function [S,attr] = patmosxL3(file, varargin) % SATREADERS.PATMOSX reads patmosx data % % Read PATMOS-x data and output the data in the format common to all % satreaders..m readers in atmlab. Geodata and time data are % always retrieved from the data file. % % NOTE: This reader actually reads 2 files, one ascending, one descending % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % % IN % % file string Path to gzipped file % extra cell array (optional) extra fields. % % OUT % % data struct With fields: % time time in seconds since 00:00 UT % lat latitude in degrees, one column per viewing angle % lon longitude in [-180, 180] degrees, colums as for lat % % NOTE: no time output since it's monthly data % % FORMAT % % S = satreaders.patmosx(file, varargin) % $Id$ % Salomon Eliasson core_fields = {'cell_latitude','cell_longitude'}; extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); all_fields = [core_fields(:); extra_fields(:)]; % read the data. This also scales the data automatically! S = read_clavrx_hdf(file,all_fields); % rename some fields S.lon = double(S.cell_longitude(:)); = double(S.cell_latitude(:)); S.time = zeros(size(; % since Gerrits codes require time D = datasets; date = D.patmosxL3.find_info_from_granule(file); % get the month from the filename info = regexp(file,'patmosx_aft_mor_.+(?\d{4})_(?.{3})','names'); % the month is unhappily given as a string so... strmonths = {'jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'}; x=1:12; date.month = x(ismember(strmonths,info.month)); S.epoch = round(date2unixsecs(str2double(date.year), date.month, 1)); %monthly mean S.version = '4'; %this is given in the README in /storage3/data/patmosx/level3 S.path = file; S = rmfield(S,core_fields); end