function S = modis_postprocessor(self,S,fields) %% modis_postprocessor % % PURPOSE: To create "pseudo" fields that are not in the original modis data by % post-processing fields that are in the original data % % % IN % self = dataset % S = Data structure to add pseudo field to (from self.reader) % fields = {'names','of','pseudo','fields'} % % OUT % S = Data structure + pseudo field/s % % NOTE: See also help Satdataset/pseudo_fields % % $Id$ % Salomon Eliasson % READ dependent fields % So far this function assumesa you always need cloud phase and quality % flag % common_fields = {'Quality_Assurance_1km','Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties'}; % associatedFields = {'Cloud_Water_Path','Cloud_Effective_Radius','Cloud_Optical_Thickness'}; % pseudo_fields = {'modis_IWP','Tau_ice','Re_ice'}; % dependent_fields = [common_fields,associatedFields(ismember(pseudo_fields,fields))]; if any(ismember(fields,{'modis_IWP','modis_IWP_uncertainty','Tau_ice','Re_ice','Tau_ice_uncertainty','Re_ice_uncertainty'})) % Keeping record of the pixels that are deemed to be cloud free clearPixel = S.Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties==1; % Removing all points that are not flagged as ice clouds icePhase = S.Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties==3; % only KEEP retrievals that are USEFUL and CONFIDENT % this corresponds to the 1st and 2nd bit in the 2nd byte in % Quality_Assurance_1km (regarding cloud_water_path. I assume the % same apply to Re and Tau that CWP is based on anyway). By doing this % I'm also disregarding values with marginal confidence usefull=uint8(sum(2.^[0,1])); % bitand only works on vectors S.Quality_Assurance_1km = permute(S.Quality_Assurance_1km,[3,1,2]); flaggedAsGood = bitand(typecast(S.Quality_Assurance_1km(2,:),'uint8'),usefull)==usefull; flaggedAsGood = reshape(flaggedAsGood,size(icePhase,1),size(icePhase,2)); end D = datasets; for F = fields mv = D.modis_aqua_L2.pseudo_fields.(F{1}).atts.missing_value; switch F{1} case 'modis_IWP' S.modis_IWP = S.Cloud_Water_Path; S.modis_IWP(~(clearPixel | (icePhase & flaggedAsGood))) = mv; S.modis_IWP(clearPixel)=0; case 'modis_IWP_uncertainty' logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'scaling Cloud_Water_Path_Uncertainty by 0.01\n') S.modis_IWP_uncertainty = S.Cloud_Water_Path_Uncertainty*0.01; S.modis_IWP_uncertainty(~(clearPixel | (icePhase & flaggedAsGood))) = mv; case 'Re_ice' S.Re_ice = S.Cloud_Effective_Radius; %scale by *0.01; S.Re_ice(~(clearPixel | (icePhase & flaggedAsGood)))=mv; S.Re_ice(clearPixel)=0; case 'Re_ice_uncertainty' logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'scaling Cloud_Effective_Radius_Uncertainty by 0.01\n') S.Re_ice_uncertainty = S.Cloud_Effective_Radius_Uncertainty*0.01; S.Re_ice_uncertainty(~(clearPixel | (icePhase & flaggedAsGood))) = mv; case 'Tau_ice' logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'scaling Cloud_Optical_Thickness by 0.01\n') S.Tau_ice = S.Cloud_Optical_Thickness*0.01; S.Tau_ice(~(clearPixel | (icePhase & flaggedAsGood))) = mv; S.Tau_ice(clearPixel)=0; case 'Tau_ice_uncertainty' logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'scaling Cloud_Optical_Thickness_Uncertainty by 0.01\n') S.Tau_ice_uncertainty = S.Cloud_Optical_Thickness_Uncertainty*0.01; S.Tau_ice_uncertainty(~(clearPixel | (icePhase & flaggedAsGood))) = mv; end S.(F{1})(S.(F{1})<0) = mv; % since none of these quantities are negative end end