% TEXT2CFILE Help function to create a small ARTS cfile % % The input to the function is a string giving each row of the control % file to create. The initial 'Arts{' and end '}' are included % automaticlly (and should not be part of the function input). % % All text strings are joined into an array of string *aos*. % % FORMAT aos = text2cfile( s1, s2, ... ) % % OUT aos An array of string, see above. % IN s1 First input string % ... % 2014-09-13 Patrick Eriksson function aos = text2cfile( varargin ) if atmlab('STRICT_ASSERT') & ~iscellstr(varargin) error( 'All input arguments must be strings' ); end aos{1} = 'Arts2{'; for i = 1 : length(varargin) aos{1+i} = varargin{i}; end aos{end+1} = '}';