function out = binned_statistics(data_bins, statistics, filter, replace, opt) %% BINNED_STATISTICS Calculate statistics for a cell array of binned data. % % This functions calculates statistics for binned data. data_bins has to % be a cell array where each cell contains an array of values. % Each function given in the statistics parameter is called for each % cell of data_bins. Optionally, a filter function can be passed which is % applied to the binned data. % % FORMAT out = binned_statistics(data_bins, statistics, filter, replace, opt) % % OUT out Structure containing the results for each applied % statistics function. % IN data_bins Cell of gridded vectors of data. % statistics Cell array of statistic function references. % filter Function to filter the binned data. Function is % expected to return a subset of the original data, i.e. % @(X)X(X>0). May also be cell thereof with multiple. % replace replace empty cells with (optional argument). % "replace" may also be a cell with as many elements as there are function % handles that you plan to use, % e.g., replace = {[0 0 0],NaN,-9} for 3 suitable % function handles. If "replace" is not a cell, the same % entry will be used for each function handle % OPT structure of extra options: % opt.dataClass = 'class' (e.g., 'single'); This ensures % that all the data in the cell is your class of choosing % % EXAMPLES % * Calculate number of elements per bin, mean value for each bin: % out = binned_statistics(data_bins, {@numel, @mean}); % % * Calculate mean and standard deviation, ignore all elements smaller % than zero by passing the filter criteria as an anonymous function: % out = binned_statistics(data_bins, {@mean, @std}, @(x)(x(x>=0))); % % NOTE % * It's recommended to use binning_fast.m to set up the cell array from % ungridded data. % % See also: bin, binning_fast, bin_nd % % modified by Salomon Eliasson % 2010-07-08 Oliver Lemke if ~exist('opt', 'var') opt = struct(); end assert(iscell(statistics),['atmlab:' mfilename ':badInput'],'function handles must be in a cell') if exist('filter','var') && ~isempty(filter) assert( isa( filter, 'function_handle' )||iscell(filter),['atmlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],'filter must be a function handle or cell thereof') if iscell(filter) for i = 1:length(filter) data_bins = cellfun(filter{i}, data_bins, 'UniformOutput', false); end else data_bins = cellfun(filter, data_bins, 'UniformOutput', false); end end for i = 1:length(statistics) try A.(func2str(statistics{i}))=0; %#ok % it like a "isvalidfieldname" test statname= func2str(statistics{i}); catch ME if strcmp(ME.identifier,'MATLAB:AddField:InvalidFieldName') statname = sprintf('statistic%.0f',i); else ME.rethrow(); end end out.(statname) = cellfun(statistics{i}, data_bins, 'UniformOutput', false); end F = fieldnames(out)'; for i = 1:length(F) % --------------- % assign relace values to empty cells if exist('replace','var') if ~iscell(replace), replace={replace};end if length(replace)==1, replace=repmat(replace,1,length(F));end % putting back [] if the input was empty to begin with would be desirable, since e.g. nansum([])=0, % test = cellfun('isempty',data_bins) | cellfun('isempty',out.(F{i})); if any(test(:)) && ~all(test(:)) % find a cell that is not empty and check if the class matches the % class of the replace value x = cellfun(@isempty,data_bins); x = data_bins(~x); if ~strcmp(class(replace{i}),class(x{1})) && ~isfield(opt,'dataClass') warning(['atmlab:' mfilename ':dataClass'],... ['replace value/s is not the same class as data_bins\n'... 'E.g. this means you cannot call cell2mat without an error\n'... 'replace value/s is/are class: "%s". data class is: "%s"'],... class(replace{i}),class(data_bins{1,1})) end out.(F{i})(test)=replace(i); elseif all(test(:)) logtext(atmlab('OUT'),'Data is empty') end end % ------------------- % Make sure all the data is the same class if isfield(opt,'dataClass') if any(~cellfun(@(x)(strcmp(class(x),opt.dataClass)),out.(F{i})(:))) out.(F{i}) = cellfun(@(x)(cast(x,opt.dataClass)), out.(F{i}), 'UniformOutput', false); end end end