% GF_REGRID Change of rectangular grid for gformat data % % Largely an interface to *gridinterp*. The dimension and size of new data % are determined by the number of grids and their lengths, respectively. % % The interpolation is made as using *gridinterp* with its optional argument % *extrap* set to true. That is, the data are assumed to be defined % everywhere (end values valid all the way to +-INF). This is also valid for % singleton dimensions. The grid for empty/singleton dimensions can be empty % or a scalar. % % The function is "vectorised". That is, can be called as % G(2:3) = gf_regrid( G(2:3), ... % % FORMAT G = gf_regrid( G, grids, iopt ) % % OUT G Re-grided gformat data. % IN G Original gformat data. % grids New grids. An array of vectors. % OPT iopt Interpolation option. See *regrid*. % % 2007-10-17 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function G = gf_regrid( G, grids, iopt ) % if nargin < 3 iopt = 'linear'; end if atmlab('STRICT_ASSERT') % rqre_datatype( G, @isgformat ); % Grids of G are checked inside *gridinterp* rqre_datatype( grids, @iscell ); rqre_datatype( iopt, @ischar ); end agrids = cell(length(G)); for i = 1 : length( G ) % for d = 1 : G(i).DIM gname = sprintf('GRID%d',d); agrids{d} = G(i).(gname); G(i).(gname) = grids{d}; end % G(i).DATA = gridinterp( agrids, G(i).DATA, grids, iopt, true ); % end