% CART2GEOCENTRIC converts a cartesian position to spherical coordinate % % The geocentric Cartesian coordinate system is fixed with respect to the % Earth, with its origin at the center of the ellipsoid and its X-, Y-, % and Z-axes intersecting the surface at the following points: % % lat lon % X-axis: 0 0 (Equator at the Prime Meridian) % Y-axis: 0 90 (Equator at 90-degrees East) % Z-axis: 90 0 (North Pole) % % A common synonym is Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed coordinates, or ECEF. % % If the optional arguments are given, it is ensured that latitude and % longitude are kept constant for zenith or nadir cases, and the longitude % for N-S cases. The optional input shall be interpreted as the [x,y,z] % is obtained by moving from [lat0,lon0] in the direction of [za0,aa0]. % % FORMAT [r,lat,lon]=cart2geocentric(x,y,z[,lat0,lon0,za0,aa0]) % % OUT r Radius % lat Latitude % lon Longitude % IN x Coordinate in x dimension % y Coordinate in y dimension % z Coordinate in z dimension % lat0 Original latitude % lon0 Original longitude % za0 Orignal zenith angle % aa0 Orignal azimuth angle % History: created by Bengt Rydberg 2011-10-31 function [r,lat,lon]=cart2geocentric(x,y,z,lat0,lon0,za0,aa0) rad2deg = constants( 'RAD2DEG' ); r = sqrt( x.*x + y.*y + z.*z ); if all( r > 0 ) lat = rad2deg * asin( z ./ r ); else error( 'This set of functions are not handling the case of r = 0.' ); end lon = rad2deg * atan2( y, x ); if nargin > 3 n = length(r); for i = 1 : n %Zenith or nadir? if za0(i) < 1e-6 | za0(i) > 180-1e-6 lat(i) = lat0(i); lon(i) = lon0(i); end % N-S case (not starting at a pole)? if abs(lat0(i)) < 90-1e-8 & ... ( abs(aa0(i)) < 1e-6 | abs(aa0(i)-180) < 1e-6 ) % Check that not lon changed with 180 deg if abs(lon(i)-lon0(i)) < 1 lon(i) = lon0(i); else if lon0(i) > 0 lon(i) = lon0(i) - 180; else lon(i) = lon0(i) + 180; end end end end end