function first = granule_first_line(sat, sensor, d, reload) % granule_first_line Returns first scanline not present in previous granule % % For a certain granule, return the number of the first scanline that % is not in the previous scanline. This m-file uses a previously created % database (a hashtable). This hash-table is cached between subsequent % calls of the function. % % There should exist an entry for each satellite/sensor granule. If it's % not found, an error is raised, and there is probably a bug somewhere. If % the satellite/sensor granule exists, but there is no (unique) previous % granule, line -2 is returned. % % FORMAT % % first = granule_first_line(sat, sensor, datevec[, reload]) % % IN % % sat string Satellite % sensor string Sensor % datevec vector Starting date/time for granule % reload logical (optional) Reload scanline data (i.e. not % cached). Defaults to false. % % OUT % % first number First scanline not in previous granule. % Special values: -1 (no data found), -2 (no % previous granule found) % % $Id$ persistent S; warning(['atmlab:' mfilename], 'old style function, being phased out, use OO way'); if isempty(S) S = struct; end if ~exist('reload', 'var') reload = false; end if isfield(S, sat) && isfield(S.(sat), sensor) && ~reload ht = S.(sat).(sensor); else scanfile = datasets_config('firstline_data'); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SAT', sat); scanfile = strrep(scanfile, '$SENSOR', sensor); t = load(scanfile); ht =; S.(sat).(sensor) = ht; end if isscalar(d) unisecs = uint32(d); else dv = num2cell(d); unisecs = uint32(date2unixsecs(dv{:})); end first = ht.get(unisecs); if isempty(first) error('atmlab:granule_first_line', 'no data found for %s/%s @ %d', ... sat, sensor, unisecs); end