% LORENTZ_LSHAPE Different versions of pressure broadened line shape % % Calculates different versions of the pressure induced line shape. The % most basic version is denoted as the Lorentz line shape. % % The line shape can be expressed as % l = 1/pi * (f/f0)^prefac * ( dp/((f-f0)^2+dp^2) + dp/((f+f0)^2+dp^2) ) % where the second term (including f+f0) is considered only if *mirror* % is set. % % Default values correspond to the basic Lorentz shape. The van % Vleck-Weisskopf line shape is obtained with prefac=2 and mirror=true. % % FORMAT l = lorentz_lshape( f, f0, dp [, prefac, mirror ] ) % % OUT l Line shape. Dimensions [f,dp]. % IN f Frequency vector. % f0 Centre frequency. Only scalar input allowed. % dp Pressure broadened line width. Following standard definition, % which corresponds to FWHM/2. Can be a vector. % OPT prefac Exponent for (f/f0) term. Default is 0. % mirror To consider the mirror transition at -f0. Default is false. % 2006-11-21 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function l = lorentz_lshape( f, f0, dp, varargin ) % [prefac,mirror] = optargs( varargin, { 0, false } ); %&% %&% %- Check input %&% % %&% rqre_nargin( 3, nargin ) %&% % %&% rqre_datatype( f, {@istensor1} ); %&% rqre_datatype( f0, {@istensor1} ); %&% rqre_datatype( dp, {@istensor0,@istensor1} ); %&% % %&% rqre_datatype( prefac, {@istensor1} ); %&% rqre_datatype( mirror, {@isboolean} ); %&% %- Allocate output % l = zeros( length(f), length(dp) ); if prefac == 0 a = 1/pi; else a = (f/f0).^prefac/pi; end for i = 1 : length(dp) if mirror l(:,i) = a .* ( dp(i) ./ ( (f-f0).^2 + dp(i)^2 ) + ... dp(i) ./ ( (f+f0).^2 + dp(i)^2 ) ); else l(:,i) = a .* ( dp(i) ./ ( (f-f0).^2 + dp(i)^2 ) ); end end