classdef GriddedDataset < SatDataset % Class for gridded datasets % % This class contains functionality for gridded datasets. Gridded % datasets are a special case of SatDatasets. The special property of % a gridded dataset is that any datapoint can be uniquely identified by % lat, lon, time, where lat, lon, time are three cartesian axes. methods %% constructor function self = GriddedDataset(varargin) self = self@SatDataset(varargin{:}); end %% overloaded methods function n = granule_first_line(varargin) n = int32(1); end %% new methods function S = read_from_grid(self, lat, lon, time, fields) % Get data based on lat, lon, time. % % Currently, time is assumed to be on a resolution of one hour! % % FORMAT % % S = ds.read_from_grid(lat, lon, time, fields) % % IN % % lat vector of latitudes % lon vector of longitudes, size must match lat % time vector or matrix of time: size must match lat&lon, % and must be sorted. Each row is a datevec. % fields Cell array of strings, fields to read % % OUT % % S structure with one member for each 'fields', each % member is a vector with sizes matching lat/lon/time rqre_datatype(lat, @isvector); rqre_datatype(lon, @isvector); assert(length(lat)==length(lon), ['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], 'lat and lon must be the same length, were found to differ'); assert(size(time, 1)==length(lat), ['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], 'no. rows in time must match length of lat and lon, were found to differ'); assert(isequal(time, sortrows(time)), ['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], 'time must be sorted in increasing order'); % use time_plus_30m to get the nearest hour, for example, % between 23:30 and 24:00 nearest hour is on the following day time_plus_30m = datevec(datenum(time) + 1800/86400); [~, uni_indices] = unique(time_plus_30m(:, 1:3), 'rows'); uni_indices = [uni_indices; length(lat)+1]; % add length(lat)+1 because later I run slices to llat-1 S = struct(); for i = 1:length(uni_indices)-1; gran = self.find_granule_covering_instant(time_plus_30m(uni_indices(i), :), ''); if isempty(gran) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':nodata'], ... ['No gridded data found for time %s %s. ' ... 'Please add to %s.'], ..., num2str(time_plus_30m(uni_indices(i), :)), ... self.basedir); end SS = self.read_granule(gran, '', fields); ustime = SS.epoch + SS.time; assert(length(unique(sign(diff(, ['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], 'Weird lats came from source'); assert(length(unique(sign(diff(SS.lon))))==1, ['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], 'Weird lons came from source'); llat = lat(uni_indices(i):uni_indices(i+1)-1); llon = lon(uni_indices(i):uni_indices(i+1)-1); ttime = time(uni_indices(i):uni_indices(i+1)-1, :); ttime_us = date2unixsecs(ttime(:, 1), ttime(:, 2), ttime(:, 3), ttime(:, 4), ttime(:, 5), ttime(:, 6)); llat_i = round(interp1(, 1:length(, llat, 'linear', 'extrap')); % next line is an ugly hack, not 100% sure why this happens llat_i(llat_i>length(; llon_i = round(interp1(shift_longitudes(SS.lon, -180, 180), 1:length(SS.lon), shift_longitudes(llon, -180, 180), 'linear', 'extrap')); ttime_i = round(interp1(ustime, 1:length(ustime), ttime_us, 'linear', 'extrap')); if any(ttime_i<=0) logtext(atmlab('ERR'), [... 'Warning: rounding %d timestamps in the first 30 minutes of the month up instead of down. ' ... 'This is because the first hour of a month is contained in the /previous/ month-file, ' ... 'and I haven''t fixed the sorting-per-day for those instances.\n'], sum(ttime_i<=0)); ttime_i(ttime_i<=0) = 1; end if any(llat_i==0) logtext(atmlab('ERR'), [... 'Warning: found some latitudes so close to the' ... 'south pole that they''re out of range']); llat_i(llat_i==0) = 1; end mask = true(size(llat_i)); mask(ttime_i>length(SS.time)) = false; clear ii; ii(mask) = sub2ind(size(SS.(fields{1})), llon_i(mask), llat_i(mask), ttime_i(mask)); ii(~mask) = NaN; for j = 1:length(fields) field = fields{j}; content(mask) = SS.(field)(ii(mask)); content(~mask) = NaN; S.(field)(uni_indices(i):uni_indices(i+1)-1) = content; clear content; %S.(field)(uni_indices(i):uni_indices(i+1)-1) = SS.(field)(ii); end end end end end