% GEOCENTRIC2CART converts from spherical coordinate to a cartesian position % % See Contents.m for a defintion of the geocentric coordinate system % % FORMAT [x,y,z]=geocentric2cart(r,lat,lon) % % OUT x Coordinate in x dimension % y Coordinate in y dimension % z Coordinate in z dimension % % IN r Radius % lat Latitude % lon Longitude % History: created by Bengt Rydberg 2011-10-31 function [x,y,z]=geocentric2cart(r,lat,lon) if any( r == 0 ) error( 'This set of functions are not handling the case of r = 0.' ); end deg2rad = constants( 'DEG2RAD' ); latrad = deg2rad * lat; lonrad = deg2rad * lon; x = r .* cos( latrad ); % Common term for x and y y = x .* sin( lonrad ); x = x .* cos( lonrad ); z = r .* sin( latrad );