% QP2_Y Defines recognised fields for qpack2 measurement data % % This function is organised in such way that *qcheck* and *qinfo* % can be used. To list all existing fields: % qinfo( @qp2_y ); % % Allowed formats differ between the fields. For information about a % specific field, type e.g.: % qinfo( @qp2_y, 'Y' ); % % FORMAT [Q,I] = qp2_y % % OUT Q Setting structure with default values for all recognised fields. % I Includes same fields as Q, where the content of each field % is a description string (used by *qinfo*). % 2009-07-01 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [Q,I] = qp2_y %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.AA = {}; I.AA = [ ... 'Line-of-sight azimuth angle for the measurement. Only considered if ',... 'ATMOSPERE_DIM set to 3. A scalar value, or a ',... 'vector. See further *ZA*.',...' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.DAY = {}; I.DAY = [ ... 'Measurement time information. All these fields (YEAR, MONTH, ...) are ',... 'numeric scalars. This information is primarily used to extract data from ',... 'the climatology databases.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.F = {}; I.F = [ ... 'Frequency for each value of Y. Not required information. Qpack2 uses ', ... 'this field only for consistency checks.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.HOUR = {}; I.HOUR = [ ... 'Optional data. Allows a more detailed specification of measurement time. ',... 'Otherwise as field DAY.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.HSE_P = {}; I.HSE_P = [ ... 'The reference point when enforcing hydrostatic equilibrium. The ',... 'geometrical altitude (HSE_Z) is given for one presssure (HSE_P).' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.HSE_Z = {}; I.HSE_Z = [ ... 'The reference point when enforcing hydrostatic equilibrium. The ',... 'geometrical altitude (HSE_Z) is given for one presssure (HSE_P).' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LATITUDE = {}; I.LATITUDE = [ ... 'The geographical position of the measurement.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LONGITUDE = {}; I.LONGITUDE = [ ... 'The geographical position of the measurement. ' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.MINUTE = {}; I.MINUTE = [ ... 'Optional data. Allows a more detailed specification of measurement time. ',... 'Otherwise as field DAY.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.MONTH = {}; I.MONTH = [ ... 'Measurement time information. All these fields (YEAR, MONTH, ...) are ',... 'numeric scalars. This information is primarily used to extract data from ',... 'the climatology databases.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.SECOND = {}; I.SECOND = [ ... 'Optional data. Allows a more detailed specification of measurement time. ',... 'Otherwise as field DAY.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.TNOISE = {}; I.TNOISE = [ ... 'Magnitude of thermal noise, given as 1 standard devation. A scalar or a ',... 'column vector having the same length as y. If a scalar, the value is ',... 'applied for all spectrometer channels. If the measurement consists of ',... 'several spectra (see *ZA*), this field must be a matrix (or row vector) ',... 'where the columns give the noise for each spectrum.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.Y = {}; I.Y = [ ... 'The spectrum. If multiple spectra, all data appended into a column vector.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.YEAR = {}; I.YEAR = [ ... 'Measurement time information. All these fields (YEAR, MONTH, ...) are ',... 'numeric scalars. This information is primarily used to extract data from ',... 'the climatology databases.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.ZA = {}; I.ZA = [ ... 'Line-of-sight zenith angle for the measurement. A scalar value, or a ',... 'vector. The fields *Z_PLATFORM* and *ZA*, as well as *AA* for 3D case, ',... 'must have the same size. If these fields have a length > 1, the ',... 'measurement will consist of several spectra (having same *LAT* and *LON). ',... 'In ARTS, these spectra are simulated as seperate measurement blocks. ',... 'Further, *TNOISE* must have a matching size, where the numbers of columns ',... 'shall match length of *ZA*.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.Z_PLATFORM = {}; I.Z_PLATFORM = [ ... 'Altitude (above geoid) of observation platform. A scalar value, or a ',... 'vector. See further *ZA*.',...' ]; %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------