function S = cpr(file, varargin) % SATREADERS.CPR reads cloudsat data % % Read CloudSat data and output the data in the format common to all % satreaders..m readers in atmlab. Geodata and time data are % always retrieved from the data file. % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % % FORMAT % % S = satreaders.cpr(file,varargin) % % IN % % file string Path to zipped CPR file % extra cell array (optional) extra fields. % % OUT % % data struct With fields: % time time in seconds since 00:00 UT % lat latitude in degrees, one column per viewing angle % lon longitude in [-180, 180] degrees, colums as for lat % $Id$ % Gerrit Holl % NB: CloudSat appears not to have attributes in E05 and E06, implement a % workaround for that... % get info from filename D = datasets; info = D.cpr.find_info_from_granule(file); date = dayofyear_inverse(str2double(info.year), str2double(info.doy)); switch info.epoch case {'E00', 'E01', 'E02', 'E03', 'E04'} haspv = true; case {'E05', 'E06'} haspv = false; otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':unkownepoch'], ... 'Got epoch %s, I don''t like that :(', info.epoch); end core_fields = {'Longitude'; 'Latitude'; 'UTC_start'; 'Profile_time'}; if haspv core_fields = [core_fields; 'product_version']; end extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); all_fields = [core_fields(:); extra_fields(:)]; S = read_cloudsat_hdf(file, all_fields); S.epoch = round(date2unixsecs(date.year, date.month,; % rename some fields S.lon = double(S.Longitude); = double(S.Latitude); % construct time axis with same dimensions. Must convert to double because % otherwise unixsecstodate will give the wrong time. S.time = double( S.UTC_start + S.Profile_time); S.path = file; if haspv S.version = S.product_version; else S.version = 'not_given'; end % remove redundant fields S = rmfield(S, core_fields); % convert 1-D fields into column vectors. This is required for processing. flds = fieldnames(S); for i = 1:length(flds) fld = flds{i}; if isvector(S.(fld)) S.(fld) = S.(fld)(:); end end S = MaskInvalidGeoTimedataWithNaN(S); end