% LOADNCFILE Loads a NetCDF file into a structure. % % The function enables direct loading of a whole NetCDF file into % a structure. % % Global attributes are stored in ret.global_attributes.(attname) % Variable attributes are stored in ret.attributes.(varname).(attname) % Variables are stored in ret.(varname) % % FORMAT ret = loadncfile( filename ) % % OUT ret Loaded NetCDF file structure. % IN filename Name of NetCDF file. (can be gzipped) % 2013-02-08 Updated by Salomon % 2010-02-10 Created by Oliver Lemke. function ret = loadncfile( filename ) errId = ['atmlab:' mfilename]; % UNCOMPRESS if needed if strcmp(filename(end-2:end),'.gz') tmpdir = create_tmpfolder; c= onCleanup(@() rmdir(tmpdir,'s')); filename = uncompress(filename,tmpdir); if isempty(filename), error(errId,'Uncompressing failed'); end end ncid = netcdf.open (filename, 'NOWRITE'); cleanupObject = onCleanup(@() netcdf.close (ncid)); ret.global_attributes = loadncglobalattr( ncid ); [~,nvars] = netcdf.inq(ncid); for i = 0:nvars-1 [varname, ~, ~, natts] = netcdf.inqVar (ncid, i); svarname = genvarname(varname); ret.(svarname) = nc_read_varid(ncid,i); for j = 0:natts-1 attname = netcdf.inqAttName (ncid, i, j); ret.attributes.(svarname).(genvarname(attname)) = ... netcdf.getAtt (ncid, i, attname); end end if (which('netcdf.inqGrps')) grpids = netcdf.inqGrps (ncid); for gid = grpids grp = read_group(ncid, gid); ret = catstruct(ret, grp); end else warning(errId, ... 'This Matlab version does not support NetCDF groups.'); end end function grp = read_group(~, gid) varids = netcdf.inqVarIDs(gid); chgrpids = netcdf.inqGrps(gid); grpname = genvarname(netcdf.inqGrpName(gid)); grp.(grpname)=struct(); for i = varids [varname, ~, ~, natts] = netcdf.inqVar (gid, i); svarname = genvarname(varname); grp.(grpname).(svarname) = netcdf.getVar (gid, i); for j = 0:natts-1 attname = netcdf.inqAttName (gid, i, j); grp.(grpname).attributes.(svarname).(genvarname(attname)) = ... netcdf.getAtt (gid, i, attname); end end for chgid = chgrpids childgroup = read_group(gid, chgid); grp.(grpname) = catstruct(grp.(grpname), childgroup); end end