function write_collocations_netcdf(year, month, day, S, D, M, ... sat1, sensor1, ~, sensor2, info) % write_collocations Write collocation data to netcdf file % % (Note: name write_collocations_netcdf is TEMPORARY) % % Write collocation data for year/month/day in structure S to a netcdf file. % The filename is determined from the satellite and sensors used. % % FORMAT % % write_collocations(year, month, day, S, D, M, sat1, sensor1, sat2, sensor2) % % IN % % year (numeric) Year for which S contains collocations % month (numeric) Month for which S contains collocations % day (numeric) Day for which S contains collocations % S structure As returned by collocate_date, structure whose % field(s) describe the collocations between the sensors % in question. (-1 means none) % D structure As returned by collocate_date, for the data (-1=none) % M structure As returned by collocate_date, for the mean data % (-1 means none) % sat1 string Primary satellite under consideration % sensor1 string Sensor at primary satellite % sat2 string Secondary satellite under consideration; not used, % because those should be the fieldnames in S/D/M % sensor2 string Sensor at secondary satellite. % info structure (optional) Additional global attributes, % may overwrite default ones % % OUT % % none (but writes a file) % % $Id$ % FIXME: update to new-style warning(['atmlab:' mfilename], 'old style function, being phased out, use OO way'); if ~exist('info', 'var') info = struct; end cols = colloc_constants(['cols_' sensor1 '_' sensor2]); fields = fieldnames(S); for i = 1:length(fields) % for each satellite satname = fields{i}; if strcmp(satname, 'version') % but not for version continue end switch number_sats_in_dataset(['collocation_' sensor1 '_' sensor2]) case 1 s = satname; case 2 s = {sat1, satname}; end fn = find_datafile_by_date([year month day], s, ... ['collocation_' sensor1 '_' sensor2]); if strcmp(fn(end-1:end), 'gz') % take off this part fn(end-2:end) = ''; end outdir = fileparts(fn); temp_out = tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')); if ~exist(outdir, 'dir') logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Creating %s\n', outdir); mkdir(outdir); end %% create the file logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing %s\n', temp_out); ncid = netcdf.create(temp_out, 'NC_CLOBBER'); % overwrite existing %cleanupObj = onCleanup(@() cleanup(temp_out, ncid)); % FIXME... %% define the dimensions ncollocs = size(S.(satname), 1); dim_collocs = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'Collocations', ncollocs); if isstruct(M) % also mean-data try dim_meancollocs = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'Averaged_collocations', size(M.(satname), 1)); catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:netcdf:defDim:onlyOneUnlimitedDimensionAllowed', ... 'MATLAB:netcdf:defDim:eunlimit:onlyOneUnlimitedDimensionAllowed', ... 'MATLAB:imagesci:netcdf:libraryFailure'} dim_meancollocs = dim_collocs; otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end end %% put global attributes utc_time = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis; [utc_date{1:6}] = unixsecs2date(utc_time/1000); utc_datestr = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ', ... [utc_date{1:5} round(utc_date{6})]); global_atts = struct(... 'Conventions', 'CF-1.4', ... 'title', 'Collocations', ... 'history', [datestr(now, 'YYYY-mm-dd') ' Collocations generated from scratch'], ... 'date', utc_datestr, ... 'institution', ['Department of Space Science, Lule' char(unicode2native('å')) ' University of Technology, Kiruna, Sweden'], ... 'source', 'Collocation codes, part of atmlab', ... 'references', 'Holl et al. (2010)', ... 'software_version', atmlab_version, ... 'maxdist_km', colloc_config('distance'), ... 'maxtime_s', colloc_config('interval'), ... 'primary_satellite', sat1, ... 'primary_sensor', sensor1, ... 'primary_version', S.version{1}, ... 'secondary_satellite', satname, ... 'secondary_sensor', sensor2, ... 'secondary_version', S.version{2}, ... 'start_time', double(date2unixsecs(year, month, day))); % add caller-contributed ones warning('off', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound') global_atts = catstruct(global_atts, info); % convert to cell-array global_atts = mat2cell([fieldnames(global_atts) struct2cell(global_atts)], ... ones(1, length(fieldnames(global_atts))), 2).'; addncattributes(ncid, global_atts); %% define variables, variable attributes, additional dimensions colloc_vars = intersect(fieldnames(cols.overlap), fieldnames(cols.stored)); data_vars = intersect(fieldnames(, fieldnames(cols.stored)); if isfield(cols, 'meandata') mean_vars = intersect(fieldnames(cols.meandata), fieldnames(cols.stored)); else mean_vars = {}; end vars = [colloc_vars; data_vars; mean_vars]; vartypes = [repmat({'overlap'}, size(colloc_vars)); ... repmat({'data'}, size(data_vars)); ... repmat({'meandata'}, size(mean_vars))]; varids = zeros(size(vars)); dims = struct(); for j = 1:length(vars) varname = vars{j}; type = cols.stored.(varname).type; atts = cols.stored.(varname).atts; % determine length dimension: all collocs or mean collocs? switch vartypes{j} case {'overlap', 'data'} dim_n = dim_collocs; case 'meandata' dim_n = dim_meancollocs; otherwise error('atmlab:write_collocations_netcdf', 'Unknown vartype: %s', vartypes{j}); end % check if we have other dimensions besides the length if isfield(cols.stored.(varname), 'dims') && ~isempty(S.(satname)) dimname = cols.stored.(varname).dims{1}; dimsize = cols.stored.(varname).dims{2}; try if ~isfield(dims, dimname) dims.(dimname) = netcdf.defDim(ncid, dimname, dimsize); end catch ME switch ME.identifier case 'MATLAB:netcdf:defDim:nameIsAlreadyInUse' % no problem otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end thisdim = [dim_n dims.(dimname)]; else thisdim = dim_n; end % define variable and put attributes varid = netcdf.defVar(ncid, varname, type, thisdim); varids(j) = varid; for k = fieldnames(atts)' netcdf.putAtt(ncid, varid, k{1}, atts.(k{1})); end end %% write data % end define mode netcdf.endDef(ncid); if isempty(S.(satname)) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Nothing to write\n'); else % put vars logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Writing: '); for j = 1:length(vars) varname = vars{j}; fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '%s ', varname); vartype = vartypes{j}; varid = varids(j); switch vartype case 'overlap' netcdf.putVar(ncid, varid, S.(satname)(:, cols.(vartype).(varname))); case 'data' netcdf.putVar(ncid, varid, D.(satname)(:, cols.(vartype).(varname))); case 'meandata' if isempty(M.(satname)) logtext(atmlab('ERR'), 'Warning: No meandata\n'); else netcdf.putVar(ncid, varid, M.(satname)(:, cols.(vartype).(varname))); end end end fprintf(atmlab('OUT'), '\n'); end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Finalising\n'); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Gzipping to %s and removing uncompressed\n', outdir); netcdf.close(ncid); gzipped_filename = gzip(temp_out, outdir); movefile(gzipped_filename{1}, [fn '.gz']); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Done\n'); end end function cleanup(temp_out, ncid) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Cleaning up\n'); try netcdf.close(ncid); catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:netcdf:inq:notNetcdfID', 'MATLAB:netcdf:close:notNetcdfID', ... 'MATLAB:netcdf:close:ebadid:notNetcdfID'} % already closed otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end delete(temp_out); end