function [data,lat,lon] = ungridded2gridded(in,opt) %% ungridded2gridded % % PURPOSE % Puts statistics of ungridded data onto a grid. e.g by default the nan-removed mean % and numel are given for each user defined grid box % % % IN % in struct containing % % in.lon % in.(field) % e.g. if in.field = 'uth', % then in.uth is the data % field to grid % % data,lat,lon, must be the same size % % % % OPT structure % % field string 'stringname of datafield' % % grid cell containing either % one (degree) scalar or vector to be applied in both % directions {[%f]} or {[%f %f]} % or % two (degree) scalars or vectors to be appllied % to the lat and lon dimensions % {[latdim],[londim]} = {[%f],[%f]} or {[%f %f],[%f %f]} % % Default grid is a 1x1 deg % % func {@fhandle/s} Any function handle for the statistic you want % to calculate within each grid box. default = % {@mean,@numel} % % valid @fhandle Throws away all invalid values before apply % statistics. This function handle % toggles what you mean by "valid". To keep all values % valid = ''; By default only keep positive values % i.e., valid = @(x)(x(x>=0)). WARNING: but if you input a % matrix per cell be aware that the above example will % collapse your data to a vector % % % noStatistics If you only want to bin the data and return a 2D % grid cell that contains all the original values % as vectors in the grid boxes, set noStatistics=true; % this also implies that arguments "func" and "valid" % are not used % % region [blcorner,trcorner] (lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2) % This limits the gridding to area of % interest. If this is not given the % gridding is global (slower if unnecessary) % % replace value (e.g., NaN, or {NaN,0} % replace empty cells with in.replace. Make it a cell % if you want difference replace values for the % function handles. NaN is default % % dataClass 'class' (default='double'). Ensures that the data in % the cell matrix from binned_statistics is all your % class of choosing. This is necessary if you want to % use cell2mat on your data. % OUT % % data Structure containing the gridded statistics, and the % corresponding lat lons. % OR % if noStatistic = true; data is a cell grid. % lat % lon lat and lon are also included in the data structure % (if it is a structure) % % % USAGE e.g., [data,lat,lon] = ungridded2gridded(in,struct('field','something','grid',1,'func',@sum,'valid',@(x)(x(x>0))); % %creates rectangular grid with sum per grid of the values (>0) that were binned into that grid % % $Id$ % Salomon Eliasson errId = ['atmlab:' mfilename,':badInput']; if nargin==1, opt = struct(); end assert(any([isfield(in,'data'),isfield(opt,'field')]),... errId,'need some way of knowing what "field" to do the gridding on.\nSee doc %s.m\n',mfilename) default.grid = {1}; default.func = {@mean,@numel}; default.valid = ''; default.noStatistics = false; default.field = 'data'; default.replace = NaN; default.dataClass = 'double'; opt = optargs_struct(opt,default); if ~iscell(opt.func), opt.func={opt.func}; end if ~iscell(opt.grid), opt.grid={opt.grid};end if ~iscell(opt.replace), opt.replace={opt.replace};end assert(isequal(size(in.(opt.field)(:)),size(,size(in.lon(:)))|isequal(size(in.(opt.field),1),size(,1),size(in.lon(:),1)),... errId,'"%s" lat, lon must be the same size, or the first dimension of "%s" is the same size as lat lon',opt.field,opt.field) % --------------- % Grid assert(~isfield(in,'gridsize'),errId,'input in.gridsize will be ignored as this is set in this function using in.grid (see help section)') assert(~isfield(opt,'gridsize'),errId,'input opt.gridsize will be ignored as this is set in this function using in.grid (see help section)') assert(iscell(opt.grid),errId,'in.grid must be a one or two element cell') if length(opt.grid)==1 && isscalar(opt.grid{1}) in.gridsize = opt.grid{1}; logtext(1,'Binning the data to a %gx%g grid\n',in.gridsize,in.gridsize) elseif length(opt.grid)==1 in.newlat = opt.grid{1}; in.newlon = opt.grid{1}; logtext(1,'Binning the data to a cutom square grid\n') elseif length(opt.grid)==2 && isscalar(opt.grid{1}) in.gridsize = [opt.grid{1},opt.grid{2}]; elseif length(opt.grid)==2 in.newlat = opt.grid{1}; in.newlon = opt.grid{2}; logtext(1,'Binning the data to a cutom rectangular grid\n') else error(errId,'grid is incorrect. See doc %s',mfilename) end % ---------------- % BIN THE DATA [tmpdata,lat,lon] = binning_fast(catstruct(in,struct('data',in.(opt.field)))); if opt.noStatistics % Leave after this if you want data = tmpdata; return end = lat; data.lon = lon; for F = opt.func logtext(1,'Getting the statistic called "%s" within each gridcell\n',func2str(F{1})) end % -------------------- % APPLY STATISTICS out = binned_statistics(tmpdata, opt.func , opt.valid, opt.replace, opt); % The NaN is to be put in place of empty grids flds = fieldnames(out); for i = 1: length(flds) % check that the cells only contain scalars data.fhandle2fieldname{i} = sprintf('%s = %s',flds{i},func2str(opt.func{i})); if any(~cellfun(@isscalar,out.(flds{i})(:))) logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'Not doing cell2mat(x) since it only works on scalars. Statistic: "%s" that saved in data.%s will remain a cell\n',data.fhandle2fieldname{i} ,flds{i}) data.(flds{i}) = out.(flds{i}); continue end data.(flds{i}) = cell2mat(out.(flds{i})); end end