function outfile = combine_pdfs(pdffiles, options) % COMBINE_PDFS Combine several PDF files on one page % % USAGE: outfile = combine_pdfs(pdffiles, options) % % E.g. file = combine_pdfs(files,struct('cols',[2 2 2 2 1],...)) % % By default, pdf files are created in gmtlab('outdir') % % PURPOSE: Merge several pdf's (one page each) into a pdf file % % EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES: pdfinfo, pdflatex. % % IN: pdffiles cell: Each element contains the path to a % file. % OR % string: 'dir()' will get a list of files, % globbing is allowed: % e.g pdffiles = figs/*{CAlow,CAmiddle,CAhigh}* % % % OPT % % HOW TO READ VARIABLE DESCRIPTION OF OPTIONAL VARIABLES: % KEY: in.variable in: = expect input type, ex: = Explanation/Example, de: = Default value/behavior % NOTE: If "def" is missing for a variable it means the variable is not used by default % % types: %s=character or string % %f=numeric/logical % {}=cell % % Structure where the following fields are considered options: % % options.cols % in: %d % ex: Number of columns per row. option.cols can also be a vector % containing the number of columns that should be on each each row. % In that case, the sum of this vector must match the number of pdf files. % def: 2 % options.filename % in: %s % ex: name of output file % def: 'out.pdf' % options.outdir % in: %s % ex: directory for output % def: gmtlab('outdir') % options.vspace % in: %f % ex: space between rows in cm % def: 1 % options.hspace % in: %f % ex: space between columns in cm % def: 1 % options.rightPadding % in: %f % ex: padding to the right of a row in cm. Note: Needs one value per row. % e.g., for 4 rows something like options.rightPadding=[1.7,1.7,0,0] % def: 1 % options.valign % in: %s % ex: vertical alignment. 'm' = middle, 'b' = bottom, 't'=top % def: 'm' % options.scale % in: [%d,%d; etc] % ex: scale individual figures. [filenumber,scale] % def: 1 % options.title % in: %s % ex: title to be displayed above the combined pdfs % def: % options.fontsize % in: %s % ex: E.g., '4cm' or '40pt' % def: 1/22 * rowwidth (but only relevent if title is given) % options.display % in: %f % ex: tries to open pdf file with 'gnome-open' or 'kde-open' % if you are on a linux and 'open' if called from Mac % def: false % options.pdfviewer % in: %s % ex: Your pdf-viewing program of choice % def: Mac: 'open' % Linux: 'gnome-open' or if that does work, % 'kde-open'. If neither exists, nothing is displayed % options.pdfcrop % in: %f % ex: Do a pdfcrop when finished putting everything together % def: false % % OUT: outfile = The fullpath to the created pdf-file % % NOTE: The files are appended left to right and from top to bottom. % 2013-04-10 Oliver Lemke and Salomon Eliasson. if ~nargin, error(['atmlab:' mfilename],'Needs input. See help.'); end if nargin == 1, options = struct; end %% Set defaults and use them if not specified by user default.cols = 2; default.vspace = 1; default.hspace = 1; default.valign = 'm'; if isfield(options,'title') && ~isempty(options.title) default.filename = [sanitise(options.title),'.pdf']; else default.filename = 'out.pdf'; end default.outdir = gmtlab('outdir'); default.secret_latex_spacing_tweak = 0.5; default.display = false; default.title = ''; default.pdfcrop = false; default.pdfviewer = ''; options = optargs_struct(options, default); %% Convert outdir to fullpath options.outdir = path_replace_tilde(options.outdir); if (isempty(options.outdir) || options.outdir(1) ~= filesep()) options.outdir = fullfile(pwd(), options.outdir); end %% Sanity checks assert(length(options.valign) == 1 && any('mbt' == options.valign), ... 'atmlab:combine_pdfs', 'Vertical alignment must be either ''m'' or ''b'''); assert(isdir(options.outdir), 'atmlab:combine_pdfs', ... '%s does not exist', options.outdir); %% If we got a regexp, use ls to get the file list if ischar(pdffiles), files = dir(pdffiles); pdffiles = {}; end %% Make sure filenames are in a row vector and non-empty pdffiles = pdffiles(:)'; pdffiles = pdffiles(~cellfun('isempty',pdffiles)); pdffiles = path_replace_tilde(pdffiles); assert(~isempty(pdffiles), 'atmlab:combine_pdfs', 'List of input pdf files is empty'); %% We trust that the user can count! Not really, better double check here if (length(options.cols) ~= 1 && sum(options.cols) ~= length(pdffiles)) error (['atmlab:' mfilename]', ... 'Number of plots (%d) doesn''t match sum of columns (%d)', ... length(pdffiles), sum(options.cols)); end %% If cols is only one number, replicate it to match the number files if (length(options.cols) == 1) options.cols = repmat(options.cols, ceil(length(pdffiles)/options.cols), 1); end %% Setup is complete, let's get cracking layout = create_layout_from_pdffiles(pdffiles, options); create_pdf_from_layout_with_latex(layout, options); outfile = fullfile(options.outdir, options.filename); %% Display output % This only works for the following pre-programmed options if options.display && isempty(options.pdfviewer) if ismac exec_system_cmd(sprintf('open %s',outfile)); elseif isunix [~,b1]=system('which gnome-open'); [~,b2]=system('which kde-open'); if ~isempty(b1) exec_system_cmd(sprintf('gnome-open %s &',outfile)); elseif ~isempty(b2) exec_system_cmd(sprintf('kde-open %s &',outfile)); end end elseif options.display exec_system_cmd(sprintf('%s %s',options.pdfviewer,outfile)); end end %% Only subfunctions allowed after this point!!! function layout = create_layout_from_pdffiles(pdffiles, options) % Create a fancy regexp that gives us width and height from pdfinfo output regx = 'Page size: +(?\d.+).x.(?\d.+) pts'; col = 1; row = 1;filenum=1; for P = pdffiles info = exec_system_cmd(sprintf('pdfinfo ''%s''', P{1}), gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); % Great, pdfinfo uses BigPoints as a unit. Let's throw in some fancy % numbers and hope we end up with centimeters after that (DPI*INCH). % This might break for some PDFs, better keep your fingers crossed. psize = structfun(@(x) str2double(x)/72*2.54, ... regexp(info{1},regx, 'names'), ... 'uniformoutput', 0); % -------------- % Apply scaling % -------------- if isfield(options,'scale') && ~isempty(options.scale(options.scale(:,1)==filenum,2)) sc = options.scale(options.scale(:,1)==filenum,2); else sc = 1; end layout.plotsbyrow{row}(col) = struct('height', psize.height*sc, ... 'width', psize.width*sc, ... 'file', P{1}); col = col + 1; if (col > options.cols(row) ... || length([layout.plotsbyrow{:}]) == length(pdffiles)) col = 1; R = layout.plotsbyrow(row); layout.rowwidth(row) = sum([R{:}.width]) ... + options.hspace*(length(R{:})-1) ... + options.secret_latex_spacing_tweak*length(R{:}); layout.rowheight(row) = max([R{:}.height]); row = row + 1; end filenum = filenum+1; end end function file = create_pdf_from_layout_with_latex(layout, options) tmpfolder = create_tmpfolder(); %% Hook up a cleanup callback. % In case we screw up the LaTeX run, we don't want to leave any % evidence behind. c = onCleanup(@() delete_tmpfolder(tmpfolder)); %% Assemble our pretty tex file file = fullfile(tmpfolder, 'out.tex'); fid = fopen(file,'w'); Cob = onCleanup(@(x) fclose(fid)); fprintf(fid,'\\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{report}\n'); margin=0.1; %cm if ~isempty(options.title) options = optargs_struct(options,struct('fontsize',sprintf('%gcm',1/20 * max(layout.rowwidth)))); % cm tmp=regexp(options.fontsize,'(?\d+\.?\d*)(?.+)','names'); fz=str2double(tmp.fz); unit=tmp.unit; else fz=0; end fprintf(fid,['\\usepackage[margin=%gcm,paperwidth=%gcm,' ... 'paperheight=%gcm]{geometry}\n'], ... margin, ... max(layout.rowwidth) + 2*margin, ... sum(layout.rowheight) + 2*margin + 2*fz ... + options.vspace*(length(layout.rowheight))); fprintf(fid,'\\pagestyle{empty}\n'); fprintf(fid,'\\usepackage{graphicx}\n'); fprintf(fid,'\\usepackage{anyfontsize}\n'); fprintf(fid,'\\setlength{\\parindent}{0in}\n'); fprintf(fid,'\\begin{document}\n'); fprintf(fid,'\\centering\n'); if ~isempty(options.title) if ~any(ismember(unit,{'cm','mm','pt'})), error(['atmlab:' mfilename],'Don''t know fontsize unit "%s"',unit),end fprintf(fid,'\\begin{minipage}[%s]{%gcm}\n', options.valign, max(layout.rowwidth)); fprintf(fid,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fid,'{\\fontsize{%g%s}{%g%s}\\selectfont \\sffamily %s}\n',... fz,unit,1.2*fz,unit,strrep(options.title,'_','\_')); fprintf(fid,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fid,'\\end{minipage}\n'); fprintf(fid, '\\vspace{%gcm}\\\\\n', options.vspace); end row = 1; filenum = 1; for R = layout.plotsbyrow col=1; for P = R{:} fprintf(fid,'\\begin{minipage}[%s]{%gcm}\n', options.valign, P.width); tmpplotname=sprintf('plot%d.pdf', filenum); mvplotcmd{filenum}=sprintf('cp ''%s'' ''%s/%s''', P.file, tmpfolder, tmpplotname); %#ok if isfield(options,'scale') && ~isempty(options.scale(options.scale(:,1)==filenum,2)) strscale = num2str(options.scale(options.scale(:,1)==filenum,2)); else strscale = '1'; end fprintf(fid,'\\includegraphics[scale=%s]{%s}\n', strscale,tmpplotname); fprintf(fid,'\\end{minipage}\n'); if (col ~= length(R{:})) fprintf(fid,'\\hspace{%gcm}\n', options.hspace); elseif isfield(options,'rightPadding') fprintf(fid,'\\hspace{%gcm}\n', options.rightPadding(row)); end col = col+1; filenum=filenum+1; end if (row ~= length(layout.rowheight)) fprintf(fid, '\\vspace{%gcm}\\\\\n', options.vspace); end row = row+1; end fprintf(fid,'\\end{document}\n'); %% Hand the TeX file over to pdflatex exec_system_cmd(mvplotcmd, gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); exec_system_cmd(sprintf('cd %s && pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode out.tex', ... tmpfolder), ... gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); file = fullfile(options.outdir, options.filename); exec_system_cmd(sprintf('cd %s && mv -f out.pdf ''%s''', ... tmpfolder, file), ... gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); if options.pdfcrop [message,test]=exec_system_cmd(sprintf('pdfcrop %s',file),gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); if logical(test) error(['atmlab' mfilename],'There was a problem with pdfcrop: %s',message{1}) end exec_system_cmd(sprintf('mv %s-crop.pdf %s',file(1:end-4),file),gmtlab('VERBOSITY')); end end