function stat_vectors = running_stats(x, y, binsize, stat_handles) % running_stats Calculate running statistics % % FORMAT % % stats = running_stat(x, y, binsize, stat_handles) % % IN % % x [vector] % independent quantity, must be constantly spaced % % y [vector] % quantity to calculate statistics for % % winsize [scalar] % size of window. % if positive, interpreted as same unit as x % if negative but >-1, interpreted as fraction (negative is just a % trick here to pass a flag), then extra stat_handle appended showing % number of samples used for each statistic % % % stat_handles [cell array of function handles] % functions to apply to each running window % Note that each function MUST accept a dimension as its second % argument, such as median(X, 2)! % % OUT % % stat_vectors [cell array of vectors] % Output of all handles in stat_handles for each running window. % Padded with nans at begin and end where sliding stats are % undefined. % % See also: smooth, medfilt1, movingstd, filter % % Note: smooth is in the curve-fitting toolbox, medfilt1 is in the signal % processing toolbox. % * in the curve fitting toolbox, otherwise see % % ^ from File Exchange % $Id$ % convert binsize [x-unit] to binsize [n-index] % some input checks rqre_same_size(x, y); % verify that x-unit is constantly spaced % error otherwise df = diff(x); spacing_xunit = unique(df); if length(spacing_xunit)>1 error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':notunique'], ... ['Error in calculation of running statistics: ' ... 'spacing in independent quantity not constant']); end if binsize > 0 stat_vectors = running_stats_linear(x, y, binsize, stat_handles, spacing_xunit); elseif binsize < 0 && binsize > -1 % fractional binsize, e.g. 0.01 is all within 1% stat_vectors = running_stats_fractional(x, y, binsize, stat_handles, spacing_xunit); else error(['atmlab:' mfilename], ... 'Binsize must be >0 or <0 & >-1. Found: %.3f', binsize); end end function stat_vectors = running_stats_linear(x, y, binsize_xunit, stat_handles, spacing_xunit) N = round(binsize_xunit/spacing_xunit); L = length(x); % pre-allocate stat_vectors = preallocate_stat_vectors(x, stat_handles); % Yes: idea from % % re-arrange data so there are columns for each window (needs memory) data_arranged = y(repmat(0:N-1,L-N+1,1)+cumsum(ones(L-N+1,N))); if iseven(N) ran = (N/2):(L-N/2); else ran = (ceil(N/2)):(L-floor(N/2)); end % TODO: do in chunks similar to medfilt1 for j = 1:length(stat_handles) stat_vectors{j}(ran) = stat_handles{j}(data_arranged, 2); end % this is the slow version: % for i = (binsize_n/2+1):(length(x)-binsize_n/2) % slice = (i-(binsize_n/2)):(i+(binsize_n/2)); % segment = y(slice); % for j = 1:length(stat_handles) % stat_vectors{j}(i) = stat_handles{j}(segment); % end % end end function stat_vectors = running_stats_fractional(x, y, binsize_frac, stat_handles, spacing_xunit) L = length(x); % fraction is passed negative binsize_frac = -binsize_frac; % always tell the length stat_handles = [stat_handles {@size}]; % pre-allocate stat_vectors = preallocate_stat_vectors(x, stat_handles); % get lower and upper edge of segments for each x lo = x .* (1 - binsize_frac/2); hi = x .* (1 + binsize_frac/2); % translate this to indices N = ceil(2 * (x * binsize_frac) / spacing_xunit); fst = find(N > 100, 1, 'first'); % arbitrary start % try brute-force first (POITROAE) for i = fst:length(y) % search for indices corresponding to lo(i) and hi(i) slice = floor(i-(N(i)/2)):ceil(i+(N(i)/2)); if (slice(1) < 1) || (slice(end) > L) continue end segment = y(slice); for j = 1:length(stat_handles) stat_vectors{j}(i) = stat_handles{j}(segment, 1); end if mod(i, 100000)==0 logtext(atmlab('OUT'), '%d/%d done\n', i, length(y)); end end end function stat_vectors = preallocate_stat_vectors(x, stat_handles) stat_vectors = cell(size(stat_handles)); for i = 1:length(stat_handles) stat_vectors{i} = nan(size(x)); end end