function R= rotationmat3D(r,Axis) %function R= rotationmat3D(radians,Axis) % % creates a rotation matrix such that R * x % operates on x by rotating x around the origin r radians around line % connecting the origin to the point "Axis" % % example: % rotate around a random direction a random amount and then back % the result should be an Identity matrix % %r = rand(4,1); %rotationmat3D(r(1),[r(2),r(3),r(4)]) * rotationmat3D(-r(1),[r(2),r(3),r(4)]) % % example2: % rotate around z axis 45 degrees % Rtest = rotationmat3D(pi/4,[0 0 1]) % %Bileschi 2009 if nargin == 1 if(length(rotX) == 3) rotY = rotX(2); rotZ = rotZ(3); rotX = rotX(1); end end % useful intermediates L = norm(Axis); if (L < eps) error('axis direction must be non-zero vector'); end Axis = Axis / L; L = 1; u = Axis(1); v = Axis(2); w = Axis(3); u2 = u^2; v2 = v^2; w2 = w^2; c = cos(r); s = sin(r); %storage R = nan(3); %fill R(1,1) = u2 + (v2 + w2)*c; R(1,2) = u*v*(1-c) - w*s; R(1,3) = u*w*(1-c) + v*s; R(2,1) = u*v*(1-c) + w*s; R(2,2) = v2 + (u2+w2)*c; R(2,3) = v*w*(1-c) - u*s; R(3,1) = u*w*(1-c) - v*s; R(3,2) = v*w*(1-c)+u*s; R(3,3) = w2 + (u2+v2)*c;