function S = avhrr_gac_read(filename, varargin) % AVHRR_GAC_READ Read, calibrate, geolocate AVHRR GAC L1B data. % % Read a AVHRR GAC L1B file, apply calibration and geolocation. The actual % reading is done in avhrr_gac_read_raw. Structures of valid header fields % can be obtained with avhrr_define_gac_l1b. By default, it returns % measurements (y), time, lat, lon, epoch. All other fields that may be % requested are returned as-is. % % FORMAT % % S = avhrr_gac_read(filename, header_fields, data_fields) % % IN % % filename % % String, path to file to be read (AVHRR L1B file). Required. % % extra_header_fields % % Cell array of strings. Fields will be copied from the L1B % header. Call avhrr_define_gac_l1b for valid fields. % Optional, defaults to {}. % % extra_data_fields % % Cell array of strings. Arrays will be build by copying data % from the L1B line records. Call avhrr_define_gac_l1b for valid % fields. % Optional, defaults to {}. % % OUT % % Structure with at least 'time', 'lat', 'lon', 'y', 'epoch'. Otherwise % fields copied from data as described above. % % See also: avhrr_gac_define_l1b, avhrr_gac_read_raw % TODO: % % - read arbitrary fields % - write documentation % - verify correctness % - finalise % Questions: % % - AVHRR 3A/3B, FRAME TELEMETRY avh_telem_id or SCAN LINE INFORMATION % avh_scnlinbin? % - Should I care about a TIP parity error? % $Id$ [extra_header_fields, extra_data_fields] = optargs(varargin, {{}, {}}); core_header_fields = {'avh_h_satid', 'avh_h_instid', 'avh_h_siteid', 'avh_h_hdrcnt', ... 'avh_h_radtempcnv3b1', 'avh_h_radtempcnv3b2', 'avh_h_radtempcnv3bc', ... 'avh_h_radtempcnv41', 'avh_h_radtempcnv42', 'avh_h_radtempcnv4c', ... 'avh_h_radtempcnv51', 'avh_h_radtempcnv52', 'avh_h_radtempcnv5c', ... 'avh_h_scnlin'}; core_data_fields = {'avh_calvis_os11', 'avh_calvis_oi11', ... 'avh_calvis_os12', 'avh_calvis_oi12', ... 'avh_calvis_oi1', ... 'avh_calvis_os21', 'avh_calvis_oi21', ... 'avh_calvis_os22', 'avh_calvis_oi22', ... 'avh_calvis_oi2', ... 'avh_calvis_os3a1', 'avh_calvis_oi3a1', ... 'avh_calvis_os3a2', 'avh_calvis_oi3a2', ... 'avh_calvis_oi3a', ... 'avh_calir_o3b1', 'avh_calir_o3b2', 'avh_calir_o3b3', ... 'avh_calir_o41', 'avh_calir_o42', 'avh_calir_o43', ... 'avh_calir_o51', 'avh_calir_o52', 'avh_calir_o53', ... 'avh_video', 'avh_scnlin', 'avh_scnlinyr', ... 'avh_telem_id', ... 'avh_scnlintime', 'avh_pos', 'avh_scnlindy', ... 'avh_scnlinbit', 'avh_calqual', 'avh_qualind', 'avh_scnlinqual_c', 'avh_scnlinqual_t', 'avh_scnlinqual_e', 'avh_navstat'}; all_header_fields = vec2row(union(core_header_fields, extra_header_fields)); all_data_fields = vec2row(union(core_data_fields, extra_data_fields)); %limit = 500; % while still in progress [data_head, data_line] = avhrr_gac_read_raw(filename, ... all_header_fields, all_data_fields); S.y = permute(calibrate_avhrr(data_head, data_line), [2, 1, 3]); S.time = compensate_wraparound(single(data_line.avh_scnlintime)/1000).'; [, S.lon] = navigate_avhrr(data_head, data_line); ='; S.lon = S.lon.'; doys = dayofyear_inverse(data_line.avh_scnlinyr(1), data_line.avh_scnlindy(1)); S.epoch = date2unixsecs(doys.year, doys.month,; % copy over remaining fields for hfield = extra_header_fields S.(hfield{1}) = data_head.(hfield{1}); end for dfield = extra_data_fields S.(dfield{1}) = data_line.(dfield{1}).'; end end function y = calibrate_avhrr(data_head, data_line) % Calibrate AVHRR GAC solar and thermal channels % % FORMAT % % calib = calibrated_avhrr(data_head, data_line) N_lines = length(data_line.avh_scnlin); % Field avh_telem_id contains bit flags (Scan Line Bit Field). % The first 2 bits specify "channel 3 select (0=3B; 1=3A; 2=transition)". chan3_is_3a_alt = logical(bitand(par(data_line.avh_scnlinbit, 1, ':'), 1)); chan3_is_3a = logical(bitand(data_line.avh_scnlinbit, bitshift(1, 0))); if ~isequal(chan3_is_3a, chan3_is_3a_alt) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':ambiguity'], ... 'Different filds give different into as to 3A/3B status. Investigate!'); end % look at various flags. See NOAA KLM User's Guide, Table do_not_use = logical(bitand(data_line.avh_qualind, bitshift(1, 31))); % FIXME: should I care about a tip_parity_error? %tip_parity_error = logical(bitand(data_line.avh_qualind, bitshift(1, 8))); cannot_calibrate = logical(bitand(data_line.avh_qualind, bitshift(1, 28))); bad_calibration = logical(data_line.avh_calqual); % any bit on means bad bad_calibration2 = logical(data_line.avh_scnlinqual_c); bad_geolocation = logical(data_line.avh_scnlinqual_e); % any bit on means bad bad_time = logical(data_line.avh_scnlinqual_t); % Unpack 10-bit data into 16-bits for easier handling % % TODO: make this call vectorised; consumes 70% of time for % calibrate_avhrr % (but calibrate_avhrr consumes only 17% of avhrr_gac_read) %ce = par(unpack_bip(data_line(1).avh_video), ':', 4); X = arrayfun(@(i) unpack_bip(data_line.avh_video(:, i)), 1:N_lines, 'UniformOutput', false); ce = reshape(vertcat(X{:}), [409, N_lines, 5]); % pre-allocate calibrated radiance array Ne = zeros(size(ce), 'single'); %% calibrate visible channels % % According to NOAA KLM User's Guide, Section 7.1.1, page 7-2 (page 248) % and onward % % % A = SC + I % % with one pair of (S, I) for Cavh_calvis_oi1 intercept = bsxfun(@lt, ... single(ce(:, :, 1:3)), ... shiftdim([data_line.avh_calvis_oi1; ... data_line.avh_calvis_oi2; ... data_line.avh_calvis_oi3a].', ... -1)); below = bsxfun(@plus, ... bsxfun(@times, ... shiftdim([data_line.avh_calvis_os11; ... data_line.avh_calvis_os21; ... data_line.avh_calvis_os3a1].', ... -1), ... single(ce(:, :, 1:3))), ... shiftdim([data_line.avh_calvis_oi11; ... data_line.avh_calvis_oi21; ... data_line.avh_calvis_oi3a1].', ... -1)); above = bsxfun(@plus, ... bsxfun(@times, ... shiftdim([data_line.avh_calvis_os12; ... data_line.avh_calvis_os22; ... data_line.avh_calvis_os3a2].', ... -1), ... single(ce(:, :, 1:3))), ... shiftdim([data_line.avh_calvis_oi12; ... data_line.avh_calvis_oi22; ... data_line.avh_calvis_oi3a2].', ... -1)); albedo = zeros(size(below), 'single'); albedo(intercept) = below(intercept); albedo(~intercept) = above(~intercept); %% calibrate thermal channels % % According to NOAA KLM User's Guide, Section, page 7-7 (page 253), % % % Equation ( % % Ne = a0 + a1*ce + a2*ce^2; % extract calibration coefficients a0 = [data_line.avh_calir_o3b1; ... data_line.avh_calir_o41; ... data_line.avh_calir_o51]; a1 = [data_line.avh_calir_o3b2; ... data_line.avh_calir_o42; ... data_line.avh_calir_o52]; a2 = [data_line.avh_calir_o3b3; ... data_line.avh_calir_o43; ... data_line.avh_calir_o53]; % calibrate channel 3B where appropriate Ne(:, ~chan3_is_3a, 3) = ... bsxfun(@plus, ... a0(1, :), ... bsxfun(@plus, ... bsxfun(@times, a1(1, :), single(ce(:, :, 3))), ... bsxfun(@times, a2(1, :), single(ce(:, :, 3)).^2))); % calibrate channels 4 and 5 term2 = bsxfun(@times, shiftdim(a1(2:3, :).', -1), single(ce(:, :, 4:5))); term3 = bsxfun(@times, shiftdim(a2(2:3, :).', -1), single(ce(:, :, 4:5)).^2); Ne(:, :, 4:5) = bsxfun(@plus, ... shiftdim(a0(2:3, :).', -1), ... bsxfun(@plus, term2, term3)); if any(any(any(Ne<0))) % logtext(atmlab('ERR'), 'Setting %d negative radiances to 0!\n', ... % length(find(Ne<0))); Ne(Ne<0) = 0; end % now Ne contains radiance in mW/(m2-sr-cm-1) %% Convert radiances to brightness temperatures % % According to NOAA KLM User's Guide, equation (, -9). % Page 7-10 (page 256), % % % Te* = c2*vc/log(1 + c1*v^3/Ne) % Te = (Te*-A)/B % % with (c1, c2) from Nigel Atkinson and (A, B) from headers vc = [data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv3bc, data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv4c, data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv5c]; b1 = [data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv3b1, data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv41, data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv51]; b2 = [data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv3b2, data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv42, data_head.avh_h_radtempcnv42]; %[vc_, A_, B_] = avhrr_coef_therm2rad(data_head.avh_h_satid); % Coefficients from word-document attached by Nigel Atkinson c1 = 1.191e-5; % mW m^-2 sr^-1 cm^4 c2 = 1.439; % K cm Tep = zeros(size(Ne), 'single'); Tep(:, ~chan3_is_3a, 3) = ... c2 * vc(1) ./ log(1 + c1 * vc(1).^3 ./ Ne(:, :, 3)); Tep(:, :, 4:5) = ... bsxfun(@rdivide, ... c2 * reshape(vc(2:3), [1, 1, 2]), ... log(1 + c1 * bsxfun(@rdivide, ... reshape(vc(2:3).^3, [1, 1, 2]), ... Ne(:, :, 4:5)))); % The following two equations are equivalent: % Tb = (Tep - A) / B; % Tb = b1 + b2 * Tep; % ...with A, B from KLM User's Guide or b1, b2 from headers Tb = zeros(size(Tep), 'single'); Tb(:, ~chan3_is_3a, 3) = b1(1) + b2(1) * Tep(:, ~chan3_is_3a, 3); Tb(:, :, 4:5) = bsxfun(@plus, ... reshape(b1(2:3), [1, 1, 2]), ... bsxfun(@times, ... reshape(b2(2:3), [1, 1, 2]), ... Tep(:, :, 4:5))); %% Put it all together y = zeros(size(Ne), 'single'); y(:, :, 1:2) = albedo(:, :, 1:2); y(:, chan3_is_3a, 3) = albedo(:, chan3_is_3a, 3); y(:, ~chan3_is_3a, 3) = Tb(:, ~chan3_is_3a, 3); y(:, :, 4:5) = Tb(:, :, 4:5); wrong = do_not_use | bad_geolocation | bad_time | bad_calibration2 | any(bad_calibration, 1) | cannot_calibrate; y(:, wrong, :) = -9999.99; end function [lat, lon] = navigate_avhrr(~, data_line) % Calculate lan/lon for each observation % % From NOAA KLM User's Guide, Table (page 8-79 / 363) % % lat/lon 5, 13, ..., 405 % for viewpos 1, 2, ..., 409 % % Distance between anchorpoints is 30–150 km % % Implementation inspired by IDL function by Nigel Atkinson nlines = size(data_line.avh_pos, 2); loc = reshape(data_line.avh_pos, [2, 51, nlines]); lat = zeros(409, nlines, 'single'); lon = zeros(409, nlines, 'single'); pos_given = 5:8:405; lat_in = squeeze(loc(1, :, :)); lon_in = squeeze(loc(2, :, :)); x_in = cosd(lon_in).*cosd(lat_in); y_in = sind(lon_in).*cosd(lat_in); z_in = sind(lat_in); xf = spline(pos_given, x_in.', 1:409).'; yf = spline(pos_given, y_in.', 1:409).'; zf = spline(pos_given, z_in.', 1:409).'; lon(:, :) = atan2(yf, xf) .* constants('RAD2DEG'); lat(:, :) = atan2(zf, sqrt(xf.^2 + yf.^2)) .* constants('RAD2DEG'); %{ IDL code spots_nav = lindgen(51)*8 + 5 d2r = !pi/180 nspots = 409 spots_req = lindgen(nspots) + 1 nlines = n_elements(pos(0,0,*)) lat = fltarr(nspots,nlines) lon = fltarr(nspots,nlines) for iline=0,nlines-1 do begin lat_in = pos(0,*,iline)*1.0E-4*d2r lon_in = pos(1,*,iline)*1.0E-4*d2r x_in = cos(lon_in)*cos(lat_in); y_in = sin(lon_in)*cos(lat_in); z_in = sin(lat_in); x = spline(spots_nav,x_in,spots_req) y = spline(spots_nav,y_in,spots_req) z = spline(spots_nav,z_in,spots_req) lon(*,iline) = atan(y,x)/d2r lat(*,iline) = atan(z,sqrt(x*x + y*y))/d2r endfor %} end %{ function [vc, A, B] = avhrr_coef_therm2rad(satid) % get coefficients for thermal channel temperature-to-radiance % % satid as per field avh_h_satid 'Spacecraft Identification Code'. % From NOAA KLM User's Guide, Table % % 2=NOAA-L % 4=NOAA-K % 6=NOAA-M % 7=NOAA-N % 8=NOAA-P % 11=MetOp-1 ( = MetOp-B) % 12=MetOp-A % % Not in use, could be used as backup if header unavailable? % NB! MetOp-A = MetOp-2; MetOp-B = MetOp-1! % % NOAA KLM User's Guide Table D-2 (page 906) switch satid case 2 % NOAA-16 % Table D.2-12 (page D-91 / page 995) vc = [2700.1148, 917.2289, 838.1255]; A = [1.592459, 0.332380, 0.674623]; B = [0.998147, 0.998522, 0.998363]; case 4 % NOAA-15 % Table D.1-11 (page D-19 / page 923) vc = [2695.9743, 925.4075, 839.8979]; A = [1.621256, 0.337810, 0.304558]; B = [0.998015, 0.998719, 0.999024]; case 6 % NOAA-17 % Table D.3-7 (page D-117 / page 1021) vc = [2669.3554, 926.2947, 839.8246]; A = [1.702380, 0.271682, 0.309180]; B = [0.997378, 0.998794, 0.999012]; case 7 % NOAA-18 % Table D.4-7 (page D-183 / page 1087) vc = [2659.7952, 928.1460, 833.232]; A = [1.698704, 0.436645, 0.253179]; B = [0.996960, 0.998607, 0.999057]; case 8 % NOAA-19 % Table D.6-7 (page D-785 / page 1689) vc = [2670.0, 928.9, 831.9]; A = [1.67396, 0.53959, 0.36064]; B = [0.997364, 0.998534, 0.998913]; % case 11 % MetOp-1 ?? case 12 % MetOp-A % Table D.5-7 (page D-492 / page 1396) vc = [2687.0, 927.2, 837.7]; A = [2.06699, 0.55126, 0.34716]; B = [0.996577, 0.998509, 0.998947]; otherwise error(['atmlab:', mfilename, ':unknownid'], ... 'Unknown satellite id: %d', id); end end %}