% ARTS_OEM_DEMO Demonstration of inversions using ARTS and OEM % % The example treats ground-based measurements of ozone at 110.8 GHz. % % A figure with the inversion result is generated if the function is % called with no output arguments. Otherwise, the output from *oem* is % returned (work folder is deleted). % % FORMAT [X,R] = arts_oem_demo % % OUT X As same output from *oem*. % R As same output from *oem*. % 2006-09-07 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [X,R] = arts_oem_demo %- Check if needed atmlab settings are found % arts_xmldata_path = atmlab( 'ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH' ); if isnan( arts_xmldata_path ) error('You need to ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH to run this example.'); end % arts_includes = atmlab( 'ARTS_INCLUDES' ); if isnan( arts_includes ) error('You need to ARTS_INCLUDES to run this example.'); end %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Init control structures %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Q = qarts; Q.J_DO = true; O = oem; %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- OEM settings %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % O.itermethod = 'GN'; O.stop_dx = 0.01; O.maxiter = 20; % O.cost = true; O.e = true; O.eo = true; O.es = true; O.yf = true; %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Forward model parameters %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- General % Q.INCLUDES = { fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'general.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'agendas.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'continua.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_earth.arts' ) }; Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM = 1; Q.STOKES_DIM = 1; %- Atmosphere % Q.Z_SURFACE = 0; Q.P_GRID = z2p_simple( -250:250:90e3 )'; % Q.RAW_ATMOSPHERE = fullfile( arts_xmldata_path, 'planets', 'Earth', ... 'Fascod', 'midlatitude-winter', 'midlatitude-winter' ); Q.CLOUDBOX_DO = false; %= Define agendas % Q.PPATH_AGENDA = { 'ppath_agenda__FollowSensorLosPath' }; Q.PPATH_STEP_AGENDA = { 'ppath_step_agenda__GeometricPath' }; Q.BLACKBODY_RADIATION_AGENDA = { 'blackbody_radiation_agenda__Planck' }; Q.IY_SURFACE_AGENDA = { 'iy_surface_agenda__UseSurfaceRtprop' }; Q.IY_MAIN_AGENDA = { 'iy_main_agenda__Emission' }; %- Exclude cosmic background radiation. A relative change of the spectrum %- corresponds then to a relative change of the ozone profile. % Q.IY_SPACE_AGENDA = { 'Ignore(rtp_los)', 'Ignore(rtp_pos)', ... 'nelemGet(nrows,f_grid)', ... 'Copy(ncols,stokes_dim)', ... 'MatrixSetConstant(iy,nrows,ncols,0)' }; %- RTE % Q.YCALC_WSMS = { 'yCalc' }; % Q.PPATH_LMAX = 250; Q.IY_UNIT = 'RJBT'; % Q.SENSOR_LOS = 70; Q.SENSOR_POS = Q.Z_SURFACE; %- Frequency, spectrometer and pencil beam antenna % % The hypothetical spectrometer has rectangular response functions % Q.F_GRID = qarts_get( fullfile( atmlab_example_data , ... 'f_grid_111ghz.xml' ) ); % H = qartsSensor; % H.SENSOR_NORM = true; % df = 0.5e6; H.F_BACKEND = [ min(Q.F_GRID)+df : df : max(Q.F_GRID)-df ]'; % B.name = 'Spectrometer channel response function'; B.gridnames = { 'Frequency' }; B.grids = { [-df/2 df/2] }; B.dataname = 'Response'; B.data = [1 1]; % H.BACKEND_CHANNEL_RESPONSE{1} = B; H.BACKEND_DO = true; clear B % Q.SENSOR_DO = true; Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE = H; % Q.ANTENNA_DIM = 1; Q.MBLOCK_ZA_GRID = 0; %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Species %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Water vapour has to be inluded (needed by absorption part) % Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).TAG = { 'H2O' }; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).RETRIEVE = false; % Ozone, retrieved % Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).TAG = { 'O3' }; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).RETRIEVE = true; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).GRIDS = { z2p_simple( 0e3:1e3:90e3 )', [], [] }; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).UNIT = 'vmr'; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).MINMAX = 1e-12; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).SX = covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).GRIDS{1}, ... 2e-6, 'lin', 0.2, 0.00, @log10 ) + ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).GRIDS{1}, ... 0.5e-6, 'lin', 0.5, 0.00, @log10 ); %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Set-up/create absorption look-up table %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.ABS_LINES_FORMAT = 'Arts'; Q.ABS_LINES = fullfile( atmlab_example_data , 'o3line111ghz' ); Q.ABS_NLS = []; % Q = qarts_abstable( Q ); % The absorption table will with the settings above be calculated % automatically. If you want to pre-calculate the table, for later re-usage, % do: %Q.ABS_LOOKUP = arts_abstable( Q ); %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Init retrieval variables (such as xa) and create Sx %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- workfolder = create_tmpfolder; cu = onCleanup( @()delete_tmpfolder( workfolder ) ); % [Qoem,O,R,xa] = arts_oem_init( Q, O, workfolder ); % Sx = arts_sx( Q, R ); %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Create a measurement %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Noise statistics % si = 0.01; % SE.FORMAT = 'param'; SE.SI = si; SE.CCO = 0; SE.CFUN1 = 'drc'; SE.CL1 = 0; %- Create Se % Se = covmat3d( 1, SE, Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE.F_BACKEND ); %- Calculate a spectrum matching a priori % y = arts_y( Q ); %- Crate a test measurement % y = 1.1 * y + si*randn(size(Se,1),1); %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Calculations %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %- Perform retrieval % X = oem( O, Qoem, R, @arts_oem, Sx, Se, [], [], xa, y ); % clear Qoem %- Plot % if ~nargout % z = p2z_simple( Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).GRIDS{1} ); % if O.e & O.eo h= plot( 1e6*X.x, z/1e3, 'k-', ... 1e6*(repmat(X.x,1,2)+[-X.e X.e]), z/1e3, 'b:', ... 1e6*(repmat(X.x,1,2)+[-X.eo X.eo]), z/1e3, 'r--' ); legend( h([1 4 2]), 'Retrieved profile', 'Observation error', ... 'Total error' ); else plot( 1e6*X.x, z/1e3 ) end xlabel( 'Ozone [ppm]' ) ylabel( 'Approximative altitude [km]' ); end