classdef HomemadeDataset < SatDataset % Any SatDataset that is locally created and stored. % % This class is an 'intermediate' class between SatDataset % and CollocatedDataset, but also parent to AssociatedDataset. % It is unlikely you wish to instantiate this class directly. % % This class contains methods and properties that are related to % storing data to disk and reading data in the same (NetCDF) format % again from disk. It inherits from SatDataset and is parent to % CollocatedDataset and AssociatedDataset. % % % HomemadeDataset Properties: % % cols - Structure describing columns for matrix-stored data % mattype - Type to use internally. Normally 'double'. % (remaining properties inherited from SatDataset. % Use properties for a complete listing) % % HomemadeDataset Methods: % % Constructor: % % HomemadeDataset - Create HomemadeDataset object % % I/O: % % store - Store cols-described matrix to NetCDF % read_single_day - Read a single day of stored data % (remaining methods inherited from SatDataset) % % See also: SatDataset (superclass), CollocatedDataset (subclass), % AssociatedDataset (abstract subclass) % % Don't forget the Collocation's User Guide. % Note on implicit and explicit constructor calling: % % $Id$ properties % structure describing columns of (internally) stored data % % The cols-structure describes columns of data passed around % internally as a matrix. For example, mid-level methods like % CollocatedDataset.collocate_date % return a matrix, whose columns are then described by the % cols-member. cols = struct; % members; % flag controlling how to consider granules already existing % % This flag, defaulting to 'false', controls how the toolkit treats % files that are already there. For example, by default, % collocations are not rerun and associateddatasets are not % recalculated if files already exist. The exact behaviour depends % on the class. Usually, the meaning is straightforward: false % means do not overwrite, true means do so. This can be set per % dataset, so if one wants to use the core but regenerate % additionals, one can set the property for the additionals to % true. % % Since atmlab-2-1-334, the value for FieldCopier and Collapser % (NOTE: FIXME, ALL AssociatedDataset?) can have other values. % Note that these work ONLY when processing is delayed; when % processing is done along with the CollocatedDataset, the system % will always regenerate additionals. % % overwrite = 2 read original files, and check per field, i.e. % extend them without changing existing fields % % overwrite = {'cell', 'array', 'of', 'fields'} % % read original files, redo all fields in the % cell array, keep others untouched. overwrite = false; % Set diskcache to store results of '.read' or others to disk. % % Runnig .read() can take considerable time. Therefore, it is worthwhile % to cache the results. If 'pcd' is set to a PersistentCachedData, % .read() will cache the results and read from disk if possible. % WARNING: DO NOT SET PCD TO A DIRECTORY YOU ARE OTHERWISE % USING! The caching mechanism may remove files from this % directory, so be very careful. Caching works by calculating a key % (almost certainly unique) based on input arguments and storing % the results in a .mat-file in the cache-directory. % % Example use: % >> d = datasets; % >> d.collocation_mhs_amsub.pcd = PersistentCachedData('/local/gerrit/cache'); % >> [M, c] =[2006 4 25], [2006 4 26], {'noaa18', 'noaa16'}, {'LAT1', 'LAT2', 'BT1'}); % (later) % >> [M, c] =[2006 4 25], [2006 4 26], {'noaa18', 'noaa16'}, {'LAT1', 'LAT2', 'BT1'}); % 14-May-2012 11:37:33.707:PersistentCachedData.get_entry:54:Reading from persistent cache: /local/gerrit/cache/aff3735816ae90b11a4ddfd571f88e3b.mat pcd; % Type to use for internal storage % % Internally, the collocation toolkit passes around collocations as % matrices. To be on the safe side, this normally uses the type % 'double'. If you are low on memory, or trying to store a lot of % data and/or have a lot of collocations, you can set this to % 'single'. Do not set it to any non-floating point type unless % you want severe loss of precision and crashing code. mattype = 'double'; % Users may set this for various purposes. Among others, it's used % by strrep. version; end properties (Dependent = true) % contains detailed information on how data are stored etc. % % To be documented in more detail. members; end properties (Access = protected) % for internal usage ownmembers; dynamic_members = false; end methods %% overload parent methods function self = HomemadeDataset(varargin) self = self@SatDataset(varargin{:}); %{ args = varargin; % extract 'members' because SatDataset is not allowed to set % HomemadeDataset private property, and it must be private in % order for subclasses to redefine it etc. setmem = false; if any(strcmp(args, 'members')) setmem = true; i = find(strcmp(args, 'members')); mem = args{i+1}; args = [args(1:i-1) args(i+2:end)]; end self = self@SatDataset(args{:}); if setmem self.members = mem; end %} if ~any(strcmp(varargin, 'reader')) % set reader self.reader = @self.read_homemade_granule; end if isequal(self.granule_duration, []) self.granule_duration = 86400; end end %% implement new methods function [fn, global_atts] = store(self, date, spec, data, varargin) % store Write collocation data to netcdf file % % Write collocation data for date in data to a netcdf file. % The filename is determined from self, date, spec. % This is a relatively low-level function and not normally % called directly; rather call CollocatedDataset.collocate_and_store_date % % FORMAT % % [fn, global_atts] =, spec, data[, info]) % % IN % % date vector [year month day] to which data corresponds % spec string / cellstr, satellite (or so) % data actual data, columns described by self.cols % unless 'localcols' argument is given % info (optional) struct with more info to put in NetCDF % localcols structure describing columns of data % % OUT % % fn file data was written to % atts global attributes that were written to file % % $Id$ if ~all(isfinite(data(:))) warning(['atmlab:' mfilename ':format'], ... 'Found nans or infs in data. Data should be finite. I''ll do my best.'); end fn = self.find_granule_by_datetime(date, spec); [info, localcols] = optargs(varargin, {struct(), self.cols}); %year = date(1); %month = date(2); %day = date(3); % create or append to the file if exist(fn, 'file') switch self.overwrite case 0 error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':fileexists'], ... ['You really shouldn''t tell me not to overwrite ' ... 'and then tell me to store data where a file already exists.']); case 1 newfile = true; otherwise % FIXME: should add a line to 'history' global % attribute newfile = false; end else newfile = true; end % if strcmp(fn(end-1:end), 'gz') % take off this part % fn(end-2:end) = ''; % end outdir = fileparts(fn); if ~exist(outdir, 'dir') logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Creating %s\n', outdir); mkdir(outdir); end %% Estimate size ncollocs = size(data, 1); nbytes = self.linesize(localcols) * ncollocs; logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Will write %d collocations, %s of uncompressed data (not including header)\n', ncollocs, nbytes2string(nbytes)); if newfile % temporary filename, later compressed written to final place temp_out = tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing %s\n', temp_out); ncid = netcdf.create(temp_out, 'NC_CLOBBER'); % overwrite existing else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Appending to %s\n', fn); temp_out = uncompress(fn, atmlab('WORK_AREA'), struct('unidentified', 'error')); ncid =, 'WRITE'); netcdf.reDef(ncid); % put in header define mode end cleanupObj = onCleanup(@() self.cleanup(temp_out, ncid)); if newfile % define the dimensions dim_collocs = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'Collocations', ncollocs); % put global attributes global_atts = struct(); global_atts.Conventions = 'CF-1.4'; global_atts.title = 'Collocations'; = iso_timestamp(); global_atts.institution = ['Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Division of Space Technology, Lule' char(unicode2native('å')) ' University of Technology, Kiruna, Sweden']; global_atts.source = 'Collocation codes, part of atmlab'; global_atts.references = 'Holl et al. (2010); John et al. (2012)'; = ''; global_atts.software_version = atmlab_version; = [atmlab_version() ' -- ' iso_timestamp() ' -- ' fn]; global_atts.license = ... ['This dataset is made available under the ' ... 'Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0 ' ... 'whose full text can be found at ' ... ' ' ... 'Any rights in individual contents of the dataset are ' ... 'licensed under the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0 ' ... 'whose text can be found at']; % add caller-contributed ones %warning('off', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound'); inf_fields = fieldnames(info); for i = 1:length(inf_fields) fldnm = inf_fields{i}; global_atts.(fldnm) = info.(fldnm); end %global_atts = catstruct(global_atts, info); %warning('on', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound'); addncattributes(ncid, global_atts) else dim_collocs = netcdf.inqDimID(ncid, 'Collocations'); end %% define variables, variable attributes, additional dimensions vars = fieldnames(localcols); varids = zeros(size(vars)); dims = struct(); for j = 1:length(vars) varname = vars{j}; type = self.members.(varname).type; if isfield(self.members.(varname), 'atts') atts = self.members.(varname).atts; else atts = struct(); end % check if we have other dimensions besides the length if isfield(self.members.(varname), 'dims') && size(data, 1)>0 dimname = self.members.(varname).dims{1}; dimsize = self.members.(varname).dims{2}; try if ~isfield(dims, dimname) dims.(dimname) = netcdf.defDim(ncid, dimname, dimsize); end catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:netcdf:defDim:nameIsAlreadyInUse', 'MATLAB:imagesci:netcdf:libraryFailure'} % no problem dims.(dimname) = netcdf.inqDimID(ncid, dimname); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end thisdim = [dim_collocs dims.(dimname)]; else thisdim = dim_collocs; end % define variable and put attributes try % if this doesn't fail, the variable already exists varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid, varname); % while we're at it, let's check the dimensions [~, ~, dids] = netcdf.inqVar(ncid, varid); [~, stored_n_collocs] = netcdf.inqDim(ncid, dids(1)); if size(data, 1) ~= stored_n_collocs errstr = sprintf(['NetCDF file contains data for variable %s ' ... 'with a different size than the data I''m trying to store. ' ... ' Stored no. of entries is %d, whereas new size is %d entries. '], ... varname, stored_n_collocs, size(data, 1)); if self.overwrite == 2 && isa(self, 'Collapser') errstr = [errstr, ... sprintf([' Probably the original collapsing ' ... 'is from the era where entries where removed if ' ... 'all data were flagged, even if the collocation was ' ... 'otherwise valid. When additional data is added that ' ... 'is not flagged, this results in a different no. of ' ... 'collocations. The only solution is to set %s.overwrite ' ... 'to 1. Sorry about that :('],]; else errstr = [errstr, ... sprintf([' I''m not sure why I''m even ' ... 'here in the first place, because I''m not trying ' ... 'to extend a Collapser (I''m a %s in overwrite ' ... 'mode %d'], class(self), self.overwrite)]; end error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':wrongsize'], errstr); end varids(j) = -1; catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'MATLAB:imagesci:netcdf:libraryFailure' varid = netcdf.defVar(ncid, varname, type, thisdim); varids(j) = varid; for k = fieldnames(atts)' netcdf.putAtt(ncid, varid, k{1}, atts.(k{1})); end otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end end %% write data % end define mode netcdf.endDef(ncid); if isempty(data) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'No data, NetCDF file will be dataless\n'); else % put vars logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing: '); for j = 1:length(vars(:).') varname = vars{j}; varid = varids(j); if varid == -1 fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '(not: %s) ', varname); continue end fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '%s ', varname); if any(any(~isfinite(data(:, localcols.(varname))))) if ~isfield(self.members.(varname).atts, 'missing_value') error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':missingmissing'], ... ['I found nonfinite values for field %s, ' ... 'but no missing_value is defined for ' ... '%s.members.%s.atts.missing_value. Please define.'], ... varname,, varname); end % need to flag only the relevant channels. Matlabs % lacks views, so I have to do this in a really % cumbersome way. chanmask = false(size(data)); chanmask(:, localcols.(varname)) = true; invmask = ~isfinite(data); data(chanmask&invmask) = self.members.(varname).atts.missing_value; %data(any(~isfinite(data(:, localcols.(varname)))), localcols.(varname)) = self.members.(varname).atts.missing_value; end netcdf.putVar(ncid, varid, data(:, localcols.(varname))); end fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '\n'); end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Finalising\n'); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Gzipping to %s and removing uncompressed\n', fn); netcdf.close(ncid); gzipped_filename = gzip(temp_out, outdir); if ~isequal(gzipped_filename{1}, fn) movefile(gzipped_filename{1}, fn); end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Done\n'); end function fields = list_fields(self) % return valid fields in this dataset fields = fieldnames(self.members); end function S = cast_fields_back(self, M, c) % Cast columns from data-matrix to 'stored' types % % The collocation toolkit internally passes around data in a % matrix. To be on the safe side, this uses double, because % all other types (except (u)int64) fit. However, sometimes % this is not desirable, and this method can be used to cast % types back to their types, based on the type to which they % should be stored. % % FORMAT % % varargout = hd.cast_fields_back(M, c,) % % IN % % M matrix containing data % c structure describing columns by name % % OUT % % S structure with data in smaller type S = struct(); fields = fieldnames(c); for i = 1:length(fields) field = fields{i}; newtype = type_nc2ml(self.members.(field).type); S.(field) = cast(M(:, c.(field)), newtype); end end function nbytes = linesize(self, localcols) % Calculate the stored size (in bytes) per collocation nbytes = 0; sizes = struct(... 'float', 4, ... 'double', 8, ... 'short', 2, ... 'int', 4, ... 'byte', 1); fields = fieldnames(localcols); for f = vec2row(fields) tp = self.members.(f{1}).type; width = length(localcols.(f{1})); nbytes = nbytes + sizes.(tp) * width; end end function first = granule_first_line(varargin) first = int32(1); end %% getters/setters function mem = get.members(self) % members getter, see doc for property members if self.dynamic_members mem = self.dynamically_get_members(); else mem = self.ownmembers; end end function set.members(self, val) if self.dynamic_members error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':readonly'], ... ['The property ''members'' for class %s is dynamically calculated. ' ... 'Therefore, you cannot set the members property for %s.'], ... class(self),; else self.ownmembers = val; end end end methods (Access = protected) %% overload parent methods function s_out = repvars(self, s, datevec, spec) s = repvars@SatDataset(self, s, datevec, spec); if isempty(self.version) s_out = s; else s_out = strrep_multi(s, ... '$VERSION', strrep(self.version, '.', '_')); end end function matches = infofit(self, is, datevec, spec) matches = infofit@SatDataset(self, is, datevec, spec); if isfield(is, 'version') && ~isempty(self.version) matches = matches && isequal(is.version, strrep(self.version, '.', '_')); elseif isempty(self.version) matches = true; else matches = false; end end %% implement new methods % those are for internal use, user uses % function [M, localcols, attr] = read_single_day(self, date, spec, fields) % Read collocation 'fields' for 'date', 'spec'. % % Low-level function, not normally called directly. To read % collocated data, use % % Reads a single day of data. % % FORMAT % % [M, localcols, attr] = ds.read_single_day(date, spec, fields) % % IN % % date datevec datevec for which to read data % spec various satellite(s) % fields cellstr fields to read from data. % % Note: % % 'fields' may be 'all', in which case all fields are read. % No guarantee about the order, but this information is % returned via 'localcols'. If you need consistence of order % with actual collocating, consider passing % fieldnames(self.cols) as fields. % % OUT % % M matrix contains requested data % localcols struct describes data columns % attr struct contains NetCDF global attributes % % See also: HomemadeDataset/read_homemade_granule fn = self.find_granule_by_datetime(date, spec); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Gunzipping and reading %s\n', fn); tmp = tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')); c = onCleanup(@()delete(tmp)); exec_system_cmd(['gunzip -c ' fn '>' tmp]); % 3x faster than ML's gunzip if ischar(fields) if strcmp(fields, 'all') data = loadncfile(tmp); attr = data.global_attributes; fields = fieldnames(data); else error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], ... ['Invalid ''fields'' argument: ' fields]); end else [data, attr] = loadncvar(tmp, fields); end % find n. of columns to allocate, keep order data_fields = intersect_unsorted(fields, fieldnames(self.members)); %n_columns = sum(cellfun(@(ff) length(self.cols.(ff)), data_fields)); n_columns = sum(cellfun(@(ff) size(data.(ff), 2), data_fields)); n_rows = max(cellfun(@(ff) size(data.(ff), 1), fields)); M = nan*zeros(n_rows, n_columns); if isempty(M) localcols = struct(); return; end n = 1; % copy data to matrix for i = 1:length(data_fields) fld = data_fields{i}; %n_local_cols = length(self.cols.(fld)); n_local_cols = size(data.(fld), 2); range_local_cols = n:(n+n_local_cols-1); D = data.(fld); M(:, range_local_cols) = D; % verify data validity; should be done on writing but % wasn't always in the past, so still needed here if any(isfield(self.members.(fld).atts, {'valid_range', 'valid_min', 'valid_max'})) if isfield(self.members.(fld).atts, 'valid_range') lo = self.members.(fld).atts.valid_range(1); hi = self.members.(fld).atts.valid_range(2); else % fallbacks if isinteger(D) getlow = @intmin; gethi = @intmax; elseif isfloat(D) getlow = @realmin; gethi = @realmax; else error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':unknown'], ... 'Non-numeric type unsupported, %s is %s', fld, class(fld)); end lo = getlow(class(data.(fld))); hi = gethi(class(data.(fld))); if isfield(self.members.(fld).atts, 'valid_min') lo = self.members.(fld).atts.valid_min; end if isfield(self.members.(fld).atts, 'valid_max') hi = self.members.(fld).atts.valid_max; end end % % FIXME: test that lo < data < hi || data==missing wrong = (D < lo | D > hi); if isfield(self.members.(fld).atts, 'missing_value') wrong = wrong & (D ~= self.members.(fld).atts.missing_value); end if any(wrong) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], ... ['Encountered invalid data for %s %s at %s. Data for field %s ' ... 'must be in range %g -- %g or flagged. Found ' ... 'value %g instead. Perhaps an artefact from before ' ... 'the proper use of flags. Suggest to recollocate ' ... 'or redo AssociatedDataset.'], ... class(self),, datestr(datenum(date), 'yyyy-mm-dd'), ... fld, lo, hi, D(find(wrong, 1))); end end % set flagged to nan if isfield(self.members.(fld).atts, 'missing_value') flagged = M(:, range_local_cols) == self.members.(fld).atts.missing_value; M(all(flagged, 2), range_local_cols) = nan; end localcols.(fld) = range_local_cols; n = n + n_local_cols; end if isempty(data_fields) localcols = struct(); end end function pos2re(self) % convert self.{basedir,subdir,filename} to % % This method attempts to convert % self.{basedir,subdir,filename) to at a best-effort % basis. r = [fullfile(self.basedir, self.subdir, self.filename) ... '|' self.filename]; = strrep_multi(r, ... '$YEAR4', '(?\d{4})', ... '$MONTH', '(?\d{2})', ... '$DAY', '(?\d{2})', ... '$YEAR2', '(?\d{2})', ... '$DOY', '(?\d{3})', ... '$HOUR', '(?\d{2})', ... '$MINUTE', '(?\d{2})', ... '$SAT', '(?[a-z0-9]*)', ... '$VERSION', '(?[a-z0-9_]{3,4})'); % However, we don't need it to locate granules. It's only used % by find_info_from_granule. self.tryre = false; end end methods (Access = {?SatDataset}) function [S, strattr] = read_homemade_granule(self, file, varargin) % internal usage, reader for any granule made by this toolkit % % hd.read_homemade_granule(file, [fields]) fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); [S, strattr] = loadncvar(file, fields); % get additional stuff info = self.find_info_from_granule(file); if isfield(info, 'doy') date = dayofyear_inverse(str2double(info.year), str2double(info.doy)); date = [date.year date.month]; else date = [str2double(info.year) str2double(info.month) str2double(]; end S.epoch = round(date2unixsecs(date(1), date(2), date(3))); S.path = file; if isfield(strattr, 'version') S.version = strattr.version; end if isfield(S, 'lat') S = MaskInvalidGeoTimedataWithNaN(S); end end end % static/private are used like subfunctions methods (Static, Access = protected) function cleanup(temp_out, ncid) % remove temporary files and close NetCDF logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Cleaning up\n'); try netcdf.close(ncid); catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:netcdf:inq:notNetcdfID', 'MATLAB:netcdf:close:notNetcdfID', ... 'MATLAB:netcdf:close:ebadid:notNetcdfID', 'MATLAB:imagesci:netcdf:libraryFailure'} % already closed otherwise delete(temp_out); ME.rethrow(); end end delete(temp_out); end end end