function S = mspps(file, varargin) % SATREADERS.MSPPS reads mspps data % % Read MSPPS data and output the data in the format common to all % satreaders..m readers in atmlab. Geodata and time data are % always retrieved from the data file. % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % % IN % % file string Path to hdf-file % extra cell array (optional) extra fields. % % OUT % % data struct With fields: % time time in seconds since 00:00 UT % lat latitude in degrees, one column per viewing angle % lon longitude in [-180, 180] degrees, colums as for lat % fields and what ever extra fields you wanted % % attr struct empty % % FORMAT % % [S,attr] = satreaders.mspps(file, varargin) % $Id$ % Created by Salomon Eliasson %% INFORMATION % Time : (TAI93) Number of seconds and fractions since 0000 Jan. 1, 1993 core_fields = {'Latitude','Longitude','Time'}; extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); all_fields = [core_fields(:); extra_fields(:)]; for F = all_fields' try S.(F{1}) = hdfread(file,F{1}); catch ME if strcmp(ME.identifier,'MATLAB:imagesci:hdfread:noDataSets') fprintf(2,'Dataset: %s is missing from file. skipping...\n',F{1}) end if any(strcmp(ME.identifier,{... 'MATLAB:imagesci:hdfquickinfo:invalidFile',... 'MATLAB:imagesci:hdfinfo:invalidFile',... 'MATLAB:imagesci:hdfread:noDataSets'})) error('atmlab:invalid_data','"%s:%s" for file: %s',... ME.identifier,ME.message,mfilename) else error(ME.identifier,ME.message) end end end %% RENAME some fields = double(S.Latitude); S.lon = double(S.Longitude); % get epoch. % D = datasets; info = D.mspps.find_info_from_granule(file); s2d = @str2double; S.epoch = round(date2unixsecs(s2d(info.year), s2d(info.month), s2d(; % See information below header to make sense of this S.time = S.Time{1}(:)-( S.epoch-date2unixsecs(1993,1,1) ); S.path = file; S.version = 'unknown'; S = rmfield(S,core_fields); S = MaskInvalidGeoTimedataWithNaN(S); end