function dates = daterange(date1, date2) % daterange Returns a matrix of valid dates within the daterange % % FORMAT % % dates = daterange(date1, date2) % % IN % % date1 array Starting date % date2 array Ending date % % OUT % % dates Nxlength(date1) Matrtix All dates in the range % % NOTE % % If 4th element of date (hour) is given, any missing minute or hour is assumed to be 0 % % FORMAT % % dates = daterange(date1, date2) % % % $Id$ errId = ['atmlab' mfilename ':badInput']; assert(length(date1)==length(date2),errId,... 'length(date1)~=length(date2)') dl = length(date1); if dl ==2 date1(3) = 1; date2(3) = 1; end % datenum wants length(date) ==3 or ==6 if dl > 3 % fill missing with 0 date1(end+1:6) = 0; date2(end+1:6) = 0; end dn1 = datenum(date1); dn2 = datenum(date2); switch dl case 2 dates = datevec(dn1:dn2); dates = unique(dates(:, 1:2),'rows'); % only year/month/day part case 3 dates = datevec(dn1:dn2); dates = dates(:, 1:3); % only year/month/day part case 4 dates = datevec(dn1:1/24:dn2); %hour steps dates = dates(:, 1:4); case 5 dates = datevec(dn1:1/(24*60):dn2); %minute steps dates = dates(:, 1:5); case 6 dates = datevec(dn1:1/(24*3600):dn2); %seconds steps otherwise error(errId,'datevector lengths=%d is not supported',dl) end end