function M = read_granule(sat, sensor, datevec, remdouble, force) % read_granule Read any sat/sensor granule (levels 1 and 2) % % High-level function to read a particular granule for a % satellite/sensor-pair, if one doesn't know what function is suitable to % use to read it. It also gets rid of ballast. % % Uses datasets_config('read_SENSOR') to find out what function to use to % read this particular data. Uses granule_first_line to find out the first % scanline to use (e.g. the rest are doubles). % % Valid datasets are returned by list_datasets. % % FORMAT % % M = read_granule(sat, sensor, datevec, remdouble, force) % % IN % % sat string Satellite (noaa18, cloudsat, etc.) % sensor string Sensor or dataset (mhs, hirs, cpr, hirscs, etc.) % datevec vector Date-vector indicating the starting time. % remdouble logical (optional) Remove doubles or not? Default true. % force logical (optional) rather than throwing an error, % return [] in case of error. Default false. % % OUT % % M struct Contains at least lat, lon, time and one or more % data fields. Exact results depend on the particular % satellite/sensor-pair. % % $Id$ warning(['atmlab:' mfilename], 'old style function, being phased out, use OO way'); if ~exist('remdouble', 'var') remdouble = true; end if ~exist('force', 'var') force = false; end % find datafile and function to read it datafile = find_datafile_by_date(datevec, sat, sensor); reader = datasets_constants(['read_' sensor]); % read datafile %logtext(colloc_config('stdout'), '%s(''%s'')\n', ... % func2str(reader), datafile); try M = reader(datafile); catch ME if force switch ME.identifier case 'atmlab:invalid_data' logtext(atmlab('ERR'), ... 'Unable to read HIRS-data: %s\n', ME.message); M = []; return otherwise ME.rethrow(); end else ME.rethrow(); end end %logtext(colloc_config('stdout'), 'read %s\n', datafile); nlines = size(M.time, 1); if remdouble % read ballast firstline = granule_first_line(sat, sensor, datevec); % get rid of ballast for f = fieldnames(M)' fn = f{1}; if isnumeric(M.(fn)) && size(M.(fn), 1) == nlines % magic in next lines explained at % sz = size(M.(fn)); M.(fn) = reshape(M.(fn)(firstline:nlines, :), [nlines-firstline+1, sz(2:end)]); end end end end