function S = modis(file, varargin) % SATREADERS.MODIS reads modis data % % Read MODIS data and output the data in the format common to all % satreaders..m readers in atmlab. Geodata and time data are % always retrieved from the data file. % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % % IN % % file string Path to hdf file % extra cell array (optional) extra fields. % % OUT % % data struct With fields: % time time in seconds since 00:00 UT % lat latitude in degrees, one column per viewing angle % lon longitude in [-180, 180] degrees, colums as for lat % % FORMAT % % S = satreaders.modis(file, varargin) % $Id$ % Created by Salomon Eliasson core_fields = {'Scan_Start_Time','Latitude','Longitude'}; extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); all_fields = [core_fields(:); extra_fields(:)]; for F = all_fields' S.(F{1}) = hdfread(file,F{1}); end % Geodata and time need interpolating to make them the same size as the rest of % the data S = interpolate_geodataTime(S); % CONSTRUCT time axis with same dimensions = double(S.Latitude); S.lon = double(S.Longitude); % get the verion directly from the filename D = datasets; info = D.modis_aqua_L2.find_info_from_granule(file); date = dayofyear_inverse(str2double(info.year), str2double(info.doy)); S.epoch = round(date2unixsecs(date.year, date.month,; %I need to do this after flagging, or the dimensions will be wrong. % data starts at 1993, I need an offset. Only need one time per scan line %(first 4 are NaN due to interpolation) S.time = S.Scan_Start_Time(:,5) + date2unixsecs(1993) -S.epoch; S = rmfield(S,core_fields); S.version = info.version; S.path = file; S = MaskInvalidGeoTimedataWithNaN(S); end %%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION function S = interpolate_geodataTime(S) % NOTE: Latitude and Longitudes must be interpolated to the right % dimensions. This is tested to be accurate compared to the MYD03 full % geodata to within 1e-4 degrees. The alternative is to download the MYD03 % dataset, but that is about 3TB per year. % % NOTE: This will destroy all data outside the bounds of the sampled data! % % Warning: Slight dodgyness % % - I am using 'linear' interpolation on a geoid. % - When LONGITUDES contain lon < -175 & lon > 175 the satellite clearly % passes the dateline. For such swaths I temporarily switch to 0:360 % representation, interpolate, and then switch back to -180:180 % representation. % - The incorrect interpolation of LATITUDES if the modis passes the poles is deemed % small and ignored here since the sampled footprints are about 5km % apart. e.g. in the worst case (for this footprint resolution): % [89.95 89.95] is interpolated to [89.95 89.95 89.95 89.95 89.95] % instead of [89.95 89.98 90 89.98 89.95] % % Use the sampling as described in variable documentation %Longitude:Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling = 3, 2028, 5 ; %Longitude:Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling = 3, 1348, 5 ; [X,Y] = meshgrid(3:5:size(S.Scan_Start_Time,2)*5-2,3:5:size(S.Scan_Start_Time,1)*5-2); [Xi,Yi] = meshgrid(1:1354,1:size(S.Scan_Start_Time,1)*5); fields2DealWith = {'Latitude','Longitude','Scan_Start_Time'}; lonflag = false; for F = fields2DealWith Z = S.(F{1}); % dateline patch if strcmp(F{1},'Longitude') Z(Z<-180) = NaN; % get rid of fill values if any(Z(:)<-175 ) && any(Z(:)>175) % Fill = -999 % CONVERT LONGITUDES to [0 360] regime if the dateline is crossed Z=Z+(Z < 0)*360; lonflag=true; end end S.(F{1}) = interp2(X,Y,Z,Xi,Yi); if strcmp(F{1},'Longitude') && lonflag S.(F{1}) = S.(F{1})-(S.(F{1}) > 180)*360; end end end