function M = collocation_read_frompipe(hdf5file, fields, query) % collocation_read_frompipe Low-level, read collocations as client to pytables server % % EXPERIMENTAL! Function in α/β and subject to change. % % FORMAT % % IN % % hdf5file string full, absolute path to hdf5file. The absolute % path is required for the correct calculation % of the path to the lockfile. % fields cellstr % query % % % TODO: % - select particular columns from AMSU/MHS etc. % - read meandata and avhrrdata correctly % - convert limmat to query-string % - do not-exactly-one-year correctly % - handle errors % - have a better way to treat path_to_server % % $Id$ %% initialise path_to_server = '/storage4/home/gerrit/svn/sources/python/scripts/'; % note: make sure this matches Pythons calculations lockfile = fullfile('/tmp', strrep(hdf5file, '/', '_')); % convert fields cellstr to fields "A B C"-string fields = cellfun(@(c) [c ' '], fields, 'UniformOutput', false); fields = horzcat(fields{:}); fields = deblank(fields); scan_format = '%g'; if ~exist(lockfile, 'file') % Start server logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Initialising program\n'); c = num2str(round(100*rand)); pipe_in_name = fullfile(atmlab('WORK_AREA'), ['pipereader' strrep(hdf5file, '/', '_') c]); pipe_out_name = fullfile(atmlab('WORK_AREA'), ['pipewriter' strrep(hdf5file, '/', '_') c]); log_name = fullfile(atmlab('WORK_AREA'), ['pipelogger' strrep(hdf5file, '/', '_') c]); command = sprintf([path_to_server ' -vd -i %s -o %s -f %s -l %s'], ... pipe_in_name, pipe_out_name, hdf5file, log_name); system(command); end %% open files wait_for_existence(lockfile, 2, 0.1); f = fileopen(lockfile, 'r'); [~] = fgets(f); % first line is pid pipe_in_name = deblank(fgets(f)); pipe_out_name = deblank(fgetl(f)); log_name = deblank(fgetl(f)); wait_for_existence(pipe_out_name, 2, 0.1); pipe_out = fileopen(pipe_out_name, 'r'); wait_for_existence(log_name, 2, 0.1); logfile = fileopen(log_name, 'r'); fseek(logfile, -1, 'eof'); wait_for_existence(pipe_in_name, 2, 0.1); pipe_in = fileopen(pipe_in_name, 'w'); %% communicate logtext(1, 'Sending query: %s ''FIELDS'' %s\n', query, fields); % send command to program fprintf(pipe_in, [query ' FIELDS ' fields '\n']); % read output until '.' i = 0; while true i = i + 1; if mod(i, 100) == 0 % do a 'tail -f' of the logfile fwrite(1, fread(logfile, inf, '*char')); end line = fgets(pipe_out); if strcmp(deblank(line), '.') break else data_in_line = sscanf(line, scan_format); if i == 1 data_total = data_in_line.'; else data_total(i, :) = data_in_line; end if i == size(data_total, 1) % pre-allocate some more data_total = [data_total; nan(size(data_total))]; %#ok logtext(1, 'Doubling allocation to %d lines\n', size(data_total, 1)) end end end fwrite(1, fread(logfile, inf, '*char')); %% finalise M = data_total(~isnan(data_total(:, 1)), :); end