% QPACK2_DEMO Demonstration of the Qpack2 retrieval system % % The main features of Qpack2 are demonstrated. The example case is airborne % measurements of ozone at 110.8 GHz. Synthetic measurement data are % generated internally. See the code and internal comments for details. % % Everything is here put into a single file. For practical retrievals it % is probably better to put the definitions of Q (together with O?) in a % separate function (i.e. [Q,O] = q_mycase). A function to import % measurement data into the "Y format" (see *qp2_y*) is needed. The % retrieval result is returned in the L2 format produced by *qp2_l2*. % % This script focuses on giving an introduction, indicating different % retrieval units and retrieval of other variables. See also *qpack2_demo2*. % % FORMAT L2 = qpack2_demo % % OUT L2 L2 data output from *qpack2*. % 2010-05-12 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function L2 = qpack2_demo errid = ['atmlab:' mfilename]; %- Qarts settings % Q = q_demo; % Local file, found below %- Measurement data % Y = y_demo( Q ); % Local file, found below %- Check that all frequencies are OK % if ~qp2_check_f( Q, Y, 1e3 ); error( errid, ... 'Some mismatch between Q.F_BACKEND and frequencies of spectra.' ); end %- OEM variables % O = qp2_l2( Q ); % This ensures that OEM returns the variables needed % to fill the L2 structure, as defined in Q O.linear = false; % if ~O.linear O.itermethod = 'GN'; O.stop_dx = 0.01; O.maxiter = 5; end %- Make inversion % L2 = qpack2( Q, O, Y ); %- Plot, if no output argument % if ~nargout % Profiles figure(1),clf plot( L2(1).species1_x*1e6, p2z_simple(L2(1).species1_p)/1e3, 'b', ... L2(2).species1_x*1e6, p2z_simple(L2(2).species1_p)/1e3, 'r', ... L2(1).species1_xa*1e6, p2z_simple(L2(1).species1_p)/1e3, 'k-' ); xlabel( 'Ozone [VMR]' ); ylabel( 'Approximate altitude [km]' ); axis( [ 0 8 10 90 ] ) legend( 'Retrieval 1', 'Retrieval 2', 'True and a priori' ); % Spectra figure(2),clf h=plot( L2(1).f/1e9, L2(1).y, 'k.', L2(2).f/1e9, L2(2).y, 'k.', ... L2(1).f/1e9, L2(1).yf, 'b-', L2(2).f/1e9, L2(2).yf, 'r-', ... L2(1).f/1e9, L2(1).bl, 'b-.', L2(2).f/1e9, L2(2).bl, 'r-.' ); xlabel( 'Frequency [GHz]' ); ylabel( 'Tb [K]' ); axis( [ min(L2(1).f/1e9) max(L2(1).f/1e9) 0 18 ] ) legend( h(3:end), 'Fitted 1', 'Fitted 2', 'Baseline 1', 'Baseline 2' ); end return %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Q = q_demo errid = ['atmlab:' mfilename]; %- Atmlab settings % arts_xmldata_path = atmlab( 'ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH' ); arts_includes = atmlab( 'ARTS_INCLUDES' ); if isnan( arts_xmldata_path ) error( errid,'You need to set ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH to run this exmaple.' ); end if isnan( arts_includes ) error( erird,'You need to ARTS_INCLUDES to run this example.' ); end % fascod = fullfile( arts_xmldata_path, 'planets', 'Earth', 'Fascod' ); %- Init Q % Q = qarts; % Q.INCLUDES = { fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'general.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'agendas.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'continua.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_earth.arts' ) }; Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM = 1; Q.STOKES_DIM = 1; Q.J_DO = true; Q.CLOUDBOX_DO = false; %= Define agendas % % Here we do it by using the predefined agenda templates % (found in arts/controlfiles/general/agendas.arts) % This works only if the pre-defined agenda is names following the pattern: % name_of_agenda__(Something) % Q.PPATH_AGENDA = { 'ppath_agenda__FollowSensorLosPath' }; Q.PPATH_STEP_AGENDA = { 'ppath_step_agenda__GeometricPath' }; Q.BLACKBODY_RADIATION_AGENDA = { 'blackbody_radiation_agenda__Planck' }; Q.IY_SPACE_AGENDA = { 'iy_space_agenda__CosmicBackground' }; Q.IY_SURFACE_AGENDA = { 'iy_surface_agenda__UseSurfaceRtprop' }; Q.IY_MAIN_AGENDA = { 'iy_main_agenda__Emission' }; %- Radiative transfer % Q.IY_UNIT = 'RJBT'; Q.YCALC_WSMS = { 'yCalc' }; % Q.PPATH_LMAX = 250; %- Surface % Q.Z_SURFACE = 1e3; % Just a dummy value. A 10 km % observation altitude is assumed here %- Absorption % Q.ABS_LINES = fullfile( atmlab_example_data, 'o3line111ghz' ); Q.ABS_LINES_FORMAT = 'Arts'; % Q.ABSORPTION = 'OnTheFly'; Q.ABS_NLS = []; %- Pressure grid % z_toa = 95e3; % Q.P_GRID = z2p_simple( Q.Z_SURFACE-1e3 : 2e3 : z_toa )'; %- Frequency, spectrometer and pencil beam antenna % % The hypothetical spectrometer has rectangular response functions % Q.F_GRID = qarts_get( fullfile( atmlab_example_data , ... 'f_grid_111ghz.xml' ) ); % H = qartsSensor; % H.SENSOR_NORM = true; % H.BACKEND_DO = true; df = 0.5e6; H.F_BACKEND = ( min(Q.F_GRID)+df : df : max(Q.F_GRID)-df )'; % B.name = 'Spectrometer channel response function'; B.gridnames = { 'Frequency' }; B.grids = { [-df/2 df/2] }; B.dataname = 'Response'; B.data = [1 1]; % H.BACKEND_CHANNEL_RESPONSE{1} = B; clear B % Q.SENSOR_DO = true; Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE = H; % Q.ANTENNA_DIM = 1; Q.MBLOCK_ZA_GRID = 0; %- Correlation of thermal noise % f = H.F_BACKEND; cl = 1.4 * ( f(2) - f(1) ); cfun = 'gau'; cco = 0.05; % Q.TNOISE_C = covmat1d_from_cfun( f, [], cfun, cl, cco ); % clear H f %- Define L2 structure (beside retrieval quantities below) % Q.L2_EXTRA = { 'cost', 'dx', 'xa', 'y', 'yf', 'bl', 'ptz', ... 'mresp', 'A', 'e', 'eo', 'es', 'date' }; %- Temperature % Q.T.RETRIEVE = false; Q.T.ATMDATA = gf_artsxml( fullfile( arts_xmldata_path, 'climatology', ... 'msis90', 'msis90.t.xml' ), 'Temperature', 't_field' ); %- Determine altitudes through HSE % Q.HSE.ON = true; Q.HSE.P = Q.P_GRID(1); Q.HSE.ACCURACY = 0.1; %- Species % Ozone, only species is retrieved here Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).TAG = { 'O3' }; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).RETRIEVE = true; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).L2 = true; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS = { Q.P_GRID, [], [] }; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).ATMDATA = gf_artsxml( fullfile( fascod, ... 'midlatitude-winter', 'midlatitude-winter.O3.xml' ), 'O3', 'vmr_field' ); % % If you don't apply a min value (by MINMAX), you could need to active this: %Q.VMR_NEGATIVE_OK = true; % % For demonstration, setting for several units are provided: switch 1 case 1 % Constant VMR Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).UNIT = 'vmr'; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).SX = ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, 1.5e-6, ... 'lin', 0.2, 0.00, @log10 ) + ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, 0.3e-6, ... 'lin', 0.5, 0.00, @log10 ); Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).MINMAX = 1e-12; case 2 % Constant rel Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).UNIT = 'rel'; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).SX = ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, 0.5, ... 'lin', 0.2, 0.00, @log10 ) + ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, 0.1, ... 'lin', 0.5, 0.00, @log10 ); Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).MINMAX = 1e-6; case 3 % Mimic case 2 in vmr Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).UNIT = 'vmr'; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).SX = ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, ... [ Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).ATMDATA.GRID1,... 0.5 * Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).ATMDATA.DATA ],... 'lin', 0.2, 0.00, @log10 ) + ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, ... [ Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).ATMDATA.GRID1, ... 0.1 * Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).ATMDATA.DATA ],... 'lin', 0.5, 0.00, @log10 ); Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).MINMAX = 1e-12; case 4 % Constant logrel Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).UNIT = 'logrel'; Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).SX = ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, 0.5, ... 'lin', 0.2, 0.00, @log10 ) + ... covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRIDS{1}, 0.1, ... 'lin', 0.5, 0.00, @log10 ); Q.ABS_SPECIES(1).MINMAX = 1e-6; end %- Water % % This generates no absorption, as linefile has no H2O lines % Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).TAG = { 'H2O' }; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).RETRIEVE = false; Q.ABS_SPECIES(2).ATMDATA = gf_artsxml( fullfile( fascod, ... 'midlatitude-winter', 'midlatitude-winter.H2O.xml' ), 'H2O', 'vmr_field' ); %- Wind % % Here demonstrated for v-component, that should the component of main % concern for ground-based instruments. This component can be seen as the % part of the horizontal wind going along the viewing direction, where % positive values mean a movement away from the sensor. % Q.WIND_V_FIELD = []; % This is a short-cut for zero wind. % Q.WIND_V.RETRIEVE = false; % Set to true to activate retrieval Q.WIND_V.L2 = true; Q.WIND_V.GRIDS = { Q.P_GRID(1:2:end), [], [] }; Q.WIND_V.SX = covmat1d_from_cfun( Q.WIND_V(1).GRIDS{1}, 40, ... 'lin', 0.5, 0.00, @log10 ); if Q.WIND_V.RETRIEVE Q.WSMS_AT_START{end+1} = 'IndexSet(abs_f_interp_order,3)'; end %- Pointing % % Here just included for testing purposes, of little interest for ground-based % spectrometers. % Q.POINTING.RETRIEVE = false; Q.POINTING.DZA = 0.1; Q.POINTING.POLY_ORDER = 0; Q.POINTING.CALCMODE = 'recalc'; Q.POINTING.SX = 1; Q.POINTING.L2 = true; %- Frequency shift % Q.FSHIFTFIT.RETRIEVE = true; Q.FSHIFTFIT.DF = 25e3; Q.FSHIFTFIT.SX = 50e3^2; Q.FSHIFTFIT.L2 = true; %- Frequency stretch % Q.FSTRETCHFIT.RETRIEVE = false; % Set to true to activate retrieval Q.FSTRETCHFIT.DF = 25e3; Q.FSTRETCHFIT.SX = 50e3^2; Q.FSTRETCHFIT.L2 = true; %- Polyfit % % A polynomial of order 3 is used for "baseline fit". % Q.POLYFIT.RETRIEVE = true; Q.POLYFIT.ORDER = 3; Q.POLYFIT.L2 = true; Q.POLYFIT.SX0 = 1^2; Q.POLYFIT.SX1 = 0.5^2; Q.POLYFIT.SX2 = 0.2^2; Q.POLYFIT.SX3 = 0.1^2; %- Sinefit % % Here demonstrated with two period lengths % Q.SINEFIT.RETRIEVE = false; % Set to true to activate retrieval Q.SINEFIT.PERIODS = [ 75e3 200e3 ]'; Q.SINEFIT.L2 = true; Q.SINEFIT.SX1 = 0.2^2; Q.SINEFIT.SX2 = 0.4^2; return %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Y = y_demo(Q) % The data should be loaded from one or several files, but are here genereted % by a forward model call to show how qpack2 can also be used to generate % simulaled measurements (matching a priori assumptions). % The simulated data model airborn measurements at two different zenith % angles, from two nearby positions. % Init Y % Y = qp2_y; % Set a date % Y.YEAR = 2008; Y.MONTH = 2; Y.DAY = 25; % Lat / lon % Y.LATITUDE = 45; Y.LONGITUDE = exp(1); % An airborn measurement assumed here % Y.Z_PLATFORM = 10.5e3; Y.ZA = 50; % Reference point for hydrostatic equilibrium % Y.HSE_P = 100e2; Y.HSE_Z = 16e3; % Set backend frequencies % Y.F = Q.SENSOR_RESPONSE.F_BACKEND; % Thermal noise standard deviation % Y.TNOISE = 0.1; % To test varying noise %Y.TNOISE = linspace( 0.03, 0.07, length(Y.F) )'; % Simulate a measurement % Y.Y = []; % A flag to tell qpack2 to calculate the % spectrum ({} signifies undefined!). % Add a second measurement % Y(2) = Y(1); % Y(2).LONGITUDE = pi; Y(2).ZA = 45; % Calculate simulated spectra % Y = qpack2( Q, oem, Y ); % Dummy oem structure OK here % Add thermal noise % % The correlation specified in Q is included % for i = 1 : length(Y) Y(i).Y = Y(i).Y + Y(i).TNOISE .* make_noise(1,Q.TNOISE_C); end % Add a constant "baseline shift" for measurement 2 % Y(2).Y = Y(2).Y + 1;