% INTERPD Point interpolation of 1D-5D data % % Atmlabs function for interpolation of data to a set of points. This is % basically an interface to to the standard interp1 and interpn functions. % % For "grid interpolation", see accompanying function *gridinterp*. % % The grids of the data to be interpolated (*A*) are packed into the vector % array *agrids*. The interpolation points are given as a matrix where each % column corresponds to a dimension of *A*. Accordingly, each row in *pos* % gives the coordinate for an interpolation point. % % The Atmlab convention of that 1D objects (including grids) are column % vectors is here strictly followed. % % The *extrap* optional argument works here as for *gridinterp*. % % FORMAT B = pointinterp(agrids,A,pos,iopt) % % OUT B Result of interpolation. A column vector. % IN agrids Grids of A, as an array of vectors. % A Data to be interpolated. % pos Matrix where each row is a position. % OPT iopt Interpolation option. See *interpn*. Default is 'linear'. % extrap Special treatment of extrapolation. See above. % Default is false. % 2007-05-22 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function B = pointinterp(agrids,A,pos,varargin) % [iopt,extrap] = optargs( varargin, { 'linear', false } ); %&% %- Check input %&% % %&% rqre_nargin( 3, nargin ) %&% rqre_datatype( agrids, @iscell ); %&% rqre_datatype( A, @isnumeric ); %&% rqre_datatype( pos, @istensor2 ); %&% indim = length(agrids); outdim = size(pos,2); if dimens(A) > length(agrids) %&% error( 'Dimensionality of A is higher than number of given grids.' ); %&% end %&% if outdim < indim %&% error('There can not be fewer columns in *pos* than grids in *agrids*.');%&% end %&% for d = 1 : indim %&% rqre_datatype( agrids{d}, @istensor1, 'Grids in *agrids*' ); %&% rqre_gridmatch( A, d, agrids{d} ); %&% end %&% rqre_datatype( extrap, @isboolean ); %&% %- Check a or determine a's effective dimensions % if extrap % Ignore singleton dimensions dims = find( size( A ) > 1 ); A = getdims( A, dims ); else if outdim ~= indim %&% error( ['With *extrap* false, the number of columns in *pos* ',... %&% 'and the number of grids in *agrids* must be equal.'] ); %&% end %&% asize = size( A ); %&% if length(asize) < outdim || any( asize(1:outdim)==1 ) %&% error( ['With *extrap* false there can not be any singleton ',... %&% 'dimmensions in *A*.'] ); %&% end %&% dims = 1:outdim; end dim = length( dims ); if dim == 0 % B = repmat( A, size(pos,1), 1 ); elseif dim == 1 % if extrap xi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(1)}, pos(:,dims(1)) ); else xi = pos(:,dims(1)); end % B = interp1( agrids{dims(1)}, A, xi, iopt ); elseif dim == 2 % if extrap xi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(1)}, pos(:,dims(1)) ); yi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(2)}, pos(:,dims(2)) ); else xi = pos(:,dims(1)); yi = pos(:,dims(2)); end % B = interpn( agrids{dims(1)}, agrids{dims(2)}, A, xi, yi, iopt ); elseif dim == 3 % if extrap xi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(1)}, pos(:,dims(1)) ); yi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(2)}, pos(:,dims(2)) ); zi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(3)}, pos(:,dims(3)) ); else xi = pos(:,dims(1)); yi = pos(:,dims(2)); zi = pos(:,dims(3)); end % B = interpn( agrids{dims(1)}, agrids{dims(2)}, agrids{dims(3)}, ... A, xi, yi, zi, iopt ); elseif dim == 4 % if extrap xi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(1)}, pos(:,dims(1)) ); yi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(2)}, pos(:,dims(2)) ); zi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(3)}, pos(:,dims(3)) ); ui = handle_expand( agrids{dims(4)}, pos(:,dims(4)) ); else xi = pos(:,dims(1)); yi = pos(:,dims(2)); zi = pos(:,dims(3)); ui = pos(:,dims(4)); end % [xi,yi,zi,ui] = ndgrid( xi, yi, zi, ui ); % B = interpn( agrids{dims(1)}, agrids{dims(2)}, ... agrids{dims(3)}, agrids{dims(4)}, A, xi, yi, zi, ui, iopt ); elseif dim == 5 % if extrap xi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(1)}, pos(:,dims(1)) ); yi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(2)}, pos(:,dims(2)) ); zi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(3)}, pos(:,dims(3)) ); ui = handle_expand( agrids{dims(4)}, pos(:,dims(4)) ); vi = handle_expand( agrids{dims(5)}, pos(:,dims(5)) ); else xi = pos(:,dims(1)); yi = pos(:,dims(2)); zi = pos(:,dims(3)); ui = pos(:,dims(4)); vi = pos(:,dims(5)); end % B = interpn( agrids{dims(1)}, agrids{dims(2)}, agrids{dims(3)}, ... agrids{dims(4)}, agrids{dims(5)}, A, xi, yi, zi, ui, vi, iopt ); else %&% error( 'Interpolation above 5D is not handled.' ); %&% end return %--- function xi = handle_expand(x,xi) % v1 = min( x ); i1 = find( xiv2 ); % if ~isempty(v1) xi(i1) = v1; end % if ~isempty(v2) xi(i2) = v2; end % return