% LOADNCVAR Loads a specific variable(s) from a NetCDF file % % The function enables direct loading of a named variable from a NetCDF % file. varname can be either a string to load one variable or a cell % array of several variable names. % % When multiple varnames are given (or if a single varname is given in a cell) % the return value is a structure containing the loaded variables. % % lat = loadncvar( 'mydata.nc', 'lat'); % grid = loadncvar( 'mydata.nc', { 'lat', 'lon' } ); % % Note: If you wish to load the whole netcdf file into a structure use % struct = loadncfile (filename), instead. % % FORMAT [ret, attr] = loadncvar( filename, varname ) % % OUT ret Loaded variable. % OUT glattr structure containting attributes of the read data. % OUT attr structure containting attributes of the read data. % IN filename Name of NetCDF file. % varname Name of variable. % 2010-02-02 Created by Oliver Lemke. % 2010-10-11 Modified by Gerrit Holl. % 2012-01-30 Modified by Gerrit Holl. % 2012-02-23 Modified by Gerrit Holl. % 2013-02-13 Modified by Salomon Eliasson. function [ret, glattr, attr] = loadncvar( filename, varname ) errId = ['atmlab:' mfilename]; % UNCOMPRESS if needed if strcmp(filename(end-2:end),'.gz') tmpdir = create_tmpfolder; c= onCleanup(@() rmdir(tmpdir,'s')); filename = uncompress(filename,tmpdir); if isempty(filename), error(errId,'Uncompressing failed'); end end ncid = netcdf.open (filename, 'NOWRITE'); cleanupObject = onCleanup( @()netcdf.close(ncid) ); if (nargout>1) glattr = loadncglobalattr(ncid); else glattr = []; end if (nargout>2) attr = loadncattr(ncid,varname); else attr = []; end if ischar(varname) varid = netcdf.inqVarID (ncid, varname); ret = nc_read_varid(ncid, varid); elseif iscell(varname) if isempty(varname) ret = struct(); end for v = varname(:).' try varid = netcdf.inqVarID (ncid, v{1}); catch ME if ~isempty(regexp(ME.message,'Variable not found', 'once')) error(errId,'Variable ''%s'' not found in file',v{1}) else ME.rethrow(); end end ret.(genvarname(v{1})) = nc_read_varid(ncid, varid); end else error(errId,'varname must be either of type char or cell'); end end