q, O, workfolder ); %- Set basic and ppath parts of Q % [Q,M] = q_planet_local( Q, A, workfolder ); % if isfield(O,'r_planet') & ~isempty(O.r_planet) Q.REFELLIPSOID = [ O.r_planet, 0 ]'; end % if isfield(O,'n_agenda') & ~isempty(O.n_agenda) Q.REFR_INDEX_AIR_AGENDA = O.n_agenda; end %- Radiii % r_rec = Q.REFELLIPSOID(1) + O.rec_altitude; r_tra = Q.REFELLIPSOID(1) + O.tra_altitude; %- Determine latitude distances to use and set-up R % dlat_min = acosd( (Q.REFELLIPSOID(1)+O.slta_max) / r_tra ) + ... acosd( (Q.REFELLIPSOID(1)+O.slta_max) / r_rec ); dlat_max = acosd( (Q.REFELLIPSOID(1)+O.slta_min) / r_tra ) + ... acosd( (Q.REFELLIPSOID(1)+O.slta_min) / r_rec ); % R.lat_distance = linspace( dlat_min, dlat_max, O.slta_n ); n0 = length( R.lat_distance ); % [R.z_tan,R.lat_tan,R.bangle,R.z_impact] = deal( repmat( NaN, n0, 1 ) ); [R.slta,R.l_geometric,R.l_optpath,R.l_proppath] = deal( repmat( NaN, n0, 1 ) ); [R.tr_total,R.tr_space,R.tr_atmos,R.tr_defoc] = deal( repmat( NaN, n0, 1 ) ); % do_faraday = safegetfield( O, 'do_faraday', false ); % if do_faraday R.faraday = deal( repmat( NaN, n0, 1 ) ); end %- Run ARTS % for i = 1 : n0 Q.TRANSMITTER_POS = [ O.rec_altitude, R.lat_distance(i) ]; % Run ARTS % S = qarts2cfile( Q, { 'Generl', 'AtmSrf', 'AbsrptSave', 'CldBox', ... 'RteSet', 'CloseF' }, workfolder ); strs2file( cfile, S ); notok = arts( cfile, true ); % if notok error('\n!!! Error while running ARTS !!!\n'); end ppath = xmlLoad( fullfile( workfolder, 'ppath.xml' ) ); iy = xmlLoad( fullfile( workfolder, 'iy.xml' ) ); iy_aux = xmlLoad( fullfile( workfolder, 'iy_aux.xml' ) ); if strcmp( ppath.background, 'transmitter' ) % Extract tangent point [u,j] = min( ppath.pos(:,1) ); R.z_tan(i) = ppath.pos(j,1); R.lat_tan(i) = ppath.pos(j,2); % Impact height R.z_impact(i) = ppath.constant - Q.REFELLIPSOID(1); % Bending angle R.bangle(i) = ppath.start_los(1) - ppath.end_los(1) + ppath.start_pos(2); % Path lenghts lppath = ppath.start_lstep + ppath.end_lstep + sum( ppath.lstep ); lopt = ppath.start_lstep + ppath.end_lstep + sum( ppath.lstep .* ... ( 0.5 * (ppath.ngroup(1:end-1)+ppath.ngroup(2:end)) ) ); % SLTA and geometrical distance lgeom = sqrt( r_rec^2 + r_tra^2 - 2*r_rec*r_tra*... cosd(R.lat_distance(i)) ); R.slta(i) = r_rec * r_tra * sind(R.lat_distance(i)) / lgeom - ... Q.REFELLIPSOID(1); R.l_proppath(i) = lppath; R.l_optpath(i) = lopt; R.l_geometric(i) = lgeom; R.tr_total(i) = iy(1); R.tr_space(i) = iy_aux{1}; R.tr_atmos(i) = iy_aux{2}; R.tr_defoc(i) = iy_aux{3}; if do_faraday R.faraday(i) = iy_aux{4}; end end end % Speed of increase in angular distance % G = constants( 'GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT' ); t_rec = sqrt( (4*pi^2*r_rec^3) / (G*M) ); % switch lower(rec_movement) case 'none' degpersec = 0; case 'approaching' degpersec = - 360 / t_rec; case 'disappearing' degpersec = + 360 / t_rec; otherwise error( 'Unrecognised choice for *O.rec_movement* (%s).', rec_movement ); end % t_tra = sqrt( (4*pi^2*r_tra^3) / (G*M) ); % switch lower(tra_movement) case 'none' ; case 'approaching' degpersec = degpersec - 360 / t_tra; case 'disappearing' degpersec = degpersec + 360 / t_tra; otherwise error( 'Unrecognised choice for *O.tra_movement* (%s).', tra_movement ); end % Relative arrival time % ind = find( ~isnan( R.z_impact ) ); % R.t = ( R.lat_distance - interp1( R.z_impact(ind), R.lat_distance(ind), ... O.z_impact4t0 ) ) / degpersec; if nargout == 1 return; % ---> end % Create T % % Time grid to use T.t = min(R.t) : 1/O.f_sampling : max(R.t); % % Find start and end of each time chunck istart = []; iend = []; i1 = NaN; % Start of present chunck% for i = 1 : n0 % If Nan, then we are inbetween chuncks if isnan( R.t(i) ) i1 = NaN; else % If i1==NaN, this is the start of a new chunck if isnan(i1) i1 = i; end % End point if last point or next is NaN if i == n0 | isnan(R.t(i+1)) if i > i1 % Ignore length-1 chuncks istart = [ istart i1 ]; iend = [ iend i ]; end i1 = NaN; % Also end point if sign change of t-derivate elseif i>1 & ~isnan(R.t(i-1)) & ... sign(R.t(i+1)-R.t(i)) ~= sign(R.t(i)-R.t(i-1)) istart = [ istart i1 ]; iend = [ iend i ]; i1 = i; end end end % np = length( istart ); nt = length( T.t ); % [T.z_tan,T.lat_tan,T.bangle,T.lat_distance] = deal( repmat( NaN, nt, np ) ); [T.slta,T.l_geometric,T.l_proppath] = deal( repmat( NaN, nt, np ) ); [T.l_optpath,T.defocus,T.z_impact] = deal( repmat( NaN, nt, np ) ); [T.tr_total,T.tr_space,T.tr_atmos,T.tr_defoc] = deal( repmat( NaN, nt, np ) ); if do_faraday T.faraday = deal( repmat( NaN, nt, np ) ); end % for i = 1 : np % Interpolate over time of chunk ir = istart(i) : iend(i); tmin = min( [ R.t(ir([1,end])) ] ); tmax = max( [ R.t(ir([1,end])) ] ); it = find( T.t >= tmin & T.t < tmax ); T.z_tan(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.z_tan(ir), T.t(it) ); T.lat_tan(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.lat_tan(ir), T.t(it) ); T.lat_distance(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.lat_distance(ir), T.t(it) ); T.bangle(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.bangle(ir), T.t(it) ); T.slta(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.slta(ir), T.t(it) ); T.l_geometric(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.l_geometric(ir), T.t(it) ); T.l_proppath(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.l_proppath(ir), T.t(it) ); T.l_optpath(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.l_optpath(ir), T.t(it) ); T.z_impact(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.z_impact(ir), T.t(it) ); T.tr_total(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.tr_total(ir), T.t(it) ); T.tr_space(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.tr_space(ir), T.t(it) ); T.tr_atmos(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.tr_atmos(ir), T.t(it) ); T.tr_defoc(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.tr_defoc(ir), T.t(it) ); if do_faraday T.faraday(it,i) = interp1( R.t(ir), R.faraday(ir), T.t(it) ); end end % Defocusing % for ip = 1 : np for it = 1 : nt if ~isnan( T.bangle(it,ip) ) r_tan2 = ( Q.REFELLIPSOID(1) + T.z_tan(it,ip) )^2; lr = sqrt( r_rec^2 - r_tan2 ); lt = sqrt( r_tra^2 - r_tan2 ); fac = (pi/180) * (lr*lt) / (lr+lt); if it == 1 | isnan(T.bangle(it-1,ip)) if it < nt % If at upper end, we have to leave a NaN T.defocus(it,ip) = 1 / ( 1 - fac * ... ( T.bangle(it+1,ip) - T.bangle(it,ip) ) / ... ( T.z_impact(it+1,ip) - T.z_impact(it,ip) ) ); end elseif it == nt | isnan(T.bangle(it+1,ip)) if it > 1 % If at lower end, we have to leave a NaN T.defocus(it,ip) = 1 / ( 1 - fac * ... ( T.bangle(it,ip) - T.bangle(it-1,ip) ) / ... ( T.z_impact(it,ip) - T.z_impact(it-1,ip) ) ); end else T.defocus(it,ip) = 1 / ( 1 - fac * ... ( T.bangle(it+1,ip) - T.bangle(it-1,ip) ) / ... ( T.z_impact(it+1,ip) - T.z_impact(it-1,ip) ) ); end end end end R = orderfields( R ); T = orderfields( T ); return %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Q = q_basic_local(Q,O,workfolder) % do_faraday = safegetfield( O, 'do_faraday', false ); % Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'general.arts' ); Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'agendas.arts' ); Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'continua.arts' ); % Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM = 1; if do_faraday Q.STOKES_DIM = 3; else Q.STOKES_DIM = 1; end Q.F_GRID = O.frequency; Q.PPATH_LMAX = O.lmax; Q.PPATH_LRAYTRACE = O.lraytrace; % Q.CLOUDBOX_DO = false; Q.J_DO = false; % Q.PPATH_AGENDA = { 'ppath_agenda__TransmitterReceiverPath' }; Q.PPATH_STEP_AGENDA = { 'ppath_step_agenda__RefractedPath' }; % Q.SENSOR_POS = O.tra_altitude; Q.SENSOR_LOS = []; % Q.Z_SURFACE = O.z_surface; % Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = 'VectorSet(rte_los,[])'; Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = 'VectorExtractFromMatrix(rte_pos,sensor_pos,0,"row")'; Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = ... 'VectorExtractFromMatrix(rte_pos2,transmitter_pos,0,"row")'; % Q.ABSORPTION = 'OnTheFly'; Q.ABS_LINES_FORMAT = 'None'; % if do_faraday Q.PROPMAT_CLEARSKY_AGENDA = { ... 'propmat_clearsky_agenda__OnTheFly_Faraday' }; else Q.PROPMAT_CLEARSKY_AGENDA = { 'propmat_clearsky_agenda__OnTheFly' }; end % Q.IY_TRANSMITTER_AGENDA = { 'iy_transmitter_agenda__UnitUnpolIntensity' }; % Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = 'AgendaSet( iy_main_agenda ){'; dmethod = safegetfield( O, 'defoc_method', 2 ); dshift = safegetfield( O, 'defoc_shift', 3e-3 ); Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = sprintf(... ' iyRadioLink( defocus_method = %d, defocus_shift = %.3e )',... dmethod, dshift ); Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = '}'; % saux = '"Free space loss","Atmospheric loss","Defocusing loss"'; % if do_faraday saux = [ saux, ',"Faraday rotation"' ]; end Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = [ 'ArrayOfStringSet(iy_aux_vars,[',saux,'])' ]; % Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = 'iyCalc'; Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = ... sprintf('WriteXML("ascii",iy,"%s/iy.xml")',workfolder); Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = ... sprintf('WriteXML("ascii",iy_aux,"%s/iy_aux.xml")',workfolder); Q.WSMS_AT_END{end+1} = ... sprintf('ppathWriteXMLPartial("ascii",ppath,"%s/ppath.xml")',workfolder); % return %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [Q,M] = q_planet_local(Q,A,workfolder) % rqre_field( A, 'planet' ); rqre_field( A, 'atmfunc' ); % if ~isa( A.atmfunc, 'function_handle' ) error( 'The field *A.atmfunc* must be a function handle' ); end if ~exist( func2str(A.atmfunc), 'file' ) error( 'The function *%s* is not found (selected by A.atmfunc).', ... func2str(A.atmfunc) ); end % Set basics and default for planet: % switch upper( A.planet ) case 'VENUS' % M = 4.8676e24; % Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_venus.arts' ); Q.REFELLIPSOID = ellipsoidmodels( 'SphericalVenus' ); case 'EARTH' % M = constants( 'EARTH_MASS' ); % Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_earth.arts' ); Q.REFELLIPSOID = ellipsoidmodels( 'SphericalEarth' ); % if ~isfield( A, 'ABS_SPECIES' ) A.ABS_SPECIES(1).TAG{1} = 'N2-SelfContStandardType'; A.ABS_SPECIES(2).TAG{1} = 'O2-PWR98'; A.ABS_SPECIES(3).TAG{1} = 'H2O-PWR98'; A.ABS_SPECIES(4).TAG{1} = 'free_electrons'; end case 'MARS' % M = 6.4185e23; % Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_mars.arts' ); Q.REFELLIPSOID = ellipsoidmodels( 'SphericalEarth' ); case 'JUPITER' % M = 1.8986e27; % Q.INCLUDES{end+1} = fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_jupiter.arts' ); Q.REFELLIPSOID = ellipsoidmodels( 'SphericalJupiter' ); otherwise error( 'Unrecognised choice for A.planet (%s).', A.planet ); end switch upper( A.planet ) case 'EARTH' % Q.REFR_INDEX_AIR_AGENDA = { 'NumericSet( refr_index_air, 1.0 )', ... 'NumericSet( refr_index_air_group, 1.0 )',... 'refr_index_airThayer', ... 'refr_index_airFreeElectrons( demand_vmr_value = 0 )' }; % otherwise % Q.REFR_INDEX_AIR_AGENDA = { 'NumericSet( refr_index_air, 1.0 )', ... 'NumericSet( refr_index_air_group, 1.0 )',... 'refr_index_airMWgeneral', ... 'refr_index_airFreeElectrons( demand_vmr_value = 0 )' }; % end if 0 % Set to 1 if you want to test without refraction Q.REFR_INDEX_AIR_AGENDA = { 'refr_index_air_agenda__NoRefrac' }; end % Include atmospheric specific data Q = A.atmfunc( A, Q, workfolder ); return