% DI2PLANCKTB Planck Tb of jacobians and higher Stokes components % % Converts intensities to brigthness temperatures by "inverting" the Planck % function. The function *i2planckTb* performs the same operation, but this % function handles also conversion of jacobians and higher Stokes % components. These later quantities can be seen as differences between two % radiance values, and can not be converted to Tb as the spectrum (*i*). % % Use *i2planckTb* if only a spectrum shall be converted. % % FORMAT [tb,dtb] = di2planckTb(f,i,di) % % OUT tb Brightness temperature for *i* [K]. % OUT dtb Brightness temperature for *di*. % IN f Frequencies [Hz]. Must be a column vector. % i Intensities for spectrum [W/sr*m^2*Hz]. Must be a column % vector. % di Jacobian or higher Stokes components, in radiance. Can be a % matrix, where each row corresponds to a frequency. % % See also: i2planckTb, planck % 2010-12-15 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [tb,dtb] = di2planckTb(f,i,di) rqre_datatype( f, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( i, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( di, @istensor2 ); %&% if length(f) ~= length(i) %&% error( 'The vectors *f* and *i* must have the same length.' ); %&% end %&% if length(f) ~= size(di,1) %&% error( ... %&% 'The length of vector *f* and number of rows in *di* must be equal.' ); %&% end %&% planck = constants('PLANCK_CONST'); boltzmann = constants('BOLTZMANN_CONST'); speed_light = constants('SPEED_OF_LIGHT'); a = planck/boltzmann; b = 2*planck/speed_light^2; tb = a * f ./ log((b*f.^3)./i + 1 ); dtb = repmat( tb.^2./(a*i.*f.*(1+i./(b*f.^3))), 1, size(di,2) ) .* di; end