function data = collocation_cpr_mhs(file) % satreaders.collocation_cpr_mhs Read CPR/MHS collocation file % % Read a CPR/MHS collocation file and return things in the common format. % Additionally, all data from the collocation file are included. % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % IN % % file string path to collocations file % % out % % data structure data with time, lat, lon % % % $Id$ tmp = tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')); exec_system_cmd(['zcat ' file '>' tmp]); % 3x faster than gunzip %gunzipped = gunzip(file, atmlab('WORK_AREA')); %data = loadncfile(gunzipped{1}); data = loadncfile(tmp); delete(tmp); = data.global_attributes; data.version = ['colloc:' ':' ... ':' ':' ...]; rows = data.FIRST; = data.B_LAT(rows); data.lon = data.B_LONG(rows); % use C_TIME to calculate the epoch, but return B_TIME as we're working % with meandata here [y, mo, d, ~, ~, ~] = unixsecs2date(double(data.C_TIME(rows))); data.epoch = round(unique(date2unixsecs(y, mo, d))); assert(isempty(data.epoch)||isscalar(data.epoch), 'atmlab:satreaders.collocation_cpr_mhs', ... 'Data in %s appears to contain measurement from more than one day', ... file); [~, ~, ~, h, mi, s] = unixsecs2date(double(data.B_TIME(rows))); data.time = compensate_wraparound(3600*h + 60*mi + s); data.file = file;