% GEODETIC2GEOCENTRIC converts from a geodetic to a geocentric position % % The geodetic coordinates refer to the reference ellipsoid % specified by input ellipsoid. % See Contents for a defintion of the geocentric coordinate system. % % FORMAT [r,lat_gc,lon_gc]=geodetic2geocentric(h,lat_gd,lon_gd[,ellipsoid]) % % OUT r Radius % lat_gc Geocentric latitude % lon_gc Geocentric longitude % % IN h Geodetic height (height above the reference ellipsoid) % lat_gd Geodetic latitude % lon_gd geodetic longitude % OPT ellipsoid a row vector with the form [semimajor axis, eccentricity] % specifying the ellipsoid, % the semimajor axis must use the same units as h % Default is WGS84. % History: created by Bengt Rydberg 2011-10-31 function [r_gc,lat_gc,lon_gc]=geodetic2geocentric(h,lat_gd,lon_gd,ellipsoid) if nargin<4 %WGS84 reference ellipsoid ellipsoid = ellipsoidmodels( 'WGS84' ); end [x,y,z] = geodetic2cart(h,lat_gd,lon_gd, ellipsoid ); [r_gc,lat_gc,lon_gc] = cart2geocentric(x,y,z);