% CLOUDSAT_READ Reads CloudSat HDF data files. % % The function reads data from single files. The data are provided as a % single structure having field names taken from the HDF data. For % example, % P=cloudsat_read(filename,{'Latitude','Longitude','Sigma_Zero'}) % gives % P = % Latitude: [37081x1 double] % Longitude: [37081x1 double] % Sigma_Zero: [37081x1 double] % % Some field names are renamed as the corresponding name in HDF can not % be used in matlab. For example, 'Sigma-Zero' is renamed to % 'Sigma_Zero'. % % Data for field name renaming and unit conversions are hard-coded. The % following file types are handled so far: % 2B-GEOPROF % % Data are scaled to consider scaling factors and "non-standard" % units. The data are returned using the following units: % g, m, dB and deg % % The data are returned as double precision variables, sorted in such % way that each row corresponds to a position. For example, the cloud % mask at position i is: P.CPR_Cloud_mask(i,:) % % The fields existing in a file are obtained as % fieldnames = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'fields'); % % The reading can be restricted in several ways. To only read data for % the positions with index *ind*: % P = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'index',ind); % To only read data inside latitudes [-30,30]: % P = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'lat',[-30 30]); % To only read data inside longitudes [0,180]: % P = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'lon',[0 180]); % Note that the range [-180,180] is used for longitudes. To only read % data inside leg 2: % P = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'leg',2); % The orbit is divided into legs, where the start and end of the orbit % an latitude turning points are taken as limits of the legs. An orbit % has accordingly three legs, where e.g. leg 1 extends from the orbit % start to the turning point in the South pole area. % The latitude, longitude and leg options can be combined in pairs, % such as: % P = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'leg',2,'lat',[-30 30]); % % The reading can be restricted to a rectangular latitude/longitude area. % To read "tropical" data for the eastern hemisphere: % fieldnames = cloudsat_read(filename,[],'lat',[-30 30],'lon',[0 180]); % Longitude limits can be left out. Default for longitude limits is % [-180 180]. % % The function is based on CPR_L1B_rdr2 (unknown author). Send bug % reports, suggestions or improvements to patrick.eriksson@chalmers.se % % FORMAT P = cloudsat_read(filename[,fieldlist,choice1,c1arg,choice2,c2arg]) % % OUT P % IN filename Name of file to read. % OPT fieldlist Name of fields to read, as a cell array of strings. % Default is [], which results in that all fields are % read. % choice1 Optional choice 1. See above. % c1arg Arguments for optional choice 1. See above. % choice2 Optional choice 2. See above. % c2arg Arguments for optional choice 2. See above. % % INFO: If you want to instead read the cloudsat data as it is (i.e. no scaling, % converting, etc.), use read_cloudsat_hdf directly. The function also % outputs the variable attributes of the fields you wish to retrieve as a % second output argument % % $Id$ % 2007-10-24 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function P = cloudsat_read(filename,fieldlist,choice1,c1arg,choice2,c2arg) %- Check input % if ~ischar( filename ) error( 'Input argument *filename* must be a string' ); end % if ~exist( filename, 'file' ); P = 'File not found.'; return end % % if nargin < 2 fieldlist = []; end % if ~( isempty( fieldlist ) | iscellstr( fieldlist ) ) error( ... 'Input argument *fieldlist* must be empty or a cell array of strings.' ); end % if nargin < 3 choice1 = []; elseif ~ischar( choice1 ) error( 'Input argument *choice1* must be a string' ); else choice1 = lower( choice1 ); % if ~( strcmp(choice1,'fields') | strcmp(choice1,'index') | ... strcmp(choice1,'lat') | strcmp(choice1,'lon') | ... strcmp(choice1,'leg') ) error( ['Valid options for *choice1* are: ''fields'', ''index'', ',... '''lat'', ''lon'' and ''leg''.'] ); end end % if nargin < 5 choice2 = []; elseif ~ischar( choice2 ) error( 'Input argument *choice2* must be a string' ); else choice2 = lower( choice2 ); % if ~( strcmp(choice2,'lat') | strcmp(choice2,'lon') | ... strcmp(choice2,'leg') ) error( ['Valid options for *choice1* are: ''lat'', ''lon'', ',... 'and ''leg''.'] ); end end %- Get information about the file % fileinfo = hdfinfo( filename, 'eos' ); % allfields = { fileinfo.Swath.GeolocationFields.Name, ... fileinfo.Swath.DataFields.Name }; %- Handle empty *fieldlist* and choice1=='fields* option % if isempty( fieldlist ) | strcmp( choice1, 'fields' ) if strcmp( choice1, 'fields' ) P = rename_fields( allfields, 1 ); return end hdfnames = allfields; fieldlist = rename_fields( hdfnames, 1 ); else hdfnames = rename_fields( fieldlist ); end %- Determine index for data points to keep % iout = []; % if ~isempty( choice1 ) %- Index pre-defined if strcmp( choice1, 'index' ) iout = c1arg; clear c1arg; %- Filtering according to leg, lat and lon else P = cloudsat_read( filename, {'Latitude','Longitude'} ); %- leg if strcmp( choice1, 'leg' ) | strcmp( choice2, 'leg' ) if strcmp( choice1, 'leg' ) if ~( isnumeric(c1arg) & isvector(c1arg) & length(c1arg)==1 ) error( '*c1arg* must for ''leg'' option be a vector of length 1.' ); end leg = c1arg; else if ~( isnumeric(c2arg) & isvector(c2arg) & length(c2arg)==1 ) error( '*c2arg* must for ''leg'' option be a vector of length 1.' ); end leg = c2arg; end % if leg == 1 i1 = 1; [u,i2] = min( P.Latitude ); elseif leg == 2 [u,i1] = min( P.Latitude ); i1 = i1 + 1; [u,i2] = max( P.Latitude ); elseif leg == 3 [u,i1] = max( P.Latitude ); i1 = i1 + 1; i2 = length( P.Latitude ); else error( 'Possible choices for leg index are 1, 2 and 3.' ); end inleg = zeros( length(P.Latitude), 1 ); inleg(i1:i2) = 1; else inleg = ones( length(P.Latitude), 1 ); end %- latitude if strcmp( choice1, 'lat' ) | strcmp( choice2, 'lat' ) if strcmp( choice1, 'lat' ) if ~( isnumeric(c1arg) & isvector(c1arg) & length(c1arg)==2 ) error( '*c1arg* must for ''lat'' option be a vector of length 2.' ); end latlims = c1arg; else if ~( isnumeric(c2arg) & isvector(c2arg) & length(c2arg)==2 ) error( '*c2arg* must for ''lat'' option be a vector of length 2.' ); end latlims = c2arg; end else latlims = [-90 90 ]; end %- longitude if strcmp( choice1, 'lon' ) | strcmp( choice2, 'lon' ) if strcmp( choice1, 'lon' ) if ~( isnumeric(c1arg) & isvector(c1arg) & length(c1arg)==2 ) error( '*c1arg* must for ''lon'' option be a vector of length 2.' ); end lonlims = c1arg; else if ~( isnumeric(c2arg) & isvector(c2arg) & length(c2arg)==2 ) error( '*c2arg* must for ''lon'' option be a vector of length 2.' ); end lonlims = c2arg; end else lonlims = [-180 180 ]; end iout = inleg & ... P.Latitude >= latlims(1) & P.Latitude <= latlims(2) & ... P.Longitude >= lonlims(1) & P.Longitude <= lonlims(2); if isempty(iout) P = 'No data matching reading restrictions.'; return end end end %- Read data % % The reading routines cause a lot of warnings (at least in Matlab 7). Turn % off these warnings temporariliy. % % Some files appear to be corrupted and cause error. Use try/catch. % warning( 'off', 'MATLAB:hdfwarn:generic' ); P = []; % try P = read_cloudsat_hdf(fileinfo.Filename,fieldlist); for F = fieldlist % convention to make everything double if ~ischar(P.(F{1})) P.(F{1}) = double(P.(F{1})); end % convention to make all vectors column vectors if isvector(P.(F{1})) P.(F{1}) = P.(F{1})(:); end % apply conditions if ~isempty(iout) && ( isvector(P.(F{1})) || ismatrix(P.(F{1})) ) P.(F{1}) = P.(F{1})(iout,:); end end catch ME P = sprintf('Error while reading file.: %s\n',ME.message); warning('MATLAB:hdfwarn:generic','%s',P); end if ischar( P ) return end %- Factor and offset % attributes = strvcat(fileinfo.Swath.Attributes.Name); for it=1:length(fieldlist) ifactor = strmatch([hdfnames{it} '.factor'],attributes); ioffset = strmatch([hdfnames{it} '.offset'],attributes); iunit = strmatch([hdfnames{it} '.units'],attributes); if ~isempty(iunit) unit=fileinfo.Swath.Attributes(iunit).Value; unit=unitconv(unit,hdfnames{it}); else unit=1; end if ~isempty(ifactor) & ~isempty(ioffset) factor = double(fileinfo.Swath.Attributes(ifactor).Value(1)); offset = double(fileinfo.Swath.Attributes(ioffset).Value(1)); P.(fieldlist{it}) = (P.(fieldlist{it})/factor - offset)*unit; end end return %--- Sub functions --------------------------------------------------------- %--- Conversion of field names % % Renaming information stored in internal variable *table*. Default is % conversion from matlab to HDF names. % % OUT names Renamed field names % IN names Original field names % backwards Set to true for conversion to matlab names. Default % is false. % function names = rename_fields( names, backwards ) if nargin < 2, backwards = 0; end %- Renaming table % % HDF name in column 1, matlab name in column 2 % table{1} = { 'Sigma-Zero', 'Sigma_Zero' }; if backwards iout = 2; iin = 1; else iout = 1; iin = 2; end for it = 1 : length(table) ind = find( strcmp( names, table{it}{iin} ) ); if ~isempty( ind ) names{ind} = table{it}{iout}; end end return %--- Unit conversion % % Conversion information stored in internal variable *table*. % function u=unitconv(unit,field) % Make sure that *unit* is a row vector (can be column for old HDF versions) % unit = vec2row( unit ); if strcmp(unit,['mg m^{-3}']) | strcmp(unit,['mg/m^3']) u=1e-3; elseif strcmp(unit,['um']) u=1e-6; elseif strcmp(unit,['degrees']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['m']) | strcmp(unit,['/m']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['meters']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['dBZe']) | strcmp(unit,['dbz']) | strcmp(unit,['dBZ']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['dB*100']) u=1e-2; elseif strcmp(unit,['km']) u=1e3; elseif strcmp(unit,['1/km']) | strcmp(unit,['/km']) u=1e-3; elseif strcmp(unit,['seconds']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['--']) | strcmp(unit,['none']) | strcmp(unit,['None']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['%']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['g m^{-2}']) | strcmp(unit,['g/m^2']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['K']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['L^{-1}']) u=1e3; elseif strcmp(unit,['cm^{-3}']) u=1e6; elseif strcmp(unit,['Pa']) u=1; elseif strcmp(unit,['kg/kg']) | strcmp(unit,['kg kg**-1']) u=1; else u=1; warning( 'cloudsat_read:unknownUnit', ... ['Could not identify field type unit in subfunction unitconv. ',... 'No unit conversion performed for ',field,'. ',... 'Unit is in ',unit,'.'] ); end return