function command = psscale(file,in) % PSSCALE Appends options to GMT psscale % % PURPOSE: Appends options to a short script and calls the GMT % % IN file %s .ps-file created/appened to by command % in struct options here (see help gmt_plot) % % OUT command %s string command to be used in system call % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ assert(isfield(in,'cptfile'),['gmtlab:' mfilename ':badInput'],'needs in.cptfile') psscale = sprintf('psscale'); if isfield(in,'position') psscale = sprintf('%s -D%s',psscale,in.position); else psscale = sprintf('%s -D%s/%s/%s/%s%s',... psscale,num2str(in.xpos),num2str(in.ypos),num2str(in.length),num2str(in.width),... in.orientation); %may only append 'h' if strcmp(in.orientation,'v'), psscale = psscale(1:end-1); end end if ( isfield(in,'tick_annotations') && ~isempty(in.tick_annotations) ) || ... ( isfield(in,'equalboxwidth') && in.equalboxwidth ) || ... any(isfield(in,{'box_spacing','tick_centering'})) psscale = sprintf('%s -L',psscale); if isfield(in,'box_spacing') % tickspacing (annotation every xth contour), unit (dispay with legend) psscale = sprintf('%s%g',psscale,in.box_spacing); end if isfield(in,'tick_centering') psscale = sprintf('%si',psscale); end end psscale = sprintf('%s %s',psscale,in.plotPlacement); % selects Overlay plot mode and assume more pscode will be appended later psscale = sprintf('%s -O -K',psscale); if in.sidebar %i.e the triangles bellow the min and above the max values switch in.sidebar case 1 str = '-Eb'; case 2 str = '-Ef'; case 3 str = '-E'; otherwise error(['gmtlab:' mfilename ':input'],... 'error in determining sidebar') end psscale = sprintf('%s %s',psscale,str); end if isfield(in,'tick_spacing') psscale = sprintf('%s -B%g:"%s":/:"%s":',psscale,in.tick_spacing,in.xunit,in.unit); else psscale = sprintf('%s -B:"%s":/:"%s":',psscale,in.xunit,in.unit); end psscale = sprintf('%s -C%s',psscale,in.cptfile); if isfield(in,'shift_tick_annotations') psscale = sprintf('%s --ANNOT_OFFSET_PRIMARY=%s',psscale,in.shift_tick_annotations); end if isfield(in,'font_size') psscale = sprintf('%s --ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY=%s',psscale,num2str(in.font_size)); end if isfield(in,'tick_length') psscale = sprintf('%s --TICK_LENGTH %s',psscale,num2str(in.tick_length)); end if isfield(in,'tick_annotation_format') psscale = sprintf('%s --D_FORMAT=%s',psscale,in.tick_annotation_format); end command = sprintf('%s >>',psscale,file);