% COVMAT1D_FROM_CFUN Correlation function based covariance matrix % % This function sets up a covariance matrix from a defined correlation % function. The correlation function is specified by giving a functional % form (such as exponential decreasing) and correlation lengths. The % correlation length is throughout defined as the distance where the % correlation has dropped to exp(-1). For off-diagonal values, the % correlation length is averaged between the two involved positions. % % Correlation matrices are obtained by setting *Std* to []. % % FORMAT S = covmat1d_from_cfun( xp, Std, cfun, Cl, [, cco, mapfun] ) % % OUT S The covariance matrix % IN xp The data abscissa. % Std Standard deviations. Given as a two vector matrix. First column % holds position in same unit as *xp*. The second column is the % standard deviation at the postions of the first column. These % values are then interpolated to *xp*, extrapolating end % values to +-Inf (in a "nearest" manner). % If set to a scalar, this value is applied for all *xp*. % If set to [], unit standard deviation is assumed. % cfun Correlation function. Possible choices are % 'drc' : Dirac. No correlation. Any given correlation length % is ignored here. % 'lin' : Linearly decreasing (down to zero). % 'exp' : Exponential decreasing (exp(-dx/cl)). % 'gau' : Gaussian (normal) deceasing (exp(-(dx/cl))^2). % OPT Cl Correlation lengths. Given as a column matrix as *Std*. % Must be given for all *cfun* beside 'drc'. Extrapolation as % for *Std*. Scalar input is allowed. % cco Correlation cut-off. All values below this limit are set to 0. % mapfun Mapping function from grid unit to unit for corrleation % lengths. For example, if correlation lengths are given in % pressure decades, while the basic coordinate is Pa, this is % *mapfun* handled by setting *mapfun* to @log10. % 2005-05-20 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function S = covmat1d_from_cfun(xp,Std,cfun,varargin) % [Cl,cco,mapfun] = optargs( varargin, { [], 0, [] } ); %= Check input %&% % %&% rqre_nargin( 3, nargin ); %&% rqre_datatype( xp, @istensor1 ); %&% if ~istensor2(Std) %&% error( 'Argument *Std* must be a 2-col matrix, a scalar or be empty.' ); %&% end %&% if ~ischar(cfun) | length(cfun) ~= 3 %&% error( 'Argument *cfun* must be a string of length 3.' ); %&% end %&% if nargin >= 4 & ~istensor2(Cl) %&% error( 'Argument *Cl* must be a matrix with 2 columns.' ); %&% end %&% rqre_datatype( cco, @istensor0 ); %&% if cco < 0 | cco >= 1 %&% error( 'Argument *cco* must be a scalar [0,1[' ); %&% end %&% %- Determine standard deviations % n = length( xp ); % if isempty( Std ) si = ones( n, 1 ); elseif isscalar( Std ) si = repmat( Std, n, 1 ); else si = interp1( Std(:,1), Std(:,2), handle_expand(Std(:,1),xp) ); end % %&% if any( isnan(si) ) %&% error( 'NaN obtained when interpolating *Std* (extrapolation?)' ); %&% end %&% %= Handle diagonal matrices separately (note return) % if strcmp( lower(cfun), 'drc' ) % S = sparse( 1:n, 1:n, si.^2, n, n ); return % end %= Conversion of length unit % if ~isempty(mapfun) if ~isa( mapfun, 'function_handle' ) error( 'Input *mapfun* must be empty or a function handle.' ); end xp = mapfun( xp ); if ~isscalar( Cl ) Cl(:,1) = mapfun( Cl(:,1) ); end end %= Distance matrix % [X1,X2] = meshgrid( xp, xp ); D = abs( X1 - X2 ); %= Correlation length matrix % if isscalar( Cl ) L = Cl; else cl = interp1( Cl(:,1), Cl(:,2), handle_expand(Cl(:,1),xp) ); [X1,X2] = meshgrid( cl, cl ); L = ( X1 + X2 ) / 2; % clear X1 X2 end %= Create correlation matrix % switch lower(cfun) case 'lin' % S = 1 - (1-exp(-1)) * ( D./L ); % Negativa values removed by cco case 'exp' % S = exp( -D./L ); case 'gau' % S = exp( -(D./L).^2 ); otherwise %&% % %&% error( sprintf('Unknown correlation function (%s)',cfun) ); %&% end %- Remove values below correlation cut-off limit, convert to sparse and %- include standard deviations % S( find( S < cco )) = 0; % [i,j,s] = find( S ); S = (si*si') .* sparse( i, j, s, n, n ); return %--- function xi = handle_expand(x,xi) % v1 = min( x ); i1 = find( xiv2 ); % if ~isempty(v1) xi(i1) = v1; end % if ~isempty(v2) xi(i2) = v2; end % return