% ISATMDATA Determines if the variable is of atmdata type % % Atmdata is a format for storing atmospheric climatology data. The gformat % is used where the dimensions are pressure, latitude, longitude, day and % hour. That is, up to five dimensions can be used. % % Three options exist for the day dimension: % 'mjd' : Modified julian date. % 'doy' : Day of the year. Valid range is [1,367[. See also *mjd2doy*. % 'datenum' : Matlab's datenum (with default pivot year). % % The valid range for hour is [0,24]. This dimesion refers to local % (solar) time. % % The identification of atmdata is performed by checking the TYPE field and % grid names. These fields of G must be set as follows: % TYPE = 'atmdata' % GRID1_NAME = 'pressure' % GRID2_NAME = 'latitude' % GRID3_NAME = 'longitude' % GRID4_NAME = 'doy', 'mjd' or 'datenum' % GRID5_NAME = 'hour'. % Only used grids are checked (determined by G(i).DIM). No distinction is % made between lower- and upper-case letters. % % There is NO check of actual data beside the grid names. % % Functions specific for atmdata are named as atmdata_xxx. MJD is expected % when the input of these functions include any date. % % FORMAT b = isatmdata( G ) % % OUT b True or false. % IN G A gformat structure (array). % 2010-01-07 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function b = isatmdata( G ) b = false; if ~isstruct(G) || ~isfield(G,'DIM'), return, end Gt = atmdata_empty( max( G(:).DIM ) ); if ~all( isfield( G, fieldnames(Gt) ) ), return, end for i = 1 : length(G) if ~strcmp( lower(G(i).TYPE), 'atmdata' ) return end for d = 1 : min([ G(i).DIM 3 ] ) gname = sprintf( 'GRID%d_NAME', d ); if ~strcmp( lower(G(i).(gname)), lower(Gt.(gname)) ) return end end if G(i).DIM >= 4 gname = sprintf( 'GRID%d_NAME', 4 ); if ~any( strcmp( lower(G(i).(gname)), {'doy','mjd','datenum'} ) ) return end if G(i).DIM >= 5 gname = sprintf( 'GRID%d_NAME', 5 ); if ~strcmp( lower(G(i).(gname)), lower(Gt.(gname)) ) return end end end end b = true;