function cmap = drywet(varargin) % colourmap with deserty colours for low and blueish colours for high % % IN % % width Relative width of the white region compared to the other % colours. In the range (0, 1) where limit 0 means no white at % all and limit 1 means the colourmap is dominated by bright colours. % Defaults to 0.5. % % See also: zerobright % w = optargs(varargin, {0.5}); field_drap = [108, 84, 30]; %sand = [194, 178, 128]; %brightsand = [246, 237, 211]; %brightsand = [256, 234, 169]; brightsand = [256, 241, 195]; %antisky = [236, 163, 134]; %antisky = [236, 202, 188]; %wheat = [245, 222, 179]; white = [255, 255, 255]; sky_blue = [135, 206, 235]; midnight_blue = [25, 25, 112]; pos = 1+[0, 0.5-w/2, 0.5, 0.5+w/2, 1]; %pos = 1+[0, (0.5-w/2)/2, 0.5-w/2, 0.5, 0.5+w/2, 1-(0.5-w/2)/2, 1]; colours = [field_drap; brightsand; white; sky_blue; midnight_blue]; %colours = [field_drap; sand; white-0.01; white; white-0.01; sky_blue; midnight_blue]; cmap = interp1(pos, colours, linspace(1, max(pos), 256))/256; end