classdef Holl10Data < AssociatedDataset % CPR-MHS collocations (1 per CPR) for Holl et. al, 2010 % % WORK IN PROGRESS! % % $Id$ properties (SetAccess = protected) members = struct(... 'ROIWP', struct(... 'type', 'float', ... 'atts', struct(... 'long_name', 'CloudSat Radar-Only CPR IWP', ... 'units', 'g/m^2')), ... 'dROIWP', struct(... 'type', 'float', ... 'atts', struct(... 'long_name', 'Cloudsat Radar-Only CPR IWP uncertainty', ... 'units', 'g/m^2')), ... 'IOROIWP', struct(... 'type', 'float', ... 'atts', struct(... 'long_name', 'Cloudsat Ice-Only Radar-Only CPR IWP', ... 'units', 'g/m^2')), ... 'dIOROIWP', struct(... 'type', 'float', ... 'atts', struct(... 'long_name', 'Cloudsat Ice-Only Radar-Only CPR IWP uncertainty', ... 'units', 'g/m^2')), ... 'MHS', struct(... 'type', 'float', ... 'dims', {{'MHS_CHANS', 5}}, ... 'atts', struct(... 'long_name', 'MHS brightness temperature', ... 'units', 'Kelvin'))); parent = datasets_config('collocation_cpr_mhs'); dependencies = {}; end methods function self = Holl10Data(varargin) self = self@AssociatedDataset(... varargin{:}); end end methods (Static) function args = primary_arguments() args = {'RO_ice_water_path'; ... 'RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty'; ... 'IO_RO_ice_water_path'; ... 'IO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty'}; end function args = secondary_arguments() args = {}; end function bool = needs_primary_data() bool = true; end function bool = needs_secondary_data() bool = true; end end methods function M = process_granule(self, processed_core, data_cpr, ~, ~, data_mhs, ~, ~, ~) % process_granule FIXME DOC % % WORK IN PROGRESS % % FIXME DOC self.members2cols(); % only here, because in some cases it happens after reading data % prepare n_collocs = size(processed_core, 1); n_fields = max(cell2mat(struct2cell(self.cols).')); M = nan*zeros(n_collocs, n_fields); if n_collocs==0 return % don't bother end % row and columns cpr_i = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.LINE1); mhs_r = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.LINE2); mhs_c = processed_core(:, self.parent.cols.POS2); %% cloudsat data M(:, self.cols.ROIWP) = data_cpr.RO_ice_water_path(cpr_i); M(:, self.cols.dROIWP) = data_cpr.RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty(cpr_i); M(:, self.cols.IOROIWP) = data_cpr.IO_RO_ice_water_path(cpr_i); M(:, self.cols.dIOROIWP) = data_cpr.IO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty(cpr_i); %% AMSUB/MHS data % index for direct addressing mhs_i = sub2ind(size(, mhs_r, mhs_c); % reshape so that I can use direct addressing for brightness temperatures tb = reshape(data_mhs.tb, [numel( 5]); M(:, self.cols.MHS) = tb(mhs_i, :); end end end