% ATMLAB_INIT Initializes the Atmlab package % % See CONFIGURE for standard usage of this function. % % The following operations are performed: % % 1. Atmlab folders are added to the search path. The folders are put % at the start of the search path (prepended). % % 2. If *atmlab_conf* is found, it is called. Otherwise default atmlab % settings are created. % % 3. Default aliases are set (see *alias*). % % FORMAT atmlab_init % 2002-12-09 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function atmlab_init %= Determine path to Atmlab top folder % toppath = fileparts( fileparts( which( 'atmlab_init' ) ) ); %= Add folders to the search path % % If you create a new sub-folder, it should be added here. % Please use reversed alphabetical order. % addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'time' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'tests' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'sensors', 'atovs' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'sensors' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'scattering' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'retrieval','qpack2' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'retrieval','spareice' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'retrieval','ismar', 'general' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'retrieval' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'randomize','iaaft' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'randomize' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'physics' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'lineshape', 'faddeeva' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'lineshape' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'mie' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'math' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'handy' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'h2o', 'parametrisations' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'h2o', 'thermodynamics' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'gridcreation', 'uniformsphere' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'gridcreation', 'annealing' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'gridcreation' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'graphs', 'cmaps' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'graphs' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'gformat' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'geoplots', 'gmt', 'cptfiles') ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'geoplots', 'gmt') ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'geoplots' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'geophysics' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'geographical' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'geodetic' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'forwardmodel' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'files' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'demos' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'datasets' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'circular' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'covmat' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'collocations' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'atmlab' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts', 'netcdf' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts', 'scenegen', 'regrid' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts', 'scenegen', 'modify' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts', 'scenegen', 'import' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts', 'scenegen', 'export' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts', 'xml' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts_usage' ) ); addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'arts' ) ); % if nversion < 7.04 addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'V7-4' ) ); end %=== Read Atmlab settings % if exist( 'atmlab_conf' ) == 2 atmlab_conf; else atmlab('defaults'); end if atmlab('LEGACY_MODE') addpath( fullfile( toppath, 'deprecated' ) ); end %=== Define some aliases % alias('amsub', 'mhs');