% N_AIR_THAYER Microwave refractive index for Earth's atmosphere % % The parameterisation of Thayer (Radio Science, 9, 803-807, 1974). % See also Eq. 3 and 5 of Solheim et al. (JGR, 104, pp. 9664). % The expression is non-dispersive. % % FORMAT: n = n_air_thayer(p,t,h2o) % % OUT: n Refractive index (only real part). % IN: p Pressure. % t Temperature % e Water vapour partial pressure function n = n_air_thayer(p,t,e) rqre_element_math( p, t ); rqre_element_math( p, e ); n = 1 + ( 77.6e-8 * ( p - e ) + ( 64.8e-8 + 3.776e-3 ./ t) .* e ) ./ t;