classdef AssociatedPOESPlusCPR < FieldMultiInstrumentCopier % Add AMSU-A, HIRS to MHS-CPR % % WORK IN PROGRESS! % $Id$ properties (Transient) % For instruments sharing a platform with the primary % % FIXME DOC fieldcopier_other_primary = struct(); % For instruments sharing a platform with the secondary % % FIXME DOC fieldcopier_other_secondary = struct(); % members; end methods %% constructor function self = AssociatedPOESPlusCPR(pparent, f_mhs, f_amsua, f_hirs, f_cpr, varargin) % Create AssociatedPoesPlusCPR object % % IN % % parent either mhs_cpr or amsub_cpr % f_mhs struct fields from MHS % f_amsua struct fields from AMSUA % f_hirs struct fields from HIRS % f_cpr struct fields from CPR % % FIXME DOC %d = datasets; self = self@FieldMultiInstrumentCopier(pparent, {}, varargin{:}); self.dynamic_members = true; self.parent = pparent; self.fieldcopier_core = FieldCopier(self.parent, f_mhs, f_cpr, 'name', [ '_sub_mhs_cpr'], 'visible', false); self.fieldcopier_other_primary.amsua = FieldCopier(self.parent, f_amsua, struct(), 'name', [ '_sub_amsua'], 'visible', false); self.fieldcopier_other_primary.hirs = FieldCopier(self.parent, f_hirs, struct(), 'name', [ '_sub_hirs'], 'visible', false); if length(fieldnames(self.members)) < (... length(fieldnames(self.fieldcopier_other_primary.amsua.members)) + ... length(fieldnames(self.fieldcopier_other_primary.hirs.members)) + ... length(fieldnames(self.fieldcopier_core.members))) error(['amtlab:' mfilename], 'Duplicate fieldnames found!'); end % self.fieldstruct_mhs = f_mhs; % self.fieldstruct_amsua = f_amsua; % self.fieldstruct_hirs = f_hirs; end %% overload parent methods function store(self, varargin) store@FieldMultiInstrumentCopier(self, varargin{:}); end end methods (Access = protected) %% implementation of abstract methods function [newline, newpos] = translate(self, processed_core, data_orig, dsname, data_other) origline = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.LINE1); origpos = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.POS1); if size(origline, 1)==0 newline = origline; newpos = origpos; return end switch dsname case 'amsua' [aah, aaw] = size(data_other.lon); newline = min(max(round(origline/3), 1), aah); newpos = min(max(round(origpos/3), 1), aaw); case 'hirs' newline = arrayfun(... @(v), ... data_orig.time(origline)); newpos = arrayfun(... @(i) (, :)-processed_core(i, self.parent.cols.LAT2)).^2 + ... (data_other.lon(newline(i), :)-processed_core(i, self.parent.cols.LON2)).^2 ... ), 1:size(processed_core, 1)); otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':sorry'], ... 'I don''t know what to do with %s', dsname); end end end methods (Access = {?HomemadeDataset}) function mem = dynamically_get_members(self) % logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Getting APPC-mems\n'); % FIXME! This should be better implemented. This wastes a HUGE % amount of time! mem = catstruct(self.fieldcopier_core.members, ... self.fieldcopier_other_primary.amsua.members, ... self.fieldcopier_other_primary.hirs.members); % mem = self.members; end end methods (Static, Access = private) function i = mini(v) % mini return index for minimum of v (arrayfun wants 1 output) [~, i] = min(v); end end end