function [M, paths] = find_granules_by_date(year, month, day, sat, dataset, ... with_yesterday) % find_granules_by_date Find all granule start times for date/sat/dataset % % This function finds all granule start times for granules with any coverage % for the the indicated for the indicated satellite/dataset pair. This % includes the last granule of the date before, unless this is explicitly % prohibited. Note that the last granule of the date before may or may not % actually contain information for the day requested. Also note that there may % also be more than one granule on the date before containing information % for the day requested. This is not currently taken into account. % % Valid datasets are shown by list_datasets % % FORMAT % % [M, paths] = find_granules_by_date(year, month, day, sat, dataset, with_yesterday) % % OUT % % M N x m matrix where each row corresponds to one granule and is % a datevec. % paths cell strings Cell array of strings, corresponding full paths % % IN % % year (numeric) Year for which to find the times. % month (numeric) Month for which to find the times. % day (numeric) Day for which to find the times. % sat string Describing the satellite. % dataset string Describing the dataset. % with_yesterday bool Include last of yesterday (defaults to true) % % For POES satellites (NOAA-15 -- NOAA-19 and MetOp-A), AMSU, MHS, HIRS and % AVHRR have the same granule times. % % $Id$ % errid = 'atmlab:find_granules_by_date'; warning(['atmlab:' mfilename], 'old style function, being phased out, use OO way'); if ~exist('with_yesterday', 'var') with_yesterday = true; end datadir = find_datadir_by_date([year month day], sat, dataset); yearstr = num2str(year, '%04d'); % for comparing easily with 2digit years matchy = datasets_config([dataset '_regexp']); if isnan(matchy) matchy = datasets_config([dataset '_filename']); % exact match only end matchy = strrep_variables(matchy, sat, [year month day]); files = dir(datadir); nfiles = length(files); M = zeros(nfiles, 5); for i = 1:nfiles fname = files(i).name; nam = regexp(fname, matchy, 'names'); if ~isempty(nam) % if present, year/month/day should be the same if (isfield(nam, 'year02') && ~isempty(nam.year02) && ~strcmp(nam.year02, yearstr(3:4))) || ... (isfield(nam, 'year04') && ~isempty(nam.year04) && str2double(nam.year04)~=year) || ... (isfield(nam, 'year') && ~isempty(nam.year) && str2double(nam.year)~=year) || ... (isfield(nam, 'month') && ~isempty(nam.month) && str2double(nam.month)~=month) || ... (isfield(nam, 'day') && ~isempty( && str2double( || ... (isfield(nam, 'doy') && ~isempty(nam.doy) && str2double(nam.doy)~=dayofyear(year, month, day)); continue; end M(i, 1:3) = [year month day]; if isfield(nam, 'hour') M(i, 4) = str2double(nam.hour); end if isfield(nam, 'minute') M(i, 5) = str2double(nam.minute); end end end % all paths paths = cellfun(@(f) fullfile(datadir, f), {}, 'UniformOutput', false); % remove lines with zeroes (those are not granules) nogran = M(:, 1)==0; M(nogran, :) = []; paths(nogran) = []; % sort [M, I] = sortrows(M); paths = paths(I); % add yesterday if with_yesterday yesterday = datevec(datenum([year month day])-1); [M_yesterday, paths_yesterday] = find_granules_by_date(... yesterday(1), yesterday(2), yesterday(3), sat, dataset, false); if ~isempty(M_yesterday) % maybe today is genesis/big bang/epoch/birth/1970-01-01 M = [M_yesterday(end, :); M]; paths = [paths_yesterday(end) paths]; end end