function values = bin(x, y, xbin) %% bin Bin y according to x in xbin % % Bin the contents of y in the xbins according to the values in x. % E.g. y(i) is binned according to the value of x(i). Binning rules % as for histc. % % Any value for which x is not finite will not be binned at all. % % Also known as bucketing, see % % % % FORMAT % % values = bin(x, y, xbin) % % IN % % x numeric array % values determine how y is binned % y numeric array % values to bin. Must be the same size as x. % xbin numeric array, monotonously increasing % bin edges (as for histc) % % OUT % % values cell array % Binned values. % % See also: binning_fast, bin_nd % % $Id$ % convert to column vectors, if needed x = vec2col(x); y = vec2col(y); %Z = [x y]; % initialise with (0x1) arrays of type y, so that all entries have the same % type and size values = repmat({zeros(0, 1, class(y))}, [length(xbin), 1]); ignore = ~isfinite(x); x(ignore) = []; y(ignore) = []; % if any(~isfinite(x)) % error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid'], ... % ['Found nonfinite values in data to be binned against. ' ... % 'What can I do?']); % end if isempty(x) return % values already set, nothing to do end % check that all x are in range of bins. % This guarantees the last bin to be empty. if min(x) < min(xbin) || max(x) > max(xbin) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':outofrange'], ... 'x data (%g -- %g) out of range of x bins (%g -- %g)', ... min(x), max(x), min(xbin), max(xbin)); end [x_sorted, x_sorted_i] = sort(x); [~, binsorted] = histc(x_sorted, xbin); boundaries = [0; find(diff(binsorted)); length(x)]; for i = 1:length(boundaries)-1 lo = boundaries(i)+1; hi = boundaries(i+1); bin_i = binsorted(lo); values{bin_i} = y(x_sorted_i(lo:hi)); end end