% PT2Z Hydrostatic altitudes % % Calculates altitudes fulfilling hydrostatic equilibrium, based on % vertical profiles of pressure, temperature and water vapour. Pressure % and altitude of a reference point must be specified. % % Molecular weights and gravitational constants are hard coded and % function is only valid for the Earth. % % As the gravitation changes with altitude, an iterative process is % needed. The accuracy can be controlled by *z_acc*. The calculations % are repeated until the max change of the altitudes is below *z_acc*. If % z_acc<0, the calculations are run twice, which should give an accuracy % better than 1 m. % % FORMAT z = pt2z( p, t, h2o, p0, z0 [,lat,z_acc,refell] ) % % OUT z Altitudes [m]. % IN p Column vector of pressures [Pa]. % t Column vector of temperatures [K]. % h2o Water vapour [VMR]. Vector or a scalar, e.g. 0. % p0 Pressure of reference point [Pa]. % z0 Altitude of reference point [m]. % lat Latitude. Default is 45. % z_acc Accuracy for z. Default is -1. % ellipsoid Reference ellipsoid data, see *ellipsoidmodels*. % Default is data matching WGS84. % 2005-05-11 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function z = pt2z(p,t,h2o,p0,z0,varargin) % [lat,z_acc,ellipsoid] = optargs( varargin, { 45, -1, NaN } ); % if isnan(ellipsoid) ellipsoid = ellipsoidmodels('wgs84'); end %&% rqre_nargin( 5, nargin ); %&% rqre_datatype( p, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( t, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( h2o, @istensor1 ); %&% rqre_datatype( p0, @istensor0 ); %&% rqre_datatype( z0, @istensor0 ); %&% rqre_datatype( lat, @istensor0 ); %&% np = length( p ); if length(t) ~= np %&% error('The length of *p* and *t* must be identical.'); %&% end %&% if ~( length(h2o) == np | length(h2o) == 1 ) %&% error('The length of *h2o* must be 1 or match *p*.'); %&% end %&% if p0 > p(1) | p0 < p(np) %&% error('Reference point (p0) can not be outside range of *p*.'); %&% end %&% %= Expand *h2o* if necessary % if length(h2o) == 1 h2o = repmat( h2o, np, 1 ); end %= Make rough estimate of *z* % z = p2z_simple( p ); z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 ); %= Set Earth radius and g at z=0 % re = ellipsoidradii( ellipsoid, lat ); g0 = lat2g0( lat ); %= Gas constant and molecular weight of dry air and water vapour % r = constants( 'GAS_CONST' ); md = 28.966; mw = 18.016; % k = 1-mw/md; % 1 - eps rd = 1e3 * r / md; % Gas constant for 1 kg dry air %= How to end iterations % if z_acc < 0 niter = 2; else niter = 99; end for iter = 1:niter zold = z; g = z2g( re, g0, z ); for i = 1 : (np-1) gp = ( g(i) + g(i+1) ) / 2; %-- Calculate average water VMR (= average e/p) hm = (h2o(i)+h2o(i+1)) / 2; %-- The virtual temperature (no liquid water) tv = (t(i)+t(i+1)) / ( 2 * (1-hm*k) ); % E.g. 3.16 in Wallace&Hobbs %-- The change in vertical altitude from i to i+1 dz = rd * (tv/gp) * log( p(i)/p(i+1) ); z(i+1) = z(i) + dz; end %-- Match the altitude of the reference point z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 ); if z_acc >= 0 & max(abs(z-zold)) < z_acc break; end end return %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function z = shift2refpoint( p, z, p0, z0 ) % z = z - ( interpp( p, z, p0 ) - z0 ); % return function g = z2g(r_geoid,g0,z) % g = g0 * (r_geoid./(r_geoid+z)).^2; % return % Expression below taken from Wikipedia page "Gravity of Earth", that is stated % to be: International Gravity Formula 1967, the 1967 Geodetic Reference System % Formula, Helmert's equation or Clairault's formula. function g0 = lat2g0(lat) % x = abs( lat ); g0 = 9.780327 * ( 1 + 5.3024e-3*sind(x).^2 + 5.8e-6*sind(2*x).^2 ); % return