classdef SatDataset < handle % subclass from handle to pass-by-reference % Class to represent a dataset. % % Objects from this class lie at the basis of everything that the % Collocation Toolkit does. For example, a CollocatedDataset % consists of two SatDatasets. The SatDataset describes where the data % are stored on the disk, how the data are read, and contains some more % information needed for collocations. However, a SatDataset can % certainly also be used stand-alone, for example, to loop through all % the granule in a particular time period. % % When instantiating an object from this class, (or, for that matter, % any class in the toolkit!), you should define a number of its properties % (see below). This can be done either when creating the class (see % constructor info), or later, in the same way as setting a member % of a structure. It's probably best to define overall properties, such % as name, granule_duration, etc., when creating, and to define local % properties later. For example: % % >> spam = SatDataset('name', 'MyDataset', 'granule_duration', '3600', ... % 'satname', 'SpamSat'); % % and later: % % >> spam.basedir = '/here/are/the/data'; % % When a dataset is created, it is registered in a global structure % that can be obtained by calling datasets. For this reason, it % is recommended to always at least give a dataset a name when it is % first created. Not doing so will result in a warning and an % automatically calculated name, which is probably neither helpful nor % descriptive. % % A number of datasets are pre-defined in define_datasets. % All registered datasets can be listed with datasets. % % % SatDataset properties: % % Properties to describe the location of the granules: % % basedir - Specify root for all datasets % subdir - Specify directory for individual granule % re - Regular expression matching individual granule % filename - Exact filename calculating path for individual granule % % Property describing how to read the granule: % % reader - Reading routine for one granule for this dataset % % Other properties: % % name - Name with which this dataset is registered % granule_duration - Duration of a single granule in seconds % satname - Name for a single-satellite dataset % collocated_datasets - Read-only prop. listing CollocatedDatasets. % starttimesfile - Name for filename containing start times if not in filename % (Use properties for a complete listing) % % SatDataset methods: % % A selection of the most important methods is shown below. % For a full listing, see doc SatDataset. % % Class instantiation: % % SatDataset - Info on creating a SatDataset object % % Methods for finding granules: % % find_datadir_by_date - Find dir. containing granules for date % find_granules_by_date - Find all granules for date % find_granules_for_period - Find all granules for multi-day period % find_granule_by_datetime - Find granule starting at exact datetime % find_granule_by_unixsecs - Similar, but in unixsecs % find_extreme_granule - Find first or last granule for dataset % get_starttime - Get starttime from db (if not in file) % set_starttimes - Update starttimes-db % % Methods for reading granules: % % read_granule - Read granule starting at exact datetime % % Methods for detecting duplicates: % % find_granule_first_line - Create hashtable cataloguing duplicates % granule_first_line - Look up entry from this hashtable % % Other useful methods: % % find_info_from_granule - Get information from granule filename % % See also: CollocatedDataset, HomemadeDataset (child), AssociatedDataset, FieldCopier, Collapser % % Don't forget the Collocation User's Guide. % $Id$ % read/write props properties % Name of the dataset (pseudo-required). % % If not given, a name will be automatically calculated. This name % is not necessarily descriptive, so it's usually good to give a % name upon creating the dataset. name; % Basedir for the dataset (required). % % The base directory in which all granules reside. For example, % mhs.basedir = '/storage3/data/mhs'. basedir; % Subdir for a particular day of data (required). % % In many datasets, data are stored per date, in subdirectories % such as year/month/day/ or year/doy/. With this property, the user % tells the dataset how the data are sorted. In locating granules, % certain strings are replaced: $SAT, $YEAR4, $YEAR2, $MONTH, $DAY, % $DOY. Example: mhs.subdir = '$SAT_mhs_$YEAR4/$MONTH/$DAY'. subdir; % Regular expression to find individual granule (conditionally optional). % % This is required for datasets where the full filename cannot be % exactly calculated from available information, for example, due % to each filename containing orbit numbers, downlink stations, or % other information not known or relevant. When searching % for granules, the regular expression described by this field is % used for all files in a particular directory, expecting exactly % one match. Therefore, the regular expression (a named one passed % to regexp must match exactly one file. % % The regular expression may be applied either to the basename, or % to the full path, or to anything in-between. % % Fields used for matching are: % year02, year04, year, month, day, doy, hour, minute, orbitno % % For datasets that are L1 or L2, data is usually sorted at least % per day, but often per granule, which may be specified either by % hour/minute or by orbitno, some unique orbit number. Hopefully % each filename specifies either hour/minute uniquely within a % day, or an orbit number uniquely. See 'kiruna_init' for examples % of what to write in re. % % See also: filename, find_granule_by_datetime % % Example: % = '(?[a-z0-9]{6})_(?[a-z0-9]+)_(?\d{4})/(?\d{2})/(?\d{2})/[A-Z0-9.]+\.S(?\d{2})(?\d{2})|\.S(?\d{2})(?\d{2})' re; % String describing basename (conditionally optional). % % This is used for datasets where the full filename can be exactly % calculate from available information, and no regular expression % is needed. This includes only the basename (no directory). % % See also: re, find_granule_by_datetime % % Example: % mhs.collocated_datasets(1).filename = 'collocations_$' filename; % Function handle to read a single granule (required) % % This property points to a function handle used to read a single % granule (so it becomes in effect a static method). The documentation % below is a prescription of the interface that the function handle % assigned to this property must have in order for methods like % read_granule and CollocatedDataset.collocate_granule to work. % It is not the documentation for any method that already exists! % % FORMAT % % data = cd.reader(fullpath, fields) % % IN % % fullpath string Full path to granule to be read. % fields cellstr % % Any other fields to be read. This is used by the FieldCopier % class to copy fields from the original datasets. % % OUT % % The function shall return a single output. This output is a % structure with at least the following fields: % % lat double % % Latitude in degrees. This must be a 2-D matrix, although % the dimensions may be 1 (so it can be a row-vector, a % column-vector, a scalar, or a matrix). It contains the % latitude for every single measurement in the data. % % lon double % % Longitude in degrees. Like the latitude. The sizes of the % fields 'lat' and 'lon' must be exactly equal. % % time double % % Time in seconds since 00:00 UT. This must be a column % vector where the number of elements is equal to the number % of rows in the 'lat' and 'lon' fields (one scanline can % only have a single time). % % THROWS % % If the data cannot be read, throws an error with % error identifier `atmlab:invalid_data`. % % EXAMPLE % % This function is not normally called directly by the user, but % since it must often be implemented by the user, examples consist % of example implementations. The datasets directory % contains a number of functions with names starting with % 'common_read'. Those are all implementations for 'reader' used for % various datasets that come with atmlab. For example, for data % stored in the same format as AMSU, MHS, HIRS, one can use: % % mhs.reader = '@satreaders.poes_radiometer' reader = @(varargin)[]; % Function to post-process a single granule % % After a granule is read (see attribute reader), there might be % dataset-specific post-processing to be done immediately after the % reading. For example, one may want to calculate pseudo-fields % to get IWP when the data only have IWC, and one should save % memory for later on. By default, this property is set to a no-op. % % Note that since this is a function implemented as an attribute % and not as a method (so that redefining does not require % subclassing), one needs to explicitly pass the dataset as a first % argument (see below) when calling the function. However, calling % this function is taken care of by read_granule, and normally the % user does not need to call this function explicitly. % % The method read_granule takes care of removing ballast as % indicated by the 'dependencies' fields. % % FORMAT % % data = self.processor(self, data, fields) % % IN % % self SatDataset object % data data as returned by self.reader % fields fields as passed to self.reader % % OUT % data altered data struct % % See also: SatDataset/pseudo_fields reader_processor = @(self, data, fields)data; % Structure with pseudo-field information % % For some datasets, the user might want to acquire fields not % actually in the data. For example, to save memory, one might want % to get IWP when the data actually contain IWC. For this, % read_granule needs some information on pseudo_fields, % specifically, for each pseudo field a cell string with % dependencies. The dependencies cellstr lists the real fields upon % which the pseudo fields depend. These will be read, passed to % reader_processor, and then thrown away. % % You may wish to add some attributes for user documentation. % % Note: every pseudo field MUST have a dependencies member that is % a cellstr, but this cellstr may be empty. % % Note: Users choosing pseudo-field names equal to fields in the % actual data will be sentenced to the Usenet Death Penalty. % % See also: SatDataset/reader_processor pseudo_fields = struct(); % Granule duration in seconds (required) % % Describes the duration in seconds for a single granule. In case % this varies, choose an upper limit. This is used by % CollocatedDataset.overlap_granule. % % Example: % mhs.granule_duration = 6130 granule_duration; % Satellite name for single-satellite datasets (conditionally required) % % Some datasets, such as cpr, are contained only on a single satellite. % However, the database genereated by find_granule_first_line % and used by granule_first_line still needs a satellite to % generate the string for the filename to store the data. The % satellite name is also used in some verbose output. It is not % needed or used for multi-satellite datasets, where instead the % 'spec' specifies the satellite (such as in MHS). % % Example: % cpr.satname = 'cloudsat' satname; % Name for first-line database (predefined) % % Predefined property describing where firstline-db is stored % % The first-line database (see find_granule_first_line % and granule_first_line) % is needed to prevent duplicates. This contains the filename, but % not the directory. Currently unused? FIXME % % firstline_filename = 'firstline_$NAME_$SPEC'; % Cache for reading granules cache; % Make this dataset visible. Defaults to true. % % If you're creating a dataset for fully internal use, you might % want to set this to false to prevent automatic searchers from % detecting it. visible = true; % List of satellites % % For multi-satellite datasets, this may contain a list of % satellites for this dataset. This is only for information and % does not need to be complete. It may be used e.g. for looping % through all the possible datasets. Not to be confused with % satname, which is for single-satellite datasets. sats; % try to use regular expression for finding; a regular expression % may still be needed for identifying information by % find_info_from_granule, but not used for finding a filename in % the first place. tryre = true; % Flag if it needs an exernal starttimes-file % % Defaults to false needs_starttimesfile = false; % Some datasets do not contain a starting time in the filename, % even if there are multiple granule per day. To resolve this, in % the root of the dataset (e.g. directly in basedir) we store a % hashtable (Container.Map) that records the starting time based % on a id that is unique per filename (e.g. orbit number). One % example of such a dataset is Saphir. starttimesfile; % Database of starting times for datasets where those are not % clear from the filename. starttimes % Field that can be a structure for arbitrary metadata, such as % height, channel definitions, or anything. This is not used within % the framework of atmlab, but can be used by the user for % anything. metadata; % defaults cannot be set in any subclass, because re-defining a % property is not allowed except under special circumstances that % cannot be met here. Therefore, defaults should be encompassed in % a property, a structure, 'defaults', that is /not/ defined here, % but only by the class at the end of the hierarchy end % read-only props (alterable with methods) properties (SetAccess = protected) % list of CollocatedDatasets using this SatDataset (read-only) % % This property, which is read-only and automatically filled, % contains a list of CollocatedDatasets % that use this SatDataset. collocated_datasets = []; % Full path for db containing start-times where applicable. % % This is simply basedir/starttimesfile starttimes_fullpath end % flags properties (Constant, GetAccess = protected) FL_INITIAL = -5; FL_NOTFOUND = -2; FL_ALLDUPL = typecast(int32(-1), 'uint32'); FL_NONEXT = -3; FL_NOCUR = -4; end % internally used properties properties (Transient, GetAccess = private, SetAccess = private) firstlines; cachedstarttimes; end methods %% constructor function self = SatDataset(varargin) % Creates a SatDataset object. % % For full information on the class, see doc SatDataset. % % FORMAT % % ds = SatDataset('name', 'MyDataset', ... % 'basedir', '/some/where', ... % ...); % % IN % % Any pair of key/value arguments, as when creating a % structure. Valid keys are properties. To get a list of % valid properties, call properties SatDataset % and/or doc SatDataset. % % OUT % % Valid SatDataset object. % this may be defined in subclasses if isprop(self, 'defaults') def_fields = fieldnames(self.defaults); %#ok<*MCNPN> for i = 1:length(def_fields) fldnm = def_fields{i}; self.(fldnm) = self.defaults.(fldnm); end end for i = 1:2:nargin self.(varargin{i}) = varargin{i+1}; end if isempty( % give a name nm = self.calculate_name(); warning(['atmlab:' mfilename], ... 'You didn''t name me! I''ll name myself %s (for now)', nm); = nm; end if isempty(self.starttimesfile) self.starttimesfile = 'granule_start_times.mat'; end self.cache = CachedData(); end %% things that can be done with datasets function fulldir = find_datadir_by_date(self, date, varargin) % find_datadir_by_date Find directory containing granules % % For the given datevec and specification, return a string with % the path to the directory that contains the granules for this particular % datevec. % % FORMAT % % fulldir = ds.find_datadir_by_date(datevec, spec) % % IN % % datevec vector [year month day] etc. % spec any name of sat or cellstr {sat1 sat2} % % OUT % % fulldir string path to directory % verify basedir is defined and exists spec = optargs(varargin, {''}); errid = ['atmlab:' mfilename]; %find_datadir_by_date'; assert(any(self.basedir), errid, 'No basedir initialised for %s %s', class(self), char(; assert(exist(self.basedir, 'dir')~=0, errid, ... ['Configured data directory for %s is %s, ' ... 'but this does not exist or is not a directory. ' ... 'Please define basedir for %s correctly ' ... 'or create the directory.'], ..., self.basedir,; fulldir = fullfile(self.basedir, self.subdir); fulldir = self.repvars(fulldir, date, spec); end function S = find_info_from_granule(self, fname) % find_info_from_granule Extract info from a granule filename % % Thin shell around regexp. % % FORMAT % % S = ds.find_info_from_granule(fname) % % IN % % fname string (full) path to granule % % OUT % % - structure containing whatever info could be obtained if isempty( % try to convert it self.pos2re(); end S = regexp(fname,, 'names'); end function [M, paths] = find_granules_by_date(self, date, varargin) % find_granules_by_date Find all granule start times for date/sat/dataset % % This function finds all granule start times for granules with any coverage % for the the indicated for the indicated satellite/dataset pair. This % includes the last granule of the date before, unless this is explicitly % prohibited. Note that the last granule of the date before may or may not % actually contain information for the day requested. The % function assumes at most one granule for the previous date % contains information for the current date. If two outputs are % requested, paths to the granules are also output, as a cell % array of strings. % % FORMAT % % [M, paths] = find_granules_by_date(date[, spec[, with_yesterday]]) % % OUT % % M N x 6 matrix where each row corresponds to one granule. % The first five columns are year, % month, day, hour, minute. The last % column may contain a granule number % for some datasets, or -1 otherwise. % % paths cell of strings Cell array of strings, corresponding full paths % % IN % % date vector [year month day] % spec string or cellstr, sat or pair of sats % with_yesterday (optional) logical, include yesterdays last % granule or not. Defaults to 'true', as this % is needed to cover all of the date; but if % looping over dates, one might not want it. % % EXAMPLE % % >> [grans, paths] = mhs.find_granules_by_date([2010, 9, 8], 'noaa18'); % % $Id$ % errid = 'atmlab:find_granules_by_date'; [spec, with_yesterday] = optargs(varargin, {'', true}); datadir = self.find_datadir_by_date(date, spec); if self.tryre && ~isequaln(, nan) && ~isempty( matchy =; else matchy = self.filename; % exact match only end matchy = self.repvars(matchy, date, spec); files = dir(datadir); nfiles = length(files); M = zeros(nfiles, 6); for i = 1:nfiles fname = files(i).name; %nam = regexp(fname, matchy, 'names'); nam = self.find_info_from_granule(fname); if ~isempty(nam) % if present, year/month/day should be the same if ~self.infofit(nam, date, spec) continue; end M(i, 1:3) = date(1:3); if isfield(nam, 'hour') M(i, 4) = str2double(nam.hour); end if isfield(nam, 'minute') M(i, 5) = str2double(nam.minute); end if self.needs_starttimesfile if isfield(nam, 'orbitno2') % need both numbers % specifies range, so so product should be % unique M(i, 6) = str2double(nam.orbitno) * ... str2double(nam.orbitno2); else M(i, 6) = str2double(nam.orbitno); end else M(i, 6) = -1; end end end % all paths paths = cellfun(@(f) fullfile(datadir, f), {}, 'UniformOutput', false); % remove lines with zeroes (those are not granules) nogran = M(:, 1)==0; M(nogran, :) = []; paths(nogran) = []; % sort [M, I] = sortrows(M); paths = paths(I); % add yesterday if with_yesterday yesterday = datevec(datenum(date)-1); [M_yesterday, paths_yesterday] = self.find_granules_by_date(yesterday, spec, false); if ~isempty(M_yesterday) % maybe today is genesis/big bang/epoch/birth/1970-01-01 M = [M_yesterday(end, :); M]; paths = [paths_yesterday(end) paths]; end end end function datafile = find_granule_by_datetime(self, datevec, varargin) % find_granule_by_datetime Return full path of datafile by date/time % % Returns the full path of the datafile corresponding to the input % arguments. There are two modes % % - If dataset.filename is defined, the path is % calculated directly from dataset properties and the arguments % passed on. The file may or may not actually exist, so in this case, % you can use it to calculate the path when planning to create it. % % - If this is not defined, then has to % be defined. It will search the filesystem for a file matching the % regular expression and the indicated datevec/spec for this dataset. % % FORMAT % % datafile = dataset.find_granule_by_datetime(date,[ spec[, tol]]) % % IN % % datevec vector Date/time to find datafile for % spec string/ Name of satellite. For datasets belonging to one % cellstr satellite, a simple string. For datasets belonging % to two satellites (such as collocations), a cell % array of two strings. For % single-satellite datasets, not needed. % % OUT % % datafile string Path to the looked-for datafile. % % EXAMPLE % % >> path = mhs.find_granule_by_datetime([2010 9 8 8 8], 'noaa18'); errid = 'atmlab:find_granule_by_datetime'; spec = optargs(varargin, {''}); % implementation: % 1. find the directory containing the files from basedir/subdir % 2. if possible, calculate the filename directly % 3. otherwise, list all files and match with regexp+tolerance datevec(end+1:5) = 0; fulldir = self.find_datadir_by_date(datevec, spec); if (nargin() <= 3 && ~isequaln(self.filename, nan) && ~isempty(self.filename)) || ~self.tryre % calculate directly fn = self.repvars(self.filename, datevec, spec); datafile = fullfile(fulldir, fn); else % will search through all granules with find_granules_by_date [granules, paths] = self.find_granules_by_date(datevec, spec, false); found = granules(:, 4)==datevec(4) & granules(:, 5)==datevec(5); nfound = sum(found); if iscell(spec) % short-string for error message sp = horzcat(spec{:}); else sp = spec; end if nfound==0 error(errid, 'No datafile found for %s %s [%s]',, sp, num2str(datevec)); elseif nfound > 1 error(errid, 'Multiple datefiles found for %s %s',, sp); else datafile = paths{found}; end end end function datafile = find_granule_by_unixsecs(self, unixsecs, varargin) % find_granule_by_unixsecs Find granule starting at indicated time % % IN % % unixsecs time in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z % % ...remaining arguments passed on to find_granule_by_datetime [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = unixsecs2date(unixsecs); datafile = self.find_granule_by_datetime([year month day hour minute second], varargin{:}); end function [allgrans, allpaths] = find_granules_for_period(self, date1, date2, spec) % find_granules_for_period List all granules for sat/dataset for period % % For the period between date1 and date2, list all granules (as vectors % indicating the starting date/time) available. % % FORMAT % % [allgrans, allpaths] = find_granules_for_period(date1, date2, spec) % % IN % % date1 datevec starting date [y,m,d] % date2 datevec ending date [y,m,d] % spec various (optional) % % OUT % % allgrans matrix all granules in daterange % allpaths cellstr all paths to those granules % % EXAMPLE % % >> [allgrans, allpaths] = mhs.find_granules_for_period([2010, 9, 5], [2010 9 7], 'noaa18'); narginchk(3, 4); if ~exist('spec', 'var') spec = []; end dates = daterange(date1(1:3), date2(1:3)); ndates = size(dates, 1); allgrans = nan*zeros(ndates*15, 6); allpaths = cell(size(allgrans)); n = 0; for i = 1:ndates date = dates(i, :); [grans, paths] = self.find_granules_by_date(date, spec, false); ngrans = size(grans, 1); allgrans(n+1:n+ngrans, :) = grans; allpaths(n+1:n+ngrans) = paths; n = n + ngrans; end to_remove = isnan(allgrans(:, 1)); allgrans(to_remove, :) = []; allpaths(to_remove) = []; [allgrans, I] = sortrows(allgrans); allpaths = allpaths(I); end function [gran, path] = find_granule_covering_instant(self, datevec, varargin) % For datevec/spec, find granule covering this moment % % For a combination of a date-vector and a specification % (satellite), get the granule that covers this instant. Note % that this method does NOT verify that the instant is really % covered, but rather returns the granule that started most % recently before the considered moment. spec = optargs(varargin, {''}); [grans, paths] = self.find_granules_by_date(datevec(1:3), spec, true); grans_unisecs = date2unixsecs(grans(:, 1), grans(:, 2), grans(:, 3), grans(:, 4), grans(:, 5)); dv_unisecs = date2unixsecs(datevec(1), datevec(2), datevec(3), datevec(4), datevec(5)); last_i = find(dv_unisecs >= grans_unisecs, 1, 'last'); gran = grans(last_i, :); path = paths(last_i); % Not implemented yet. end function data = read_granule(self, date, varargin) % read_granule Read any granule % % High-level function to read a particular granule for a % satellite/sensor-pair, if one doesn't know what function is suitable to % use to read it. It also gets rid of ballast (duplicates). % % Uses member reader to find out what function to use to % read this particular data. Uses self.granule_first_line % to find out the first scanline to use (e.g. the rest are doubles). % % FORMAT % % M = read_granule(date[, spec[, extra[, remdouble[, force[, reload]]]]]) % % IN % % datevec vector Date-vector indicating the starting time. % spec various (optional) E.g. satellite (noaa18, cloudsat, etc.) % extra cellstr (optional) % % Extra args to reader. Usually, those are extra fields % that are to be read. Two of those extra fields are a % special-case and taken care of by read_granule, and not % passed on to the reader: 'scanline_position' and % 'scanline_number' are assigned according to the % position in the scanline and the scanline number, % accordingly. % % remdouble logical (optional) Remove duplicates or not? Default true. % One reason to pass 'false' might be % when searching for data according % to line/pos. % force logical (optional) rather than throwing an error, % return [] in case of error. Default false. % reload logical (optional) Do not use caching, but % reload in any case. % % OUT % % data struct Contains at least: % % - lat Latitude in degrees % - lon Longitude in degrees [-180, 180] % - time Time in seconds since 'epoch' % - epoch Time in seconds since 1970-01-01 % - version String or float. % % Further fields should be returned depending on % arguments passed to 'extra' and the particular dataset. % % EXAMPLE % % >> data = mhs.read_granule([2010 9 8 8 8], 'noaa18', {}, true, false); % % $Id$ % optional arguments [spec, fields_asked, remdouble, force, reload] = optargs(varargin, {'', {}, true, false, false}); % checks for earlier error detection rqre_datatype(date, @isnumeric); rqre_datatype(spec, {@ischar, @iscellstr}); rqre_datatype(fields_asked, @iscell); rqre_datatype(remdouble, @islogical); rqre_datatype(force, @islogical); rqre_datatype(reload, @islogical); % special case: remove 'scanline_position' and % 'scanline_number' from 'extra'. Those are in reality always % returned, but readers do not necessarily understand them. fields_asked(strcmp(fields_asked, 'scanline_number')) = []; fields_asked(strcmp(fields_asked, 'scanline_position')) = []; % these must always be present in reader return fields_always = {'time', 'lat', 'lon', 'epoch', 'version'}; %% generate varname for caching vn = genvarname(DataHash([, date, varargin])); %% read cached if appropiate if ~reload && ~isempty(self.cache) && self.cache.has_entry(vn) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Reading %s from cache (entry %s)\n', ..., vn); data = self.cache.get_entry(vn); return end %% find datafile and function to read it datafile = self.find_granule_by_datetime(date, spec); %% Split extras in fields in data and pseudo-fields % pseudos = fieldnames(self.pseudo_fields); fields_in_data = {}; fields_in_pseudo = {}; fields_in_deps = {}; % only in dependencies for i = 1:length(fields_asked) field = fields_asked{i}; if isfield(self.pseudo_fields, field) fields_in_pseudo = [fields_in_pseudo field]; %#ok deps = self.pseudo_fields.(field).dependencies; for j = 1:length(deps) dep = deps{j}; if ~any(strcmp(dep, [fields_always(:)' fields_asked(:)' fields_in_deps(:)'])) fields_in_deps = [fields_in_deps dep]; %#ok end end else fields_in_data = [fields_in_data field]; %#ok end end %% read datafile %logtext(colloc_config('stdout'), '%s(''%s'')\n', ... % func2str(reader), datafile); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Reading %s\n', datafile); try data = self.reader(datafile, [fields_in_data fields_in_deps]); catch ME if force switch ME.identifier case {'atmlab:invalid_data', 'atmlab:exec_system_cmd:shell'} logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Unable to read: %s\n', ME.message); return otherwise ME.rethrow(); end else % deciding to create a new exception, so that readers % further down than catch all ME2 = MException('atmlab:SatDataset:cannotread', ... ['Failure while %s %s was reading %s. Original error had ' ... 'id ''%s'', message ''%s''. See ''cause'' for details.'], ... class(self),, datafile, ME.identifier, ME.message); ME2 = ME2.addCause(ME); ME2.throw(); end end %% do further processing data = self.reader_processor(self, data, fields_in_pseudo); %% set version from info if not already set if ~isfield(data, 'version') info = self.find_info_from_granule(datafile); if isfield(info, 'version') data.version = info.version; end end %% check/convert datafile contents data = rmfield(data, fields_in_deps); fields_expected = [fields_always fields_in_data fields_in_pseudo]; ffound = isfield(data, fields_expected); if ~all(ffound); error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':missingfield'], ... ['After reading with %s and processing with %s, ' ... 'the following fields were expected but not found: %s'], ... func2str(self.reader), func2str(self.reader_processor), ... strjoin(fields_expected(~ffound), ', ')); end if isinteger(data.time) % later functions will suffocate on non-double time data.time = double(data.time); end nlines = size(data.time, 1); npos = size(, 2); % add scanline_number and scanline_position (before removing % duplicates!) data.scanline_number = uint32(repmat((1:nlines).', [1 npos])); data.scanline_position = uint16(repmat(1:npos, [nlines 1])); if ~isfield(data, 'version') % try from filename fileinfo = self.find_info_from_granule(datafile); if isfield(fileinfo, 'version') data.version = fileinfo.version; end end %% remove duplicates if remdouble % read ballast firstline = self.granule_first_line(date(1:5), spec); if firstline > 0 && firstline < intmax(class(firstline)) % get rid of ballast in all fields for f = fieldnames(data)' fn = f{1}; if isnumeric(data.(fn)) && size(data.(fn), 1) == nlines % magic in next lines explained at % sz = size(data.(fn)); data.(fn) = reshape(data.(fn)(firstline:nlines, :), [nlines-firstline+1, sz(2:end)]); end end end end %% cache results if ~isempty(self.cache) self.cache.set_entry(vn, data); end end function first = granule_first_line(self, d, varargin) % granule_first_line Returns first scanline not present in previous granule % % For a certain granule, return the number of the first scanline that % is not in the previous scanline. This m-file uses a previously created % database (a hashtable). This hash-table is cached between subsequent % calls of the function. % % There should exist an entry for each satellite/sensor granule. If it's % not found, an error is raised, and there is probably a bug somewhere. If % the satellite/sensor granule exists, but there is no (unique) previous % granule, line -2 is returned. % % FORMAT % % first = granule_first_line(datevec[, spec[, reload]]) % % IN % % d various Starting date/time for granule, % datevec or unixsecs % spec various (optional) Might be indicating satellite(s) % reload logical (optional) Reload scanline data (i.e. not % cached). Defaults to false. % force logical (optional) If nothing found, don't % throw an error, but return empty. % % OUT % % first number First scanline not in previous granule. % Special values: -1 (no data found), -2 (no % previous granule found) % % EXAMPLE % % >> first = mhs.granule_first_line([2010 9 8 8 8], 'noaa18', false); % if isequal(self.firstlines, []) % first run % self.firstlines = containers.Map( % S = struct; % end [spec, reload, force] = optargs(varargin, {'', false, false}); assert(ischar(spec), ['atmlab:' mfilename], ... 'function works only for single-satellite datasets'); if isempty(spec) sat = self.satname; else sat = spec; end if isequal(self.firstlines, []) || ~isfield(self.firstlines, sat) || reload % load first scanfile = datasets_config('firstline_data'); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SAT', sat); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SENSOR',; logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... ['Reading %s. ' ... '(If this fails, run self.find_granule_first_line ' ... '(SatDataset.find_granule_first_line)).\n'], scanfile); try t = load(scanfile); catch ME switch (ME.identifier) case {'MATLAB:load:couldNotReadFile'} newME = MException(['atmlab:' mfilename ':failed'], ... ['Unable to locate duplicates for %s. Failed to read file: %s.\n', ... 'You might want to run the ''find_granule_first_line'' method?'], ..., scanfile); newME.addCause(ME); newME.throw(); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end self.firstlines.(sat) = t.first; end if isscalar(d) unisecs = uint32(d); else dv = num2cell(d); unisecs = uint32(self.get_starttime(d)); end if self.firstlines.(sat).isKey(unisecs) first = self.firstlines.(sat)(unisecs); elseif force first = []; else error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':missing_firstline'], ['no data found for %s @ %d. ', ... 'You may want to run self.find_granule_first_line(...) ', ... 'for a sufficiently long period.'], ..., unisecs); end end function find_granule_first_line(self, startdate, enddate, varargin) % find_granule_first_line Create hashtable with scanline overlaps % % Creates a map (such as used by granule_first_line) that maps for % each granule the first scanline not occuring in the previous % scanline. % % The resulting hashtable is written to a file according to % datasets_config('firstline_data'), which is also where % granule_first_line is looking for it. % % FORMAT % % cd.find_granule_first_line(startdate, enddate, spec) % % IN % % startdate datevec start here % enddate datevec end here % spec various specification % % OUT % % none, but writes a file % % EXAMPLE % % >> mhs.find_granule_first_line([2008 1 1], [2008 12 31], 'noaa18'); spec = optargs(varargin, {''}); if isempty(spec) sat = self.satname; else sat = spec; end scanfile = datasets_config('firstline_data'); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SAT', sat); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SENSOR',; logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Locating granules\n'); allgrans = self.find_granules_for_period(startdate, enddate, spec); ngrans = size(allgrans, 1); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Found %d granules\n', ngrans); if ngrans == 0 return end if exist(scanfile, 'file') tm = load(scanfile); self.firstlines.(sat) = tm.first; else self.firstlines.(sat) = containers.Map('KeyType', 'uint32', 'ValueType', 'int32'); end uni_first = self.get_starttime(allgrans(1, :)); if ~self.firstlines.(sat).isKey(uni_first) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Setting very first to flag: %d:%d\n', ... uni_first, self.FL_INITIAL); self.firstlines.(sat)(uni_first) = self.FL_INITIAL; end next = 0; for i = 1:ngrans-1 uni = self.get_starttime(allgrans(i+1, :)); uni = uint32(uni); [ddv{1:5}] = unixsecs2date(double(uni)); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'granule %d/%d: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\n', i, ngrans-1, ... ddv{1}, ddv{2}, ddv{3}, ddv{4}, ddv{5}); if self.firstlines.(sat).isKey(uni) && ... ~any(self.firstlines.(sat)(uni) == ... cellfun(@int64, {self.FL_INITIAL self.FL_NOTFOUND self.FL_ALLDUPL self.FL_NONEXT self.FL_NOCUR})) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Already exists (%d:%d)\n', uint32(uni), self.firstlines.(sat)(uni)); continue end try couldreadcur = false; if isequal(next, 0) cur = self.read_granule(allgrans(i, :), spec, {}, false, false); else cur = next; end couldreadcur = true; couldreadnext = false; next = self.read_granule(allgrans(i+1, :), spec, {}, false, false); couldreadnext = true; catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'atmlab:find_datafile_by_date', 'atmlab:atovs_get_l1c:zamsu2l1c',... 'atmlab:invalid_data','atmlab:find_granule_by_datetime',... 'MATLAB:imagesci:hdfinfo:invalidFile', 'MATLAB:imagesci:validate:fileOpen', 'atmlab:exec_system_cmd:shell', 'atmlab:SatDataset:cannotread'} logtext(atmlab('ERR'), 'Problem: %s\n', ME.message); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end %uni = date2unixsecs(allgrans(i+1, 1), allgrans(i+1, 2), allgrans(i+1, 3), allgrans(i+1, 4), allgrans(i+1, 5)); if couldreadcur && couldreadnext t_cur = cur.epoch + cur.time; t_next = next.epoch + next.time; %[t_cur, t_next] = unify_time_axis(cur.time, next.time); if isempty(t_next) || isempty(t_cur) firstline = 0; else % Replaced former by latter because modis L2 can % have nans for time/lat/lon due to the flagging in % the reading routine %firstline = find(t_next > t_cur(end), 1, 'first'); firstline = find(t_next > t_cur(find(~isnan(t_cur), 1, 'last')), 1, 'first'); end if ~isempty(firstline) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'First line: %d\n', firstline); self.firstlines.(sat)(uni) = firstline; else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'No first line, setting to flag\n'); self.firstlines.(sat)(uni) = self.FL_ALLDUPL; end elseif couldreadcur logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Could not read next, flagging \n'); self.firstlines.(sat)(uni) = self.FL_NONEXT; else logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Could not read current. flagging\n'); self.firstlines.(sat)(uni) = self.FL_NOCUR; end if mod(i, 10)==0 % store self.store_firstline(scanfile, sat); end end self.store_firstline(scanfile, sat); end %{ function outer = find_extreme_granule(self, spec, mode, varargin) % find the earliest or latest granule for this dataset % % Must always be between Unix Genesis (1970-01-01) and current % date. Might provide incorrect results if not every day has % collocations. Use with caution. A safe but slow alternative % is to run .find_granules_for_period for a very long date interval. % % Second argument is either 'first' or 'last'. % % EXAMPLE % % gran = d.find_extreme_granule('noaa18', 'first') % % Uses bisection. Works poorly, misses granules if total period % is short. switch mode case 'first' a = 1; b = 2; extrema = {[1970 1 1], datevec(now)}; case 'last' a = 2; b = 1; extrema = {[self.find_extreme_granule(spec, 'first') 0], datevec(now)}; otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':InvalidUse', ... '''mode'' must be ''first'' or ''last'', not %s'], ... mode); end MAXSTEPS = 100; %early = [1970 1 1]; %late = datevec(now); mid = [0 0 0]; for i = 1:MAXSTEPS oldmid = mid; mid = datevec((datenum(extrema{1})+datenum(extrema{2}))/2); % ceil to just next date mid = mid(1:3); if all(oldmid == mid) outer = extrema{b}; break end if any(self.find_granules_by_date(mid, spec, false)) extrema{b} = mid; else extrema{a} = mid; end end grans = self.find_granules_by_date(outer, spec, false); if isempty(grans) if iscell(spec) tt = [spec{:}]; else tt = spec; end error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':nogranule'], ... 'No granules found for %s %s',, tt); end switch mode case 'first' outer = grans(1, :); case 'last' outer = grans(end, :); end end %} function start_unixsecs = get_starttime(self, datevec) % get starttime for granule/granules % % This is either taken directly from the datevec, or it is % taken from a database. % % based on datevec, last elem is granule-number % % FIXME DOC if ~isvector(datevec) % pseudo-broadcast with recursion start_unixsecs = zeros(size(datevec, 1), 1); for i = 1:size(datevec, 1) start_unixsecs(i) = self.get_starttime(datevec(i, :)); end else if self.needs_starttimesfile gran_no = datevec(6); if ~self.starttimes.isKey(gran_no) self.set_starttime(datevec); end start_unixsecs = self.starttimes(gran_no); else start_datevec = datevec(1:5); X = num2cell(start_datevec); start_unixsecs = date2unixsecs(X{:}); end start_unixsecs = round(start_unixsecs); end end function set_starttime(self, datevec) % get starttime from db, if not in file % % needs datevec including granule number gran_no = datevec(6); fullpath = self.find_granule_by_datetime(datevec); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Reading %s to get start-time\n', ... fullpath); % data = read_saphir_l1(fullpath, 'ScanTimestart'); % Don't remove duplicates, as I need to run this function % before I can even begin to /detect/ duplicates! success = false; try S = self.read_granule(datevec, [], {}, false); success = true; catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'atmlab:rqre_in_range:invalid' logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Cannot determine start time, setting to 0: %s\n', ... ME.message); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end % X = textscan(, '%4d%2d%2d %2d%2d%2d%6d'); % [year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ~] = deal(X{:}); if success self.starttimes(gran_no) = S.epoch; tm = self.starttimes; %#ok save(self.starttimes_fullpath, 'tm'); end % since storing a small hashtable is so much quicker than % reading a large granule-file, doing this every time is a % small price to pay for easier programming % might add a conditional here? end function [gridmean, lat, lon] = level3(self, date1, date2, spec, fields, gridsize, varargin) % Calculate level3 (gridded mean) for period % % % IN % % date1 % date2 % spec % fields % gridsize % (optional) limiters % Cell array. Each element is either a function handle % (passed directly to binned_statistics, or a two-element % cell array with {{fields}, limiter} where gridded % data will be limited by calling limiter on {fields}. % Can be used e.g. to grid only day-time data with the help % of sun_angles. In the latter case the limiter must take a % struct with {fields}. % (optional) struct with options to binning_fast % % Returns: % % - gridmean: 3-D matrix, [nlat nlon nfield] % % FIXME DOC [limiters, data] = optargs(varargin, {{}, struct()}); %data.gridsize = gridsize; allgrans = self.find_granules_for_period(date1, date2, spec); allstats = {}; % sort limiters if ~iscell(limiters) limiters = {limiters}; end limit_binnedstats = {}; limit_other = {}; also_fields = {}; j = 1; k = 1; for i = 1:length(limiters) limiter = limiters{i}; if isfunction_handle(limiter) limit_binnedstats{j} = limiter; j = j + 1; elseif iscell(limiter) limit_other{k} = limiter; k = k + 1; also_fields = union(also_fields, setdiff(limiter{1}, {'lat', 'lon', 'time', 'epoch'})); end end i = 0; while i < size(allgrans, 1) = zeros(1e6, 1, 'single'); data.lon = zeros(1e6, 1, 'single'); = zeros(1e6, length(fields), 'single'); N = 1; X = whos('data'); while X.bytes < 2e8 && i < size(allgrans, 1) i = i + 1; try grandata = self.read_granule(allgrans(i, :), spec, union(fields, also_fields)); catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'atmlab:SatDataset:cannotread' logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Cannot read granule: %s', ... ME.identifier); continue otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end % apply limiters mask = true(size(; for k = 1:length(limit_other) lim = limit_other{k}; mask = mask & lim{2}(getfields(grandata, lim{1}{:})); end =; grandata.lon = grandata.lon(mask); for k = 1:length(fields) field = fields{k}; grandata.(field) = grandata.(field)(mask); end nnew = size(, 1); new = N:(N+nnew-1); if nnew==0 % no data continue end if new(end) > size(, 1) % double allocation = [; zeros(size(, 1), 1, 'single')]; data.lon = [data.lon; zeros(size(data.lon, 1), 1, 'single')]; = [; zeros(size(, 1), length(fields), 'single')]; end =; data.lon(new) = grandata.lon; C = cellfun(@(f) single(grandata.(f)), fields, 'UniformOutput', false);, :) = horzcat(C{:}); N = N + nnew; X = whos('data'); end =; data.lon = data.lon(1:N-1); =; % =; % data.lon = grandata.lon; % C = cellfun(@(f) double(grandata.(f)), fields, 'UniformOutput', false); % = horzcat(C{:}); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Binning\n'); %[binned, lat, lon] = binning_fast(data); indces = bin_nd({, data.lon}, {-90:gridsize:90, -180:gridsize:180}); binned = cellfun(@(ii), indces, 'UniformOutput', false); stats = binned_statistics(binned, {@(x)(size(x,1)), @(x)(sum(x,1))}, limit_binnedstats); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Calculating statistics\n'); stats.statistic1 = cell2mat(stats.statistic1); % cell2mat on multi-dim will flatten 2nd dimension, % unflatten and put this dimension at the end again stats.statistic2 = permute(reshape(cell2mat(stats.statistic2), [size(stats.statistic2, 1) size(stats.statistic2{1, 1}, 2), size(stats.statistic2, 2)]), [1 3 2]); allstats = [allstats {stats}]; end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Finalising\n'); % calculate total count allcount = cellfun(@(x) x.statistic1, allstats, 'UniformOutput', false); allcount = cat(3, allcount{:}); totalcount = sum(allcount, 3); % calculate total sum %allsums = cellfun(@(x) bsxfun(@times, x.statistic1, x.statistic2), allstats, 'UniformOutput', false); allsums = cellfun(@(x) x.statistic2, allstats, 'UniformOutput', false); allsums = cat(4, allsums{:}); totalsum = sum(allsums, 4); % calculate overall mean gridmean = bsxfun(@ldivide, totalcount, totalsum); end %% getters and setters for properties function path = get.starttimes_fullpath(self) path = fullfile(self.basedir, self.starttimesfile); end function times = get.starttimes(self) if ~self.needs_starttimesfile times = []; else if isequaln(self.cachedstarttimes, []) % not initialised try self.cachedstarttimes = loadvar(self.starttimes_fullpath, 'tm'); catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:load:couldNotReadFile', 'MATLAB:load:notBinaryFile'} logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... ['Unable to read starttimes-file at %s ' ... '(%s). Initialising new.\n'], ... self.starttimes_fullpath, ME.message); self.cachedstarttimes = containers.Map('KeyType', 'uint32', 'ValueType', 'int64'); end end end times = self.cachedstarttimes; end end function set.starttimes(self, val) if ~isa(val, class(containers.Map)) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], ... 'starttimes should be a containers.Map, found %s', ... class(val)); end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing %s\n', self.starttimes_fullpath); save(self.starttimes_fullpath, 'val'); end function, value) % setter for 'name' property. if ~isempty( % deregister old name datasets('delete', self); end = value; datasets(self); end %% overloading stuff function sobj = saveobj(self) % sobj = saveobj@handle(self); warning(['atmlab:' mfilename ':nostoring'], ... ['You tried to store %s %s, but serialisation is not implemented. ' ... 'Attempts to load will not yield a valid object. Sorry.'], ... class(self),; sobj = []; end end methods (Access = protected) function pos2re(~) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':cannotconvert'], ... ['The regular expression was not defined, so ' ... 'I tried to convert it automagically from location '... 'information. However, I don''t know how to do this. ' ... 'I give up. Please help me: either implement ' ... 'a pos2re() method, or define a re member.']); end function nm = calculate_name(self) % calculate_name Return automated name if name is not given % % This function is called by the constructor if no name is % given. You may wish to override it in a subclass. existing_names = fieldnames(datasets); while true nm = sprintf([class(self) '_%d_%d'], uint64(date2unixsecs()),round(rand(1, 1)*10000)); if ~any(strcmp(nm, existing_names)) break end end end function add_collocated_dataset(ds, cd) % Adds a collocated dataset. INTERNAL USE ONLY! % % This is called by the CollocatedDataset constructor. ds.collocated_datasets = [ds.collocated_datasets cd]; end function s_out = repvars(self, s, datevec, spec) % repvars Replace 'magic' variables % % Replace the 'magic' variables: % % $YEAR4 % $YEAR2 % $MONTH % $DAY % $DOY % $SAT or $SAT1 and $SAT2 % $HOUR % $MINUTE % % For more replacements, overload this function. % % FORMAT % % s_out = self.repvars(s, datevec, satname) % % IN % % s string where magic is replaced % datevec vector date-vector [year month day] % spec string/ name of satellite/satellites % cellstr % % OUT % % s_out string with magic replaced year = num2str(datevec(1), '%04d'); month = num2str(datevec(2), '%02d'); day = num2str(datevec(3), '%02d'); if length(datevec)>3 hour = num2str(datevec(4), '%02d'); minute = num2str(datevec(5), '%02d'); else hour = '0'; minute = '0'; end year02 = year(3:4); doy = num2str(round(dayofyear(datevec(1), datevec(2), datevec(3))), '%03d'); to_replace = {'$YEAR4', year, '$MONTH', month, '$DAY', day, ... '$YEAR2', year02, '$DOY', doy, '$HOUR', hour, '$MINUTE', minute}; if iscellstr(spec) to_replace = [to_replace {'$SAT1', spec{1}, '$SAT2', spec{2}}]; else if strfind(s, '$SAT1') warning('atmlab:strrep_variables', ... ['replacing $SAT, but having $SAT1; are you sure you don''t ' ... 'want to pass TWO satellites?']); end to_replace = [to_replace {'$SAT', spec}]; end s_out = strrep_multi(s, to_replace{:}); end function matches = infofit(self, is, datevec, spec) yearstr = num2str(datevec(1), '%04d'); % for comparing easily with 2digit years if (isfield(is, 'year02') && ~isempty(is.year02) && ~strcmp(is.year02, yearstr(3:4))) || ... (isfield(is, 'year04') && ~isempty(is.year04) && str2double(is.year04)~=datevec(1)) || ... (isfield(is, 'year') && ~isempty(is.year) && str2double(is.year)~=datevec(1)) || ... (isfield(is, 'month') && ~isempty(is.month) && str2double(is.month)~=datevec(2)) || ... (isfield(is, 'day') && ~isempty( && str2double( || ... (isfield(is, 'doy') && ~isempty(is.doy) && str2double(is.doy)~=dayofyear(datevec(1), datevec(2), datevec(3)) || ... (isfield(is, 'satname') && ~isempty(is.satname) && ~isequal(is.satname, spec))); matches = false; else matches = true; end end end methods (Access = private) function store_firstline(self, scanfile, sat) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... 'Writing %s\n', scanfile); first = self.firstlines.(sat); %#ok save(scanfile, 'first'); end end end