function data = hirscs(file) % satreaders.hirscs Read HIRSCS data in the common format (see README) % % This file reads data from a HIRSCS radiometer file and rearranges the % fields to the common format. See README. % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % % FORMAT % % data = satreaders.hirscs(file) % % IN % % file string Path to l1b file % channels vector vector of channels to read (defaults to 1:5) % % OUT % % data struct With fields: % time time in seconds since 00:00 UT % lat latitude in degrees % lon longitude in [-180, 180] degrees % $Id$ % Gerrit Holl tmpdir = create_tmpfolder(); cleanupObject = onCleanup(@() delete_tmpfolder(tmpdir)); file = uncompress(file,tmpdir); ncid =, 'NC_NOWRITE'); [~, nvars] = netcdf.inq(ncid); for i = 0:nvars-1 nm = netcdf.inqVar(ncid, i); data.(nm) = netcdf.getVar(ncid, i, 'double'); end netcdf.close(ncid); % wrap longitudes data.lon = wrapTo180(data.lon); % rotate bt, lc ='; ='; % compensate time wrapping around data.time = compensate_wraparound(data.time); % get rid of doubles. FIXME: use scanline numbers [~, I] = unique([data.time data.lon], 'rows'); allfields = fieldnames(data); for i = 1:length(allfields); field = allfields{i}; data.(field) = data.(field)(I, :); end