classdef Collapser < AssociatedDataset % collapse small footprint upon large footprint % % This class can be used for collocations where the primary has a % significantly larger footprint than the secondary, such as between % MHS and CloudSat or between MHS and AVHRR. It can be used e.g. for % calculation of arbitrary statistics, such as mean, standard % deviation, etc., or for selecting a single small-footprint for each % large-footprint. Whereas the original collocations contain one entry % for each of the smaller footprints --- thus repeating many times the % entry for the larger footprint --- a dataset with this class contains % at most one entry for each of the larger footprints. This is usually % the desirable behaviour. % % The class is normally associated with an AssociatedDataset that works on % the full-size --- often this is FieldCopier. % % For each primary footprint, the class copies data for the primary and % gathers data for the secondary. The data for the secondary is then % input to processing-functions, that can do arbitrary processing. % For example, processing functions may calculate the mean, the standard % deviation, the secondary closest to the primary, etc. Any % function-handle can be passed. The class can either pass all secondary % footprints, or a sub-set based on prescribed limitations (also with % function-handles). If no secondary footprints meet the requirements, % the primary footprint is not selected either. Limitations can be % either global (applying to all processors) or local (applying to a % single processor). % % Information on fields to be copied, fields to be processed, processor % functions, local limitatiors, global limitations, and how to store % fields, is all contained in a structure passed on to the constructor. % See constructor documentation for details. % % Collapser Properties: % % fieldstruct - Structure with complete field information % overall_limitators - Limitations applied to all fields % (remaining properties inherited from AssociatedDataset. % Use properties for a complete listing) % vectorised - Determine if processors/limitators can be % vectorised % % Collapser Methods: % % Collapser - Create Collapser object % (remaining methods from AssociatedDataset) % % Example: % % >> mfcs.RO_ice_water_path.limitators = {@(X)(X>0)}; % >> mfcs.RO_ice_water_path.processors.MEAN = @mean; % >> mfcs.RO_ice_water_path.stored.NO.type = 'single'; % >> global_lims = {@(X)(X(:, mhscpr.cols.DIST)<7.5), @(X)(abs(X(:, mhscpr.cols.INT))<600)}; % % f from FieldCopier example % >> mfc = Collapser(f, mfcs, global_lims, ... % 'name', 'MyLittleThing', 'basedir', '/some/path', ... % 'subdir', '$YEAR4/$MONTH/$DAY', ... % 'filename', 'mean_collocations_$'); % % See also: AssociatedDataset (abstract superclass), FieldCopier, % CollocatedDataset, SatDataset, Collapser (constructor). % % Don't forget the Collocation User's Guide % TODO: % - store result of limitators as bitfield? % - store limitators in NetCDF props properties (Transient, SetAccess = protected) %members = []; % See AssociatedDataset.members parent = []; % See AssociatedDataset.parent dependencies = {}; % See AssociatedDataset.dependencies % Structure with all fields information % % The members of this fieldstruct must correspond to fieldnames % contained by the parent dataset. The value of each entry % in this struct is itself a structure, as follows: % % entry_name (structure with name corresponding to parent fieldname) % % limitators cell-array of function_handle % % Depending on the value of the collapser property % 'vectorised' (defaults to false), this is either in % non-vectorised or in vectorised form. % % In non-vectorised form, each limitator is called for every % primary footprint. It receives as input the subset of secondary % footprints that fall within the primary footprint. Each % limitator must return a logical 1-D vector with the same % length as the number of footprints in the input. Any later % processing functions are applied only to those collocations % for which ALL limitators return true. % % In vectorised form, each limitator is called once per % granule. As an argument, it receives a p*N*q ndarray, % where p is the maximum number of secondaries to ever % occur inside a primary, N is the number of primaries, and q % is the number of values per measurement for this field. Note that for each primary with % s

Fieldcopier. % By default, no attributes are stored and all % fields are stored as single (float). % % incore logical (scalar boolean) % % If set to 'true', this field is not taken from the % AssociatedDataset, but from the AssociatedDataset's parent, % the CollocatedDataset or the core. This can be used to e.g. % calculate an average position or to store a vector of % line-numbers in the collapsed dataset. % % It is assumed that additional dimensions (no. channels, profile % height, etc.) for the collapsed field corresponds to the one for % the original field, which makes sense for mean, std, etc. It % might not always be so; if it is not, one should explicitly set % (field).stored.(processor).profile = false % % For examples, see the definitions in define_datasets and/or % explore the various collapsed datasets defined in atmlab. fieldstruct = []; % Cell array of global limitators. % % These can work either in vectorised or non-vectorised form, % depending on the value of the 'vectorised' property. % % In non-vectorised form (the default), % Global limitators are applied to the subset of secondary % footprints corresponding to a shared primary footprint before % going into any field-specific processing. It is suitable to use % for limiting distance or time for a certain averaging function. % Each function handle receives as input a matrix % of collocations, e.g. Nx14 when there are N % secondary inside the primary, and shall % return a logical of Nx1. All limitators are % processed sequentially and are applied to % all fields. % % In vectorised form, each global limitator is called exactly once % for each granule. It receives a p*N*q ndarray, where p is the % maximum number of secondaries ever inside a primary, N is the % number of primaries for the granule, and q corresponds to % fields (usually q=1). To conserve memory, global limitators in % vectorised form must indicate what fields they shall be using, as % a subset from fields in the core (CollocatedDataset.cols). Thus, % rather than a simple cell array of function handles, it's a cell % array of 2-element cell arrays, such as {{{'DIST'}, @(X)(X<7.5)}}. % The function handles shall return a logical of % size pxNx1 instructing what primaries to use, and what primaries to % skip altogether. overall_limitators = {}; % List of global limitators end properties (Transient) % Determine if processors and limitators can be vectorised % % Collapsers can be very slow, because user-provided, % Matlab-written functions are called for every primary footprint. % For example, processing a single granule of MHS/AVHRR % collocations can take more than an hour. In some - but not all - % cases, limitators and processors can be vectorised, and % processing speed can be increased by several orders of magnitude. % This requires vectorised = false; end % $Id$ methods %% constructor function self = Collapser(ad, fieldstruct, overall_limitators, varargin) % constructor for Collapser class % % This constructs a Collapser % % FORMAT % % cl = Collapser(ad, fs, global_lims, ...) % % IN % % ad AssociatedDataset % % AssociatedDataset from which this Collapser should % take its data. % % fs structure % % Structure giving full information on fields to process % and how to process them. See property docs for details. % % global_lims cell array % % See property documentation. % % OUT % % Collapser object --- see class documentation. % % EXAMPLE % % See class docs. cd = ad.parent; dependency = ad; % sort out which ones are just copied, which one processed % smartly self = self@AssociatedDataset(cd, {dependency}, varargin{:}); % call parent constructor % make sure all members have at least 'processors', % 'limiters', 'stored' and 'incore'; set appropiate % values where they don't fields = fieldnames(fieldstruct); for i = 1:length(fields) field = fields{i}; if ~isfield(fieldstruct.(field), 'processors') error(['atmlab:' mfilename], 'No processors specified for %s', field); end if ~isfield(fieldstruct.(field), 'limitators'); fieldstruct.(field).limitators = {@(x)true(size(x, 1), 1)}; end if ~isfield(fieldstruct.(field), 'incore') fieldstruct.(field).incore = false; end if fieldstruct.(field).incore fieldstruct.(field).origin = cd; else fieldstruct.(field).origin = ad; end % populate one or more 'members' for this field procnames = fieldnames(fieldstruct.(field).processors); for pi = 1:length(procnames) procname = procnames{pi}; newfieldname = [upper(procname) '_' field]; newfield = fieldstruct.(field); newfield = rmfield(newfield, 'processors'); newfield = rmfield(newfield, 'limitators'); newfield.orig_name = field; if isfield(newfield.stored.(procname), 'type') newfield.type = newfield.stored.(procname).type; else newfield.type = 'float'; end if (isfield(fieldstruct, field) && ... isfield(fieldstruct.(field), 'stored') && ... isfield(fieldstruct.(field).stored, procname)) warning('off', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound'); newfield = catstruct(newfield, fieldstruct.(field).stored.(procname)); end self.members.(newfieldname) = newfield; end end self.fieldstruct = fieldstruct; self.overall_limitators = overall_limitators; % add core members self.members.FIRST.type = 'int'; self.members.FIRST.atts.long_name = 'First corresponding row in overlap'; self.members.LAST.type = 'int'; self.members.LAST.atts.long_name = 'Last corresponding row in overlap'; end %% overload parent methods function [M, M_cols] = merge_matrix(self, M_core, cols_core, M_self, cols_self) M = [M_core(M_self(:, cols_self.FIRST), :) M_self]; M_cols = self.merge_new_cols(M_core, cols_core, cols_self); end end methods (Access = {?SatDataset}) %% implementation abstract methods function args = primary_arguments(~, ~) args = {}; end function args = secondary_arguments(~, ~) args = {}; end function bool = needs_primary_data(~, ~) bool = false; end function bool = needs_secondary_data(~, ~) bool = false; end function fields = fields_needed_for_dependency(self, fields, ~) fields = unique(struct2cell(structfun(@(e) safegetfield(e, 'orig_name', ''), getfields(self.members, fields{:}), 'UniformOutput', false))); fields = fields(~cellfun(@isempty, fields)); % FIXME: the above is insufficient in case the collapser is % extended with fields from the core. Consider something like % below, although this does not yet work. Comment out for now. %{ fields_needed = {}; for i = 1:length(fields_considered) field = fields_considered{i}; if isfield(self.members.(field), 'orig_name') % FIRST, LAST etc. don't have this orig_name = self.members.(field).orig_name; if ~isfield(self.members.(field), 'incore') || ~self.members.(field).incore fields_needed = [fields_needed orig_name]; %#ok end end end fields_needed = unique(fields_needed); %} end function [M, localcols] = process_granule(self, processed_core, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, deps, varargin) [deps_cols, memnames] = optargs(varargin, {{self.dependencies{1}.cols}, 'all'}); M_data = deps{1}; clear deps; % otherwise duplicating potentially a lot of data % deps_cols = cell2struct(deps_cols, cellfun(@(X), self.dependencies, 'UniformOutput', false), 2); % deps_cols = deps_cols{1}; cols_data = deps_cols{1}; %%% % Nomenclature note: % % - member is one geophysical quantity, e.g. IWP, LWP, etc. % - field is a resulting collapsed quantity, e.g. MEAN_IWP, % NO_LWP, etc. % check that sizes are the same assert(size(processed_core, 1)==size(M_data, 1), ... ['atmlab:' mfilename ':SizeError'], ... ['To average fields, core must have same no. of rows as associated. ' ... 'Core has ' num2str(size(processed_core, 1)) ' rows, ' ... 'associated has ' num2str(size(M_data, 1)) ' rows :(.']); ad = self.dependencies{1}; cd = ad.parent; % split by primary footprint and find first and last index % corresponding to each footprint [uniques, firsts] = unique(processed_core(:, [cd.cols.START1 cd.cols.LINE1 cd.cols.POS1]), 'rows', 'first'); lasts = [firsts(2:end)-1; size(processed_core, 1)]; % put sizes in self.members in order to get self.cols if isequal(memnames, 'all') memnames = fieldnames(self.members); else rqre_subset(memnames, fieldnames(self.members)); memnames = intersect(fieldnames(self.members), memnames); memnames = union(memnames, {'FIRST', 'LAST'}); end for mi = 1:length(memnames) memname = memnames{mi}; % special cases 'FIRST' and 'LAST' don't have any % corresponding data in the corresponding % additional-dataset, so no copying is to be done either if any(strcmp(memname, {'FIRST', 'LAST'})) continue end mem = self.members.(memname); origmem = mem.origin.members.(mem.orig_name); if isfield(origmem, 'dims') && ~isfield(mem, 'dims') mem.dims = origmem.dims; end % NB: commented out this 2013-03-25 as it caused flag % CV_ROIWP.atts.missing_value to be reset. % w = warning('off', 'catstruct:DuplicatesFound'); % self.members.(memname) = catstruct(... % self.members.(memname).origin.members.(mem.orig_name), ... % self.members.(memname)); % warning(w); fields{mi} = self.members.(memname).orig_name; end self.members2cols(); fields = unique(fields(~cellfun(@isempty, fields))); localcols = self.get_cols_from_bro(memnames, deps_cols); % if isequal(fields, 'all'); % fields = fieldnames(self.fieldstruct); % self.set_cols_from_bro(); % localcols = self.cols; % else % localcols = self.get_cols_from_bro(fields, deps_cols); % end nfields = max(cell2mat(struct2cell(localcols).')); % this flag is only used until the end of the function. It signals % that the collapser gave no data for a particular footprint, but % only when this is due to the global limitator. This data is % then removed, so this flag should never be exposed to the calling % function. % % When the footprint itself is valid (i.e. global limitator returns % some valid footprints) but the data are not (i.e. individual % limitators return nothing or data are flagged to begin with), data % are set to missing_value. flag_notset = -realmax(); % hopefully, no real data has this value! flag_globlimfailed = .9*-realmax(); flag_allflagged = +realmax(); M = flag_notset*ones(size(uniques, 1), nfields); % cache some things outside the loops to speed it up a bit % (done with profiler; code in this loop may be executed % millions of types for processing a single day) %fields = fieldnames(self.fieldstruct); n_overall_limitators = length(self.overall_limitators); has_overall_limitators = n_overall_limitators>0; answers = cell(1, n_overall_limitators); % field_has_limitators = cellfun(@(fname)~isempty(self.fieldstruct.(fname).limitators), fields); % field_limitators = cellfun(@(fname) self.fieldstruct.(fname).limitators, fields, 'UniformOutput', false); for k = 1:length(fields) fname = fields{k}; procnames = fieldnames(self.fieldstruct.(fname).processors); field_limitators{k} = self.fieldstruct.(fname).limitators; field_has_limitators(k) = ~isempty(self.fieldstruct.(fname).limitators); all_procnames{k} = procnames; for pi = 1:length(procnames) procname = procnames{pi}; proccers{k}{pi} = self.fieldstruct.(fname).processors.(procname); end end n_orig = size(processed_core, 1); if isempty(processed_core) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'core seems empty, nothing to do!\n'); M = zeros(0, nfields); elseif self.vectorised % start with the easy bit M(:, localcols.FIRST) = processed_core(firsts, cd.cols.INDEX); M(:, localcols.LAST) = processed_core(lasts, cd.cols.INDEX); %% Sophisticated vectorisation... % create a matrix where each column contains the indices % corresponding to one of the primaries; no. of rows % corresponds to the largest occurding no. of secondaries in a % primary, so most columns will have lots of data flagged max_no_prim_in_sec = max(firsts(2:end)-firsts(1:end-1)); logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... ['%s %s Commencing vectorised collapsing. ' ... ' %d primaries with up to %d secondaries per primary.\n'], ... class(self),, length(uniques), max_no_prim_in_sec); % use a signed int for rarr; double is too large, single too % imprecise, but I need negatives for flagged data % NB: rarr stands for Re-ARRanged rarr = bsxfun(@plus, vec2row(int32(firsts)), vec2col(int32(0:max_no_prim_in_sec-1))); % flag data that shouldn't be there rarrgt = bsxfun(@gt, rarr, vec2row(lasts)); rarr(rarrgt) = -1; % now we have the array with indices in 'rarr'. Get % corresponding data from data matrix, i.e. like this: % 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 % -1 -1 -1 5 7 9 11 -1 14 16 % -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 17 % -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 % -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 % we will arrange two 3-D data matrices in this style: one % for the core, one for the data. The core contains fields % needed by global limitators and fields needed by % processors. The data contains only fields needed by % processors. core_fields_needed_by_limitators = cellfun(@(X) X{1}, self.overall_limitators, 'UniformOutput', false); proc_field_is_in_core = cellfun(@(X) self.fieldstruct.(X).incore, fields); core_fields_needed_by_proccers = fields(proc_field_is_in_core); core_fields_needed = union([core_fields_needed_by_limitators{:}], ... core_fields_needed_by_proccers); data_fields_needed = fields(~proc_field_is_in_core); Mrar_core = nan(max_no_prim_in_sec, length(firsts), length(core_fields_needed), 'single'); Mrar_data = nan(max_no_prim_in_sec, length(firsts), sum(cellfun(@(f) length(cols_data.(f)), data_fields_needed)), 'single'); % we can afford to loop to max_no_prim_in_sec because it's only % a few dozen at most. This loop takes 9.4 seconds for a 56 x % 228391 x 15 array... for i = 1:max_no_prim_in_sec % copy over where 'rarr' is not flagged. FIXME: this % should of course be properly selected n = 1; for k = 1:length(data_fields_needed) field = data_fields_needed{k}; fieldsize = length(cols_data.(field)); Mrar_data(i, rarr(i, :)>0, n:(n+fieldsize-1)) = M_data(rarr(i, rarr(i, :)>0), cols_data.(field)); Mrar_data_cols.(field) = n:(n+fieldsize-1); n = n + fieldsize; end for k = 1:length(core_fields_needed) field = core_fields_needed{k}; Mrar_core(i, rarr(i, :)>0, k) = processed_core(rarr(i, rarr(i, :)>0), self.parent.cols.(field)); Mrar_core_cols.(field) = k; end % Mrar(i, rarr(i, :)>0, 1:5) = M_data(rarr(i, rarr(i, :)>0), cols_data.AVHRR_Y); % Mrar(i, rarr(i, :)>0, 6) = M_data(rarr(i, rarr(i, :)>0), cols_data.AVHRR_FLAG_3AB); %Mrar(i, rarr(i, :)>0, :) = processed_core(rarr(i, rarr(i, :)>0), :); end % now we have a p*N*q ndarray, with p the max. no. of % secondary in primary, N the no. of primaries, and q the % no. of fields. This replaces M_data that we clear for % memory reasons. clear M_data; clear processed_core; % go through the global limitators: overall_global_lim = true(max_no_prim_in_sec, length(firsts)); for ii = 1:n_overall_limitators lim_inp_fields = self.overall_limitators{ii}{1}; limitator = self.overall_limitators{ii}{2}; coreplanes = cell2mat(struct2cell(getfields(Mrar_core_cols, lim_inp_fields{:}))); this_global_lim = limitator(Mrar_core(:, :, coreplanes)); if ~isequal(size(this_global_lim), size(overall_global_lim)) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':wrongsize'], ... ['This is %s %s speaking. I was processing vectorised ' ... 'data when I received a wrongly-sized logical from global ' ... 'limitator %s. I got: %s. But I wanted: %s. Giving up!'], ... class(self),, func2str(limitator), ... num2str(size(this_global_lim)), num2str(size(overall_global_lim))); end overall_global_lim = overall_global_lim & this_global_lim; end % mask those data out of Mrar_data. overall_global_lim is % just a logical so hopefully I can get away with repmat overall_global_lim = repmat(overall_global_lim, [1, 1, size(Mrar_data, 3)]); Mrar_data(~overall_global_lim) = NaN; %clear overall_global_lim; for k = 1:length(fields) fname = fields{k}; if self.fieldstruct.(fname).incore M_source = Mrar_core(:, :, Mrar_core_cols.(fname)); else M_source = Mrar_data(:, :, Mrar_data_cols.(fname)); end for pi = 1:length(all_procnames{k}) procname = all_procnames{k}{pi}; procfname = [procname '_' fname]; if ~isfield(localcols, procfname) % probably processor is already there; in % any case, it was not asked for continue end capsed = proccers{k}{pi}(M_source); expsize = [size(uniques, 1), length(localcols.(procfname))]; if ~isequal(size(capsed), expsize) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':wrongsize'], ... ['This is %s %s speaking. I was processing vectorised ' ... 'data when I received wrongly sized data from processor ' ... '%s for field %s. I expected %s, but received %s. Giving up!'], ... class(self),, procname, fname, num2str(expsize), num2str(size(capsed))); end M(:, localcols.(procfname)) = capsed; end end % for consistency with old method, remove completely % instances where the overall global limitators prevented % data M(all(all(~overall_global_lim, 1), 3), :) = []; self.cols = localcols; else %% proceed the old, slow way (OK for small data amounts) % keep track of time for logging purposes (progress etc.) t = 0; logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Processing %d primary footprints, %d fields, %d total stats, %d values/collocation\n', ... size(uniques, 1), length(fields), length(memnames), nfields); j = 0; % counter increases only when there is data for i = 1:size(uniques, 1) % need to be done in loop due to mean/std/etc. tic; first = firsts(i); last = lasts(i); M_coll_part = processed_core(first:last, :); M_data_part = M_data(first:last, :); j = j + 1; % limitation to all, e.g. for distances if ~has_overall_limitators; lim_for_all_fields = true(size(M_data_part, 1), 1); else % 2nd version is much faster. This was still often the % slowest part of the function, applying the overall % limitators, for cases with few fields. %answers = cellfun(@(X)(X(:)), cellfun(@(f)f(M_coll_part), self.overall_limitators, 'UniformOutput', false), 'UniformOutput', false); for ii = 1:n_overall_limitators answers{ii} = flat(self.overall_limitators{ii}(M_coll_part)); end lim_for_all_fields = all(horzcat(answers{:}), 2); if ~any(lim_for_all_fields) M(j, :) = flag_globlimfailed; continue end end % M(j, self.cols.FIRST) = processed_core(first, cd.cols.INDEX); % M(j, self.cols.LAST) = processed_core(last, cd.cols.INDEX); M(j, localcols.FIRST) = processed_core(first, cd.cols.INDEX); M(j, localcols.LAST) = processed_core(last, cd.cols.INDEX); % for each field, apply limitations and call processing % function on sub-limited set, if any are actually left % also keep track if we had any valid fields here anyvalidfields = false; for k = 1:length(fields) fname = fields{k}; if self.fieldstruct.(fname).incore M_source = M_coll_part; else M_source = M_data_part; end % iteratively apply limitations, only if all % limitations return true (including % lim_for_all_fields) the collocation is selected for % further average-processing if ~field_has_limitators(k) limsel = true(size(M_source, 1), 1); else limsel = lim_for_all_fields; limmers = field_limitators{k}; for li = 1:length(limmers) limmer = limmers{li}; % limhere = limmer(M_source(:, self.fieldstruct.(fname).origin.cols.(fname))); limhere = limmer(M_source(:, cols_data.(fname))); limsel = limsel(:) & limhere(:); end end procnames = all_procnames{k}; if any(limsel) % apply all processors and store in appropiate % place for pi = 1:length(procnames) procname = procnames{pi}; if ~isfield(localcols, [procname '_' fname]) % probably processor is already there; in % any case, it was not asked for continue end %proccer = self.fieldstruct.(fname).processors.(procname); % capsed = proccers{k}{pi}(M_source(limsel, self.fieldstruct.(fname).origin.cols.(fname))); capsed = proccers{k}{pi}(M_source(limsel, cols_data.(fname)), M_coll_part(limsel, :)); %if ~isequal(size(capsed), [1 length(self.cols.([procname '_' fname]))]) if ~isequal(size(capsed), [1, length(localcols.([procname '_' fname]))]) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':mismatch'], ... ['Error in collapsing %s %s %s. Processor ', ... 'returned wrongly-sized field. Got [%d, %d]. ', ... 'Expected [%d, %d].'], ..., fname, procname, size(capsed, 1), ... size(capsed, 2), 1, length(localcols.([procname '_' fname]))); % size(capsed, 2), 1, length(self.cols.([procname '_' fname]))); end M(j, localcols.([procname '_' fname])) = capsed; % M(j, self.cols.([procname '_' fname])) = capsed; anyvalidfields = true; end else % set all processors for this field to missing_val for pi = 1:length(procnames) procname = procnames{pi}; if isfield(localcols, [procname '_' fname]) %M(j, self.cols.([procname '_' fname])) = self.fieldstruct.(fname).stored.(procname).atts.missing_value; M(j, localcols.([procname '_' fname])) = self.fieldstruct.(fname).stored.(procname).atts.missing_value; end end end end % remove if any are valid at all % (do you mean "if none are valid?") % FIXME: make this optional if ~anyvalidfields M(j, :) = flag_allflagged; end t = t + toc; if t > 600 logtext(atmlab('OUT'), 'Done %d/%d\n', ... i, size(uniques, 1)); t = 0; end end % remove remaining part of M, e.g. where I did too much % pre-allocation or no relevant data was found rest = all(M==flag_globlimfailed | M==flag_allflagged, 2); % FIXME: what to do with the other flags? M(rest, :) = []; %%% end logtext(atmlab('OUT'), '%d collocations -> %d collapsed and valid collocations\n', ... n_orig, size(M, 1)); end %% overload parent methods function S = merge_struct(varargin) error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':notimplemented'], ... 'Collocating collapsed datasets is not implemented yet'); end function C = get_mergefields(self) %#ok C = {'FIRST'}; end function new = concatenate(self, old_core_result, old_additional_result, new_additional_result) if isempty(new_additional_result) new = old_additional_result; return end if ~isempty(old_core_result) correction = old_core_result(end, self.parent.cols.INDEX); new_first = new_additional_result(:, self.cols.FIRST) + correction; new_last = new_additional_result(:, self.cols.LAST) + correction; new_additional_result(:, self.cols.FIRST) = new_first; new_additional_result(:, self.cols.LAST) = new_last; end if isempty(old_additional_result) new = new_additional_result; else new = [old_additional_result; new_additional_result]; end end function [S, strattr] = read_homemade_granule(self, file, varargin) info = self.find_info_from_granule(file); dt = [str2double(info.year), str2double(info.month), str2double(]; extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); core_fields = {'LAT1', 'LON1', 'TIME1'};%, 'FIRST', 'LAST'}; all_fields = union(extra_fields, core_fields); [M, c] =, dt, info.satname, ... all_fields, ... struct(), ... {}, ... [self.dependencies, {self}]); %self.parent.read_homemade_granule(self.parent.find_granule_by_datetime([2007, 1, 1], 'noaa18'), {}) if isempty(M) S = cell2struct(repmat({[]}, [1, length(all_fields)]), all_fields, 2); = []; S.lon = []; S.epoch = []; S.time = []; S.version = 0; return end % need to call cast_fields_back for each dataset-type % individually [fields_core, additionals, additional_fields] = self.parent.deal_fields(all_fields, self.parent.associated); S = self.parent.cast_fields_back(M, getfields(c, fields_core{:})); for i = 1:length(additionals) S = catstruct(S, ... additionals{i}.cast_fields_back(M, ... getfields(c, ... additional_fields{i}{:}))); end % from_parents = intersect(all_fields, fieldnames(self.parent.members)); % from_self = intersect(all_fields, fieldnames(self.members)); % S1 = self.parent.cast_fields_back(M, getfields(c, from_parents{:})); % S2 = self.cast_fields_back(M, getfields(c, from_self{:})); % S = catstruct(S1, S2); % S = self.cast_fields_back(M, getfields(c, all_fields{:})); = S.LAT1; S.lon = S.LON1; [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = unixsecs2date(S.TIME1); S.epoch = min(date2unixsecs(year, month, day)); S.time = S.TIME1 - S.epoch; S.version = 0; %error('Not implemented'); end function set_cols_from_bro(self) % Set cols-structure based on brothers cols % % When a collapsed dataset is processed, the AssociatedDataset % it belongs to has always been processed already, so from its % cols-structure can be inferred all the expected sizes. Use % this to set or update the local cols-structure. self.cols = self.get_cols_from_bro(self, fieldnames(self.members)); end function cc = get_cols_from_bro(self, members, deps_cols) % get cols-structure based on brothers cols % % When a collapsed dataset is processed, the AssociatedDataset % it belongs to has always been processed already, so from its % cols-structure can be inferred all the expected sizes. Use % this to set or update the local cols-structure. n = 1; for i = 1:length(members) field = members{i}; if isfield(self.members.(field), 'origin') && ... ~(isfield(self.members.(field), 'profile') && self.members.(field).profile==false) % if it has an origin, it should have an orig_name if isempty(fieldnames(self.members.(field).origin.cols)) ncols = length(deps_cols{... strcmp(self.members.(field), ... cellfun(@(X), ... self.dependencies, ... 'UniformOutput', false))}.(self.members.(field).orig_name)); else ncols = length(self.members.(field).origin.cols.(self.members.(field).orig_name)); end % FIXME/TODO: should reuse existing dimension names... self.members.(field).dims = {sprintf('HEIGHT_%s', field), ncols}; else % should be FIRST, LAST... ncols==1 ncols = 1; end cc.(field) = n:(n+ncols-1); n = n + ncols; end end end methods (Static, Access = {?SatDataset}) function do = redo_all(software_version) % redo_all(software_version) % % overload and return true if some changes require that a % dataset must be overwritten (overwrite=1) even if requested % to be appended (overwrite=2) vers = cellfun(@str2num, strsplit(software_version(8:end), '.')); if length(vers) < 3 % shouldn't happen but redo do = true; return end major = vers(1); minor = vers(2); micro = vers(3); if (major < 2) || ... (major == 2 && minor < 1) || ... (major == 2 && minor == 1 && micro < 337) logtext(atmlab('OUT'), ... 'Found pre-fix collapsed granule, overwriting completely\n'); do = true; else do = false; end end end end